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Sarkozy challenges Turkey to face its history

lol france saying that i cant believe it.turkey never came under any occupation and look at france they were under hitler for i dont know how long and begging allies to come and save them from hitler.they commited genocides of africans in north africa and occupied countries they had leaders like nepolion bonapart and giving a lecture to turkey?sarkozy is just an A$$
Turkey Defies Sarkozy's Remarks about Armenia

Saturday, 8 October 2011

ANKARA (A.A) - Turkey on Friday rejected French President Nicolas Sarkozy's remarks over the incidents of 1915 in the Ottoman Empire as "inconsistent and imprudent."

Sarkozy, visiting Armenia on Thursday and Friday, the French leader had urged Turkey to review its history and recognize the Armenian allegations regarding the incidents of 1915 by the end of his own term of office. The French president also said that he would be in favour of taking further steps to support Armenian claims if Turkey fails to do that.

"Attempts to exploit controversies between Turkey and Armenia by third parties for their domestic political agenda and even to see in themselves the right to connect this to their electoral calendar point to a misperception of their own political power. The French people will judge whether such approaches, based on electoral calculations, are compatible with the French democratic culture and state tradition," Turkish Foreign Ministry said in a press release.

"Such an inconsistent and imprudent handling of this serious matter that has human and moral dimensions is unfortunate. Political declarations based on one-sided information and reflecting accusatory judgments regarding historical events are very far from the fair approach that this issue requires and demonstrate a failure to even comprehend Turkey's approach on the matter. This painful part of our long history with the Armenians can be freely debated in Turkey, unlike in some countries that are party to this issue or others that are not, including France.

"Turkey will continue its constructive approach on how to improve its relations with Armenia, overcome the controversy over the events of 1915 and reach a just memory.

"What is expected from France is to make a positive contribution to this process and to adopt a responsible approach and discourse that would show care to avoid both damaging the multi-dimensional relationship between Turkey and France and offending the Turkish community in France," the ministry said.

Saturday, 8 October 2011

Anadolu Agency

Turkey Defies Sarkozy's Remarks about Armenia, 8 October 2011 Saturday 10:5
STFU sarko - nobody gives a flying f$£$ what you think, first apologize for all the millions of Africans the colonial French killed and then talk, the Ottomans did their best, it was a war - more Muslims were killed than any others.

Cahile söz anlatmak, deveyi hendekten atlatmaktan zordur.

Aslan Rafi helal olsun sana be! Vallaha gozlerim yasardi, insan bukadarmi guzel yorum yapar!
Keep advice to yourself, Turkish PM tells Sarkozy over Armenia remarks

11 October 2011, Tuesday / TODAYSZAMAN.COM,


Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on Tuesday lashed out at French President Nicholas Sarkozy for recent remarks calling on Turkey to face its history and recognize the 1915 killings of Armenians as genocide, saying the French leader should keep his advice to himself.

“You see the French president, Sarkozy, is giving some advice to Turkey in a move to invest in the [upcoming French] elections. You should first listen to your own advice. He is different in France, different in Armenia and more different in Turkey. There cannot be a political leader with so many faces. Politics requires honesty,” Erdoğan said during a speech delivered at his party's parliamentary group meeting.

Recalling that there are nearly 600,000 Armenians in France, but there are also as much as 500,000 Turks in France, he accused the French president of disregarding his country's relations with Turkey for such “minor calculations.” “Holding the title of a statesman requires thinking about future generations, not future elections. It will be too late for those who fail to understand this now when they understand the reality,” Erdoğan added.

Sarkozy drew a strong negative reaction from Turkey when he said last Thursday on a short trip to Armenia that Turkey should recognize the 1915 incidents as genocide, threatening to pass a law in France that would make denying this a crime. “The Armenian genocide is a historical reality. Collective denial is even worse than individual denial,” Sarkozy told reporters.

“Turkey, which is a great country, would honor itself to revisit its history like other great countries in the world have done,” the French president added. On Friday, Sarkozy made further comments on the issue, calling on Turkey to “make a gesture of reconciliation” and warning that if Turkey refrained from taking any steps, France would consider amending its legislation to penalize denial, Reuters reported. Sarkozy did not give a date for such a move but noted that measures could be adopted “in a very brief time.”

Amidst tension between the two countries over Sarkozy's remarks, French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe will pay an official visit to Ankara on Oct. 26 at the invitation of his Turkish counterpart, Ahmet Davutoğlu.

