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Sarkozy challenges Turkey to face its history

You go against Israel... Prepare for a media war. Look at us Arabs we went against Israel and are now marked as the lowest form of humanity in this world. And sadfuly a lot of Muslims believe that as well.

If you visit Denmark i can show you why Arabs are considered such.
i challenge sarkozy to face his present and past.he wife going out with other men means he is not man enough he needs some viapro
osmanlıdan kaynaklanan bu fıransızların kuyruk acısı fazla galiba:)
Sarko should shut his beak....

I think it was in 1940, the Nazis marched (invaded) into Paris with such ease; no resistance. French soldiers confused reaction was to salute them, even as they removed French flag and replaced it with Nazi flag

they can check their own history.....if it wasn't for the Allied Forces, they'd be speaking German :laugh:

this Armenian drama has become so politicized, these euros just use it as a means to bash Turkiye. . .

they leave the issue to politicians, instead of leaving it to the historians
And how could i forget to mention the most obvious thing here....

one of the biggest genocides of the world was the French colonization & genocide of Algerian people. Since the occupation began in 1830s till the time of the war of independence in 1960s, MILLIONS of Algerians were killed.

Combatants and non-combatants.
Turkey commit Genocide, Occupy Cyprus, and now killing the Kurds.....Turkey is a murdrer nation nomatter how they sugar coated.

Zarkozy can also go to hell, we don't need him to flap his mouth about our unarmed civilians who were butchered and all their positions stolen, kicked off their historic lands. Turkey recognizing AG don't mean sh1t to us. They can drown in there own lies.

BTW, Armenia is not pushing for Turkey to recognize anything. The Armenian Diaspora is pushing US to pass the bill but because of Turkey's close partner/brother Israel (AIPAC) the bill stalls evey year. These two nations got you all Muslims all fooled. When are you guys going to wake up and stop being played like a flute. You think Turkey cares for you? ha

Abu again, the question of truth has been established long ago, it is the question of the acceptance of truth. In other words Turkey can't handle the truth, which OK. What goes around will eventually come around.

Also the 600,000 figure was a Turkish figure not Armenian. Our figures are around 1.5 million women children and elderly men.
why does Armenia need US to pass this bill in the first place, that's ridiculous.....

why approach politicians over a historical matter? What's the point? By the way, it was a tumultuous period --many Turk civilians died as well; Armenians feel Ottoman Turks betrayed them, and Ottoman Turks felt betrayed by Armenians....150,000 Armenians were already members of Russian forces, which were enemy of the Ottomans....there were people like Boghos Nubar who openly advocated defiance against the Osmanli.

it was war
why does Armenia need US to pass this bill in the first place, that's ridiculous.....

why approach politicians over a historical matter? What's the point?

Two things:

By getting countries officially recognizing AG more pressure is put on Turkey. There are untold wealths that Armenian families have lost and in the position of Turkey and Western Banks.

To put to rest the spirits of the Armenians who were murdered and revenge. If all the major countries officially recognize the AG that will put Turkey in a bad situation with its own people who have been thought otherwise since birth.
sounds like a vendetta-like approach.....old 'score' to settle.

it's 2011, do you think this is a mature or pragmatic thing? Turks are very nationalistic people, putting pressure on them will make them more defiant and angry.
In the battle of Karikamish Armenian volenteers decimated Pasha's third Army while outnumbered. These were the Russian Armenians (your figure is wrong). The next thing Pasha did was implement the plans of purging all Armenian from Turkey. These Armenians had nothing to do with war, they were Turkish citizens. Pockets of resistance does not measure against Turkish government with its military, special units, arms, weapons. The AG was the last stage of illiminating the Armenians. There were many massacres prior to that by Bloody Sultan Hamid. Well, he fell victim himself to the outside powers, Zionists, and their friends the CUP. Hamid just killed Armenians to shut them up, but there was no policy of total extermination.

The reason AG is reluctant to be fully recognized is because it will open a big can of warms that noone wants to deal with with implication beyond Turkey.
Our Alla feelings are with Turkey cuz its the target of terrorists being secretly supported by Sarkozy and its evil secret society...:smokin:
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