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Sao Paulo Aircraft carrier


Apr 28, 2011
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The Sao Paulo is the only aircraft carrier used by a Latin American country

Entered service 2000
Crew 1 920 men
Sea endurance ?
Dimensions and displacement
Length 265 m
Beam 31.7 m
Draught 8.6 m
Flight deck length 166 m
Flight deck width 30 m
Hangar deck length 152 m
Displacement, standard 25 000 t
Displacement, full load 34 000 t
Propulsion and speed
Speed 32 knots
Range 13 900 km at 18 knots
Propulsion 6 x oil-fired boilers, 4 steam turbines producing 126 000 hp, driving power to 2 shafts
Airwing 40 aircraft and helicopters
Artillery 4 x 100-mm guns
Missiles 2 x Crotale EDIR air defense missile launchers, 4 x Simbad air defense missile launchers

Few countries in the world operate aircraft carriers. And Brazil is one of them, even if barely. Brazil is the only country in Latin America to maintain an aircraft carrier.

The Brazilian Sao Paulo is a Clemenceau class aircraft carrier. It was originally commissioned with the French Navy in 1963 as the Foch. It served a long an successful career with the French Navy before being replaced by their new nuclear-powered Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier.

The Foch was decommissioned and sold to Brazil in 2000. The ship was refitted and recommissioned as the Sao Paulo. It became the new flagship of the Brazilian Navy. It replaced the Brazilian Minas Gerias, a former British Colossus class aircraft carrier. The Brazilians had operated the Minas Gerais for many years and were experienced in catapult take-offs and arrested landings.

The Sao Paulo can carry a mix of up to 40 aircraft and helicopters. Typical completement is 22 aircraft and 17 helicopters. The ship has 2 catapults and 2 elevators that lift the aircraft from the hangar to the flight deck.

Current airwing of the Sao Paulo aircraft carrier is rather weak and has limited offensive capabilities. Its main interceptor and attack aircraft is the A-4KU Skyhawk. In 1998 Brazilian Navy acquired 20 ex-Kuwaiti A-4KUs. These aircraft carry Sidewinder short-range air-to-air missiles and free-fall bombs. In 2015, these aircraft were repaired and upgraded. However the ageing Skyhawks have only a limited anti-shipping and ground attack capability and can not match modern air superiority fighters and ground attack aircraft. It is possible that Brazil plans to acquire Gripen-M lightweight multi role fighters to replace the current airwing.

Helicopters carried on board include AS.532 SC Cougar, HB.350 and HB.355 Ecureuils, and SH-3 Sea King.

Overall the acquisition of the Sao Paulo has increased the capability and effeciveness of Brazilian naval air operation. However this aircraft carrier has a bad record. During the carrier's 16-years service with Brazil's Navy the ship managed no more than 3 months service between maintenance periods. Brazilian Navy struggles to operate this ship due to funding problems.Currently this aircraft carrier currently serves mainly for pilots training.

Brazil has taken the steps to modernize the Sao Paulo to serve until the late 2030s. Modernization is planned to begin in 2017. It is planned that the ship will return to service in 2021. Power and propulsion systems of the ship will be upgraded. After modernization the Sao Paulo is planned to have speed in excess of 27 knots. Other upgraded include work on aircraft elevators, catapults and arresting gear. However all upgraded might become challenging due to the carrier's age. The Sao Paulo is more than 50 years old. Plans to acquire new carrier have bee delayed due to funding problems.

Brazil has 7 400 km coastline and significant offshore energy reserves. So no wonder why this country is committed to maintain its aircraft carrier.

Name Laid down Launched Commissioned Status
Sao Paulo (A12) 1957 1960 1963 / 2000
active, in service







Sao Paulo Aircraft Carrier | Military-Today.com
First upgraded Skyhawk jet handed over to Brazil
Inigo Guevara, Mexico City - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
28 May 2015

The Brazilian Navy took delivery of its first upgraded Douglas AF-1 Skyhawk from aerospace conglomerate Embraer on 26 May under the A-4BR programme.

The single-seat AF-1 has now been redesignated AF-1B and is expected to remain in service until 2028. The upgraded twin-seat aircraft will be redesignated AF-1C.

Nine AF-1 single-seat and three AF-1A twin-seat fighters are scheduled to be upgraded and redelivered to VF-1 naval fighter squadron based at São Pedro da Aldeia as part of a 2009 contract.

Embraer is the main contractor for the A-4BR programme, with Elbit's Brazilian subsidiary AEL Sistemas responsible for a new 'glass' cockpit that will replace the analogue panels. The content of the upgrade includes structural revisions and strengthening, a new Elta EL/M-2032 multi-mode radar, radar warning receiver (RWR), a third VHF radio, new datalink, on-board oxygen generation system (OBOGS), hands-on throttle-and-stick (HOTAS), head-up display (HUD), two colour multi-function displays, tactical air navigation (TACAN), and a radar altimeter.

