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Sarkozy says Iran nuclear bid could provoke preemptive military action

blitz i think you give to much credit to the american's they cant afford another war, iran is not a iraq, america supported saddham against the iranis do you remeber what happend nothing, iran is no joke i tell you that much for free,

its army is twice the size of iraq's poor army that went through 10 years of sanction's,
it's population is twice the size of iraq and they.re all shia so there will be no divdeing them like iraq, the country on it's own is twice the size of iraq so there more land to cover.

and like i said before can america cover 3 country's and it's people and expect to live and tell the story, be real man and stop chatting garbage.
blitz i think you give to much credit to the american's they cant afford another war, iran is not a iraq, america supported saddham against the iranis do you remeber what happend nothing, iran is no joke i tell you that much for free,

its army is twice the size of iraq's poor army that went through 10 years of sanction's,
it's population is twice the size of iraq and they.re all shia so there will be no divdeing them like iraq, the country on it's own is twice the size of iraq so there more land to cover.

and like i said before can america cover 3 country's and it's people and expect to live and tell the story, be real man and stop chatting garbage.

And i think people here absolutely underestimate the American war machine and over estimate a lot of their own nations capabilities. I try to sober up things a bit. Confidence is good, over confidence is bad, and self-delusion is outright dangerous. "Fool the world if you have to, but never fool yourself", is my motto.
Yes, iran has every right for nuclear power, not nuclear bomb power. There is a very thin line and this is what the whole fight is about. When nuclear power is much much more costly than oil power for iran and that oil is sufficient for iran for a minimum of 50 years, why do they so seriously want nuclear power? ans: nuclear bomb power.

All the countries have seen through this iran's game.

Not for military purposes, it has signed the NPT as a non-nuclear state.


Just a thought...

How is Iran's quest for nuclear weapons any different than India or Pakistan's? Both of our countries felt threatened by each other or another power. Why can't we not see the same in the context of US-Iran relations? Maybe Iranians feel that despite signing NPT, the threat from the US has not eased on them....the fact that Americans don't want to talk to them directly and the US invasion of Iraq (which leads any country to wonder how exposed it is to a unilateral action) are reasons enough for Iran to think that it does need nuclear weapons.

Israel is guaranteed a US nuclear umbrella (in addition to conventional support), yet it chose to go the nuclear route feeling threatened by the arabs...maybe Iranians feel the same kind of pressure with US and other arab countries surrounding them.

Iranians, just like India, Pakistan and others have interests and reasons to have influence in their immediate neighborhood...without nuclear weapons, they are nothing..they know it and the the US knows it.
AMerica always let someone to do its diry work
France has teken the bait they'll go and softern Iranian miltary workforce and then allow AMerican forces to invade
Of course AMerica can't do it alone but what ticks me is how did france or why is france preparing for a war with Iran
why ?
when they were against the invasion of Iraq ?
Something is very fishy here.

I want people here to take in account of americas economy -where its heading
do you think they can have another war ?
French Leader Says All Must Be Done to Avoid Iran War