France has long been urging Turkey to acknowledge that the allegations of genocide are true. Turkey, in turn, has proposed that a committee of historians, not politicians, should decide what transpired in 1915. The French Parliament recognized the so-called “Armenian genocide” in 2001, which resulted in short-lived tension between France and Turkey. In 2006 the French National Assembly adopted a bill proposing punishment for anyone who denies the “Armenian genocide.” The bill was dropped this summer before coming to the Senate.

The issue of the World War I-era killings of Armenians is a sensitive one for Turkey. Armenian groups say up to 1.5 million Armenians were killed during World War I in a systematic genocide campaign perpetrated under the Ottoman Empire. Turkey categorically rejects the charges, saying the death toll is inflated and that Turks were also killed as Armenians revolted against the Ottoman Empire in collaboration with Russian forces for an independent state in eastern Anatolia.

Opposition Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) leader Devlet Bahçeli also targeted Sarkozy during his party's parliamentary group meeting on Tuesday. “Our advice for Sarkozy is that if he wants to see an example of genocide, he should look back at his history. He will clearly see the atrocities committed in Algeria and will notice explicit or implicit massacres in North Africa,” Bahçeli said.

Keep advice to yourself, Turkish PM tells Sarkozy over Armenia remarks
Sarkozy is just a clown.... France must face its own history after that Sarkozy and French people will see the real genocide which named Algerian genocide !!!

Edit: I think Turkiye must recognize Algerian genocide ....
Edit: I think Turkiye must recognize Algerian genocide ....

please bro, there isn't something called armenian "genocide". it has not happened. if armenia is so desperate to prove it, why dont they just open their files, documents and let the historians do some research. the number they come up with is BS! it has kept raising since the end of WW1. it started with some 300 000 and now it's up to 2 000 000 killed. they can't even decide how much that was killed. they dont even know how many armenians lived at that time.
You go against Israel... Prepare for a media war. Look at us Arabs we went against Israel and are now marked as the lowest form of humanity in this world. And sadfuly a lot of Muslims believe that as well.
please bro, there isn't something called armenian "genocide". it has not happened. if armenia is so desperate to prove it, why dont they just open their files, documents and let the historians do some research. the number they come up with is BS! it has kept raising since the end of WW1. it started with some 300 000 and now it's up to 2 000 000 killed. they can't even decide how much that was killed. they dont even know how many armenians lived at that time.

just a misunderstanding TrMhMt wrote Algerian not armenian
Sarkozy in bid to make up for Armenia remarks through aide

14 October 2011, Friday / TODAYSZAMAN.COM,


French President Nicholas Sarkozy during a visit to Armenia. (Photo: AP)

French President Nicholas Sarkozy, who drew sharp criticism from Turkey last week when he urged Turkey to recognize the 1915 massacre of Armenians by Ottoman Turks as genocide, has conveyed a message to Turkey through his aide, who said Sarkozy's remarks were misunderstood, the Anatolia news agency reported on Friday.

Sarkozy's aide, Jean David Levitte -- known as France's shadow foreign minister -- reportedly called Turkish Ambassador to Paris Tahsin Burcuoğlu and invited him to Elysee Palace. Citing diplomatic sources, Anatolia said during the meeting that Levitte told Burcuoğlu that Sarkozy's remarks were misunderstood in Turkey and that France does not want to face off with Turkey on this issue. Levitte stressed that France sees Turkey as a great country and that France attaches importance to Turkish-French friendship.

During the meeting, Burcuoğlu underscored Turkey's sensitivity on the issue of the World War I-era killings of Armenians and told Levitte that another bill proposing punishment for anyone who denies the “Armenian genocide” would seriously damage bilateral relations.

Sarkozy drew a strong negative reaction from Turkey when he said last week on a short trip to Armenia that Turkey should recognize the 1915 incidents as genocide, threatening to pass a law in France that would make denying this a crime. “The Armenian genocide is a historical reality. Collective denial is even worse than individual denial,” Sarkozy told reporters.

“Turkey, which is a great country, would honor itself to revisit its history like other great countries in the world have done,” the French president added. Turkey's response to the French president was harsh, with Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan saying the French leader should keep his advice to himself.

France has long been urging Turkey to acknowledge that the allegations of genocide are true. Turkey, in turn, has proposed that a committee of historians, not politicians, should decide what transpired in 1915. The French Parliament recognized the so-called “Armenian genocide” in 2001, which resulted in short-lived tension between France and Turkey. In 2006 the French National Assembly adopted a bill proposing punishment for anyone who denies the “Armenian genocide.” The bill was dropped this summer before coming to the Senate.

Sarkozy in bid to make up for Armenia remarks through aide
sarkosy is a small insignificant insecure person who is now very unpopular in france because the french now know him for what he is
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