The AF-1s were originally procured by Kuwait in 1976 as the A-4KU Skyhawk II, with deliveries ending in 1978 and the remaining 23 examples sold to Brazil in 1997.
First upgraded Skyhawk jet handed over to Brazil | IHS Jane's 360


The AF-1 is an intercept and attack airplane operating from an aircraft carrier to provide air defense for the fleet. These modernized Navy jets received new navigation, weapons, power, tactical communications and sensor systems, plus computers and multimode state-of-the art radar. This equipment, along with the structural work that was performed, will make it possible for these jet fighters to continue operating until 2025.
Embraer Defense & Security delivers the first modernized AF-1B jet fighter to the Brazilian Navy

The upgrade brings the Skyhawks to a standard similar to that of the air force’s F-5 Tigers
New lease of life for Brazilian Skyhawks | AIRheadsFLY.com
Northrop F-5 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Note: F-5M Tiger II uses Derby
List of modern weapons of the Brazilian Air Force - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Brazilian program, re-designated as F-5M, adds a new Grifo-F radar along with several avionics and cockpit refurbishments, including the Dash helmet. The F-5M has been equipped with new weapon systems such as the Beyond Visual Range Derby missile, Python IV short-range air-to-air missile, SMKBs smart bomb, and several other weapons
Northrop F-5 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Keeping the Tigers Flying | Defense Update:

Brazilian Navy updates on KC-2 upgrade programme
Inigo Guevara, Washington, DC - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
02 September 2015

The Brazilian Navy released further details of its ongoing KC-2 carrier-on-board delivery (COD) and aerial refuelling aircraft upgrade on 1 September, as its four ex-US Navy Grumman C-1A Trader aircraft are being converted to the KC-2 Turbo Trader configuration at the Elbit Systems of America M7 Aerospace's facility in San Antonio, Texas.

The Brazilian aircraft will receive a new glass cockpit with four multifunction displays, new communications systems, air-to-air refuelling systems, and new Honeywell TPE-331 turboprop engines (replacing the two ageing Wright R-1820 Cyclone piston engines) under a USD106 million contract.

A KC-2 prototype first flight is expected in November 2017 and initial deliveries are set to start in December 2018.
Brazilian Navy updates on KC-2 upgrade programme | IHS Jane's 360
​Brazilian Navy restarts KC-2 Turbo Trader contract
Brazilian Navy Grumman C-1 Traders will be KC-2 air tankers | AIRheadsFLY.com


Originally the Brazilian Navy was planning also to convert eight aircraft – four into S-2T Airborne Early Warning configuration. Not sure what became of that plan.
Resurrected US Navy Traders to serve on Brazilian aircraft carrier | Defense Update:
Brazilian aircraft carrier São Paulo (A12) explained
Upgrade (2005–10) and Sea Trials

During 2005–10, São Paulo underwent extensive modernization. The upgrade included inspection and repair of the steam turbines; maintenance of the surface condensers; retubing of boilers; repair of two high-pressure compressors; revision of the AC electrical generator; purchase of spare parts; maintenance of pumps, valves, and structural items; addition of two API oil-water separators; installation of two water cooling units; upgrade of the chemical oxygen generator; repair and treatment of oil tanks; substitution of the Naval Tactical Data System; installation of a closed-circuit television system; installation of an IFF transponder; installation of a MAGE system (ESM); flight deck inspection, repair, and painting; upgrade of the Optical Landing System processing unit; and revision of the aircraft catapults. The upgrade was completed in July 2009, and the São Paulo was initially due to be fully operational by August 2010.

Twelve Brazilian Navy A-4 Skyhawks were also scheduled to be upgraded by Embraer at a cost of $140 million. The upgrade was similar to the ones done for the AMX and F-5EM aircraft of the Brazilian Air Force. The program included restoring the aircraft and their current systems, as well as implementing new avionics, radar (specifically the Elta 2032 radar system), power production, and autonomous oxygen generating systems. Possible weapons to be included in the upgrade were MAA-1B, Python 4, and Derby AAMS.

The Brazilian Navy contracted Marsh Aviation to convert four S-2T Turbo Trackers to an airborne early warning (AEW) configuration, and four more for tanking and Carrier Onboard Delivery duties.

According to an article in the October 2010 issue of Air Forces Monthly, it has been confirmed that Brazil has purchased ex-Australian and ex-Uruguayan EX-USN C-1 Trader airframes, for conversion into AEW planes and Tanker aircraft. All of the planes were to be upgraded to S-2T Turbo Tracker configuration with Honeywell TPE 331-14GR engines. