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Sarkozy says Iran nuclear bid could provoke preemptive military action

USA wont invade Iran coz, as Cheetah786 said, US economy will take a plunge. However, USA might try and hit iranian nuclear facilities with stealth aircraft or cruise missiles. Something like Israeli Operation Opera in 1980 that took out Saddams reactors at osirak. The whole operation will be over in a matter of hours. Also, USA will seriously bolster their military power in the middle east to prevent iran attacking US troops in Iraq. that way the oil prices wont go through the roof.
but america alone is enough. they can do a blitzkrieg strike on iranian nuclear plants. then what will iran do?
i wonder why the short sighted americans disposed of saddam when he was the only true counter balance to Iran.
coz they might have feared that iran and iraq might bury the hatchet and co-operate since they were both on the US hitlist
coz they might have feared that iran and iraq might bury the hatchet and co-operate since they were both on the US hitlist

Not possible for two reasons

1. Saddam was Sunni and Iran is Shia.
3. You don't forget 100 years of rivalry and 8 years of bitter war
Not possible for two reasons

1. Saddam was Sunni and Iran is Shia.
3. You don't forget 100 years of rivalry and 8 years of bitter war

Anything is possible when you face invasion from a foreign power who can pulverise you nack into the stone ages.
o.k, if america attack's iran from the air and bomb's it back to the stone age's.

what will iran do?

1. they can start attacking american troop's in iraq a whole 545,000 active personnel irani troop's verse 168,00 american troop's in iraq.

2. The Basij (or Baseej) is a paramilitary volunteer force controlled by the Islamic Revolutionary Guards; it includes about 90,000 full-time, active-duty uniformed Basij members, up to 300,000 reservists, and a further 11 million men and women who could be mobilized.

3.they can start attacking troops in afghanistan.

4. they will be total damage across the reigon from iraq to afghanistan and that will be very hard from america to control even if it is a super power.

5.they can get hezbollah to start attacking israel and there would be a war there to like last time.

what im basically saying is america can not afford to attack iran.
what about surgical strikes on their Nuclear Plants. Remember Iran exports crude and imports petrol etc. So they will not have much capability once the US blockades Iran
what about surgical strikes on their Nuclear Plants. Remember Iran exports crude and imports petrol etc. So they will not have much capability once the US blockades Iran

This is whats gonna happen.

Once its nucllear reactors have been taken out iran has 2 choices:

1) attack US troops in Iraq and afghanistan and get pulverised

2) keep quiet and accept that their nuclear ambitions have been smashed
i agree. Even with US problems in Iraq, the US Airforce will pulverise the Iranian military capability without batting an eyelid.Only a ground war would give the Iranians some strike back capability.
there is another factor. Islamc world is alredy against USA. And after attacking iran the hate will shoot up against usa. And there is a possibility of reaction in mslim world. As pakistan has stated that they will not be a part of the game by any means.
I wonder what american policy makers want to achieve?? Are they making world safer?? Things will be out of control.
I wonder what american policy makers want to achieve?? Are they making world safer?? Things will be out of control.

The problem for US is once Iran gets the nuke, things will be PERMANENTLY out of control for them. Nukes are a huge responsibility and they cant trust them in the hands of a person who shouts every second day 'I will destroy Israel, i will wipe them out'.

At the same time, they know that if they go in prematurely, there will be another iraq.

The situation for them is "damned if you do, damned if you dont"
i agree. Even with US problems in Iraq, the US Airforce will pulverise the Iranian military capability without batting an eyelid.Only a ground war would give the Iranians some strike back capability.

There is of course a third option........

Iran doesn't have to face them directly it can ramp up the attacks on U.S. forces and increase the supplies of weapons to insurgents in Afghan and Iraq. Infiltrate more revolutionary gaurds into Iraq and Afghan and engage in Insurgency.
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