Everything must be done to avoid the prospect of war with Iran, French Prime Minister Francois Fillon said Sept. 17, a day after his foreign minister said Paris should prepare for that possibility.
The U.S., Germany, France, Britain, Russia and China have backed two rounds of U.N. sanctions against Iran over its refusal to halt uranium enrichment and other sensitive work that could potentially be used to make nuclear weapons.
Washington is leading a drive in the U.N. Security Council for a third sanctions resolution to punish Iran over enrichment.
France, which strongly opposed the 2003 U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, has taken the lead since Nicolas Sarkozy was elected president in calling for further sanctions on Iran and warning of possible military action.
Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner ratcheted up pressure on Tehran on Sept. 16, saying France had to prepare for the prospect of war with Iran, though that was not an immediate danger.
“Everything must be done to avoid war,” Fillon told reporters on a visit to the town of Angouleme in western France.
“France’s role is to lead toward a peaceful solution of a situation that would be extremely dangerous for the rest of the world,” he said. He added that Kouchner was right to say the situation was dangerous and should be taken seriously.
Kouchner said in an interview on LCI television and RTL radio Sept. 16, “We must prepare for the worst,” adding, “The worst, sir, is war.”
Iran denies it is secretly seeking nuclear weapons, saying it only wants to generate electricity. But it has ignored U.N. demands to suspend enrichment, and Washington has called a Sept. 21 meeting for major powers to discuss further sanctions.
A senior Iranian official accused Kouchner of stirring up a crisis with Iran.
“Using crisis-making words is against France’s high historical and cultural position and is against France’s civilization,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Mohammad Ali Hosseini said in a statement carried by the official IRNA news agency.
Sarkozy raised the prospect of war last month, saying that a diplomatic push by the world’s major powers was the only alternative to “the Iranian bomb or the bombing of Iran, which he said would be “catastrophic.”
France has also said the European Union should consider imposing its own sanctions against Tehran, outside the U.N. framework, and Kouchner said Paris had asked companies including oil giant Total not to bid in Iranian tenders.
In Tehran, the head of the Iranian parliament’s foreign policy and security committee said the position of Sarkozy and his government was “hasty and imbalanced” and could damage economic ties. Alaeddin Boroujerdi also demanded an apology from France.
“Parliament will take stronger actions if the French government continues its illogical positions toward the Islamic Republic of Iran,” he said, adding that, faced with such a stance, “there is no reason to have billions of euros of economic ties with France.”
Mohamed ElBaradei, head of the U.N. nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), appealed for calm.
“We need to be cool and not hype the Iranian issue,” he told reporters on the sidelines of a conference in Vienna.
U.S. Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman, asked by reporters at the Vienna meeting whether Kouchner coordinated his comments with Washington, said: “Nothing is on or off the table. (But we) remain determined to use diplomacy to resolve this matter.”
German Foreign Ministry spokesman Martin Jaeger said Berlin refused to even think of war as a possibility, adding that the German government was strongly engaged in diplomacy.
“All other options are not up for discussion,” he said, without referring to Kouchner by name.
Germany has said further sanctions may not be necessary if Iran helps clear up all outstanding questions about its nuclear program under an Aug. 21 agreement with the IAEA.
France has dismissed the deal as insufficient because it does not address the issue of suspension, but Fillon said war would be a last resort.

DefenseNews.com - French Leader Says All Must Be Done to Avoid Iran War - 09/17/07 18:39

Just a thought...

How is Iran's quest for nuclear weapons any different than India or Pakistan's? Both of our countries felt threatened by each other or another power. Why can't we not see the same in the context of US-Iran relations? Maybe Iranians feel that despite signing NPT, the threat from the US has not eased on them....the fact that Americans don't want to talk to them directly and the US invasion of Iraq (which leads any country to wonder how exposed it is to a unilateral action) are reasons enough for Iran to think that it does need nuclear weapons.

Israel is guaranteed a US nuclear umbrella (in addition to conventional support), yet it chose to go the nuclear route feeling threatened by the arabs...maybe Iranians feel the same kind of pressure with US and other arab countries surrounding them.

Iranians, just like India, Pakistan and others have interests and reasons to have influence in their immediate neighborhood...without nuclear weapons, they are nothing..they know it and the the US knows it.

Yes you have point but could you atleast tell that Great Leader of Iran Mr AJ not to issue international fatwas or say that Israel has no right to exist ?

With Nukes in his pocket and no democratic force in his own country to stop him he may just do something which the world will regret for generations to come.

Best Regards
Yes you have point but could you atleast tell that Great Leader of Iran Mr AJ not to issue international fatwas or say that Israel has no right to exist ?

With Nukes in his pocket and no democratic force in his own country to stop him he may just do something which the world will regret for generations to come.

Best Regards

Have your consider the facts that these kinds of so called fatwas or threats to Israel are always published first in Jerusalem news.:flame:
Have your consider the facts that these kinds of so called fatwas or threats to Israel are always published first in Jerusalem news.:flame:

FOXNews.com - Iran President: Israel Will Be Annihilated - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News

Since when did Fox News and Associated Press become Israeli. He made these threats in a conference attended by the world press. Stop defending a deluded leader.

TEHRAN, Iran — The president of Iran again lashed out at Israel on Friday and said it was "heading toward annihilation," just days after Tehran raised fears about its nuclear activities by saying it successfully enriched uranium for the first time.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called Israel a "permanent threat" to the Middle East that will "soon" be liberated. He also appeared to again question whether the Holocaust really happened.

"Like it or not, the Zionist regime is heading toward annihilation," Ahmadinejad said at the opening of a conference in support of the Palestinians. "The Zionist regime is a rotten, dried tree that will be eliminated by one storm."

Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, in his address to the conference, accused the United States of plotting to bring the Mideast region under Israeli control.

Ahmadinejad provoked a world outcry in October when he said Israel should be "wiped off the map."

On Friday, he repeated his previous line on the Holocaust, saying: "If such a disaster is true, why should the people of this region pay the price? Why does the Palestinian nation have to be suppressed and have its land occupied?"

Though tehran should not make statements like these but have you ever wondered when israel talks about pre-emptive strike on iran what impact does that have. Both nations are involved in placing strict rather foolish and hostile comments about each other.
FOXNews.com - Iran President: Israel Will Be Annihilated - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News

Since when did Fox News and Associated Press become Israeli. He made these threats in a conference attended by the world press. Stop defending a deluded leader.

TEHRAN, Iran — The president of Iran again lashed out at Israel on Friday and said it was "heading toward annihilation," just days after Tehran raised fears about its nuclear activities by saying it successfully enriched uranium for the first time.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called Israel a "permanent threat" to the Middle East that will "soon" be liberated. He also appeared to again question whether the Holocaust really happened.

"Like it or not, the Zionist regime is heading toward annihilation," Ahmadinejad said at the opening of a conference in support of the Palestinians. "The Zionist regime is a rotten, dried tree that will be eliminated by one storm."

Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, in his address to the conference, accused the United States of plotting to bring the Mideast region under Israeli control.

Ahmadinejad provoked a world outcry in October when he said Israel should be "wiped off the map."

On Friday, he repeated his previous line on the Holocaust, saying: "If such a disaster is true, why should the people of this region pay the price? Why does the Palestinian nation have to be suppressed and have its land occupied?"


I don't understand why he makes these type of statements when his country is going through hell and the whole world is at his neck! The whole world has this great relationship with Israel and keeps remembering the holocaust while ignoring the Palestinian peoples suffering!
What does he expect will save him? Many Iranians want him to shut up and not to encourage US to attack Iran! Bashar Al Assad totally united the Syrian people in the face of American aggression by just trying to appease the international community and averting a war (although American embargo still applies)!!! Why does Ahmedinejad not do that! It will make him look like much less of an aggressor and much more of a hero! I think these comments which he makes give his nation trouble and unwanted attention! It is giving the west the idea that he really plans to destroy Israel which he is both incapable and unwilling to do! What about Israels comments that it would destroy Iranian nuclear plants! Where did all that go?

In the case of nuclear weapons I believe Iran should have them as the whole region is nuclear armed and they have hostile neighbors in Iraq and Afghanistan! Even if Iran does not plan to have nuclear weapons they should because it will be a good detterent and nations that are threatening them with sanctions unneccessarily won't anymore!

I feel sorry for the guy as he is actually standing up for the truth! Palestine goes through hell each and every day! Palestine is like a great torture chamber! But all I have seen in my life is muslims being slain left and right! We either accept the world as the west wants it or we fall no matter what they stand for! Maybe it is gods will! Let the Palestinians suffer and think about your own nation... people would not be dying left and right if god actually cared for humanity...

Ahmedinejad did not deny the holocaust but he is simply saying that if such tortures were inflicted on the jews then why are they making the Palestinians suffer in the same way daily as people who have suffered feel bad for other peoples suffering! ...dude this is fox news! You expect them to be neutral! Ya, ya i am always neutral!...:tsk: It looks more to bring him down rather than present news!
FOXNews.com - Iran President: Israel Will Be Annihilated - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News

Since when did Fox News and Associated Press become Israeli. He made these threats in a conference attended by the world press. Stop defending a deluded leader.

TEHRAN, Iran — The president of Iran again lashed out at Israel on Friday and said it was "heading toward annihilation," just days after Tehran raised fears about its nuclear activities by saying it successfully enriched uranium for the first time.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called Israel a "permanent threat" to the Middle East that will "soon" be liberated. He also appeared to again question whether the Holocaust really happened.

"Like it or not, the Zionist regime is heading toward annihilation," Ahmadinejad said at the opening of a conference in support of the Palestinians. "The Zionist regime is a rotten, dried tree that will be eliminated by one storm."

Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, in his address to the conference, accused the United States of plotting to bring the Mideast region under Israeli control.

Ahmadinejad provoked a world outcry in October when he said Israel should be "wiped off the map."

On Friday, he repeated his previous line on the Holocaust, saying: "If such a disaster is true, why should the people of this region pay the price? Why does the Palestinian nation have to be suppressed and have its land occupied?"


ROBERT MURDOCH.(jewish) owner of fox news owner of Jerusalem post.:cheesy:
do u no how many Jews live in Iran (largest Jewish population in middle east out side of Israel)
do u no how many Jews were saved by Iranians during Holocaust.(20,000 were issued Iranian passports to help them escape Germans)
do u no Iranians Jews are free to go to Israel when they like
do u no that they have a member of Parliament in Iranian Parliament.

Mr Murdoch is a very very good friend of dick Chaney you no the guy who is behind Iraq war.do i need to say more:azn:
ROBERT MURDOCH.(jewish) owner of fox news owner of Jerusalem post.:cheesy:
do u no how many Jews live in Iran (largest Jewish population in middle east out side of Israel)
do u no how many Jews were saved by Iranians during Holocaust.(20,000 were issued Iranian passports to help them escape Germans)
do u no Iranians Jews are free to go to Israel when they like
do u no that they have a member of Parliament in Iranian Parliament.

Mr Murdoch is a very very good friend of dick Chaney you no the guy who is behind Iraq war.do i need to say more:azn:

Actually I agree with you. Please don't say anything more as what you say HILARIOUS.
Your theory is pathetic and is as good as saying since MsCondaleeza Rice is George Bush's friend so Miss Rice is white skinned. Please do your research. For your information Rupert Murdoch is Christian and not JEWISH AS YOU CLAIM IN YOUR POST.

Rupert Murdoch

Rupert Murdoch
AKA Keith Rupert Murdoch

Born: 11-Mar-1931
Birthplace: Melbourne, Australia

Gender: Male
Religion: Christian [1]
Race or Ethnicity: White
Sexual orientation: Straight
Occupation: Business

Nationality: United States
Executive summary: Founder and CEO of News Corp

Born in Australia, raised in England, now an American citizen, Rupert Murdoch is the founder of News Corporation, named after his first newspaper, Australia's Adelaide News.

His father, Keith Murdoch, had been an old-fashioned journalist who started as a political correspondent for Australia's Melbourne Age newspaper, and delivered reports on Gallipoli that famously exposed scandal on the battle front. The elder Murdoch co-founded the Australian Journalists Association, became editor of the Sydney Morning Herald, was knighted in 1933, and later managed Australia's Herald & Weekly Times newspaper group.

Murdoch and his father were distant and often at odds, and when the younger Murdoch returned to Australia after his father's death in 1952, he expected to inherit substantial wealth. Instead he received little beyond control of a single newspaper, the Adelaide News. Almost immediately, the 22-year-old Murdoch installed a feisty attitude at the paper, and as circulation increased he began buying smaller newspapers from outlying areas. Within a few years Murdoch purchased Sydney's Daily Mail, and in 1964 he launched Australia's first national paper, The Australian. By the mid-1970s Murdoch papers were a dominant force in Australia, and he began using his editorials to push conservative political issues.

With subsequent expansion to Europe and America, Murdoch's News Corp is now the parent company of an interlocking media empire that includes television, movies, cable networks, book publishing, satellite TV, magazines and newspapers operating in the United States, Australia, Europe, Latin America, Asia and the Pacific Basin. Beyond his hundreds of newspapers, Murdoch's best known brand names include 20th Century Fox, Fox Television, DirecTV, Harper Collins Publishers, and MySpace.com.

Murdoch bought the New York Post in 1976, making that paper famous for its salacious coverage of grisly crime. Murdoch decided to move into television, but US law mandated that only Americans could own US television stations; thus he was naturalized in 1985, and in 1986 purchased John Kluge's Metromedia, using it to start America's fourth television network, Fox Broadcasting. In 1996 he started the Fox News Channel, delivering a staunchly conservative perspective on the news, as overseen by former Republican campaign wizard Roger Ailes. Murdoch's British papers solidly backed Margaret Thatcher, John Major, and Tony Blair, and his American mouthpieces have vocally backed Republicans since Ronald Reagan. During the 2002 and 2003 build-up to the invasion of Iraq, all of Murdoch's 175 newspapers editorialized for war.

His companies' labor relations have sometimes been brutal, especially in England, where he led the industry in modernizing the printing process, laying off thousands of workers in the process. In 1999, The Economist reported that despite billions in profits, News Corporation had paid no corporate taxes for more than a decade, thanks to its complex international structure and the extensive use of offshore tax havens. In 2004, Murdoch purchased a penthouse condominium in New York City for $44-million. His net worth is estimated at about $7-billion.

His second wife, Anna Torv, worked for Murdoch as a reporter before marrying him, and divorced him after more than thirty years when she discovered he had been having an affair with a junior executive at Star TV, a News Corp subsidiary. Torv reportedly won the largest divorce award in history, about $1.7 billion in assets and $110 million in cash. Murdoch and his mistress, Wendi Deng, were married seventeen days after his divorce from Torv was finalized.

Don Henley has said that his pop hit "Dirty Laundry" is based on Murdoch's style of journalism. Murdoch was reportedly the inspiration for Elliot Carver, the multimedia megalomaniac played by Jonathan Pryce who tried to start World War III in the James Bond film Tomorrow Never Dies.
For that matter this statement was even covered by muslim journalists so they can't be friends of Dick Cheney
For that matter this statement was even covered by muslim journalists so they can't be friends of Dick Cheney

Rupert Murdoch does have connection to the white house so Dick Cheney could be friends.

hence his catholic background
French President Nicolas Sarkozy warned on Wednesday that Iran’s nuclear and ballistic missile ambitions could provoke preemptive military action against it.

“Its military nuclear and ballistic ambitions constitute a growing threat that may lead to a preventive attack against Iranian sites that would provoke a major crisis that France wants to avoid at all costs,” he said.
Sarkozy did not say which country might launch such a strike, but it has been reported that Israel – perhaps with US support – has considered bombing Iranian nuclear sites if it believes Tehran is close to building a weapon.

The French leader placed the blame for the crisis on Iran, which insists it has no intention of building a nuclear weapon, and is merely enriching nuclear fuel for medical research and a domestic atomic energy program.

“Iran refuses to negotiate seriously,” he told an annual meeting of French diplomats. “Iran is carrying out new provocations in response to the challenge from the international community for it to provide a credible response.”

Sarkozy said France would work with its allies to build support for tougher international sanctions against Tehran's Islamist regime, in a bid to force it to back down over its enrichment program.
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