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Sarkozy challenges Turkey to face its history

What is wrong with that Sarkozy whacko? He seems hell-bent on a "Crusade" against all non-Christian "heathens".
"Eyewitnessing of the Russian Lieutenant Colonel
to the Actions of the Armenians in the Eastern Front"

The journal in manuscript kept During World War I by the Russian Lieutenant Colonel Tverdohlebov, who was the Commander of the 2nd Armenian-Russian Fortress Artillery Regiment in the province of Erzurum in late 1917 and early 1918 is in the archive of the General Staff Military History and Strategic Studies Institute namely, ATASE.

When the journal of the Russian Lieutenant Colonel was examined, the dimensions of the Armenian atrocity and unimaginable massacres are seen. Moreover, the Armenians are defined as "an incapable, parasite and greedy nation that can live only at another nation's expense," and "Armenian soldiers are considered to be from the most vulgar and inferior class of the society. They always make effort to serve in the rear service area and they even escape from the fronts."

The memoirs of Lieutenant Colonel Tverdohlebov, who said, "What I witnessed and heard is beyond the borders of any predictions and imagination about the Armenians, is the best answer to the Armenian allegations.

The book was prepared in Turkish, English, French and in its orijinal language, Russian.

If this crap passes tomorrow, Erdogan announced that there are going to be several sanctions on France starting as early as tomorrow.
Firstly Sarkozy needs to take care of his gashti wife before delving into other affairs.

Fact both sides admit casulaties occurred, i don't mean no disrespect to those who died i would say RIP so don't take my next comments as disrespectful. On this note i would like to say that the Armenians need to get overthemselves genocide or no genocide the past is the past you can't change it. The kardashians are simply looking for some brownie points in a world that pays them no attention unless they have an agenda i.e. armenian vote in France, sorry i meant Kardashian vote.

All you are ever going to be known for are the Kardashians so get over the past and look to the future.

Turkey is hear to stay, pressure or no pressure, AG denial in french law means jack sh1t. The frenchies will suffer more than the Turks, the frenchies might need some money my turk brothers i hear they are struggling perhaps Sarkozy can be silenced by providing some funds for the services of Mrs Sarkozy.
If this crap passes tomorrow, Erdogan announced that there are going to be several sanctions on France starting as early as tomorrow.
Yes ! France needs to be sanctioned by Turkey and the other Muslim countries due to its discrimination against Muslims and Islam....:angry:
Yes ! France needs to be sanctioned by Turkey and the other Muslim countries due to its discrimination against Muslims and Islam....:angry:

Yes Especially French and Denmark.
So you would rather prefer a conservative/nationalist right-winged government, who is harsher on immigrants? Does that make sense to you, you being Turkish?
Sarkozy is a clown and a troll. I hate this loser, he should just jump off the eiffel tower. I heard his wife is Armenian or something, maybe that's why he's spewing all this bs.
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