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Featured Satellite images capture Chinese recalibrations near Ladakh

China needs to up its game when it comes to using proxies. Look at what the Americans
have done by making ISIS in the middle east, they also arm PKK against Turkey, TTP against
Pakistan and so many more.

China could use proxies against Taiwan, India and other enemies with out losing too much.
It's about faith and culture. Traditional Chinese culture emphasizes loyalty to the country and keeps peace for the people. The radicals in communism emphasized the use of armed revolution to establish a socialist state.

So if China wants to support the armed revolution in India, first of all, it needs the Chinese government to cut off diplomatic relations with India and deny Modi as an illegitimate government. At the same time, China should directly attack the Indian Army and weaken the Indian Army so that the opposition forces can take over India.

Otherwise, China's actions incite civil strife in India and make the Indian people live in war. This will not get political support from the Chinese. China's political system and cultural habits hardly incite Chinese people to expansionism.The only expansionism comes from communism, the sense of mission to liberate all mankind.

But the younger generation of Chinese diplomats is already inclined to take a more active approach. There has been much discussion within China about the use of force abroad. When the older generation of Chinese diplomats retire, BTW, most of them are moderates.China may shift to a more direct diplomatic style.

The biggest problem with Taiwan is that they are also Chinese.Sort of like a kidnapper who kidnaps your son and tricked your son into fighting for him.China is hesitating how to kill kidnappers instead of fighting their son. An army like China is killing too quickly and efficiently.So in fact China is trying to avoid war.Otherwise, Taiwan could have lost 100,000 people in the first hour.And they are young people in Taiwan, and that can have very troubling consequences.Beheading commanders is something that China is really practicing right now.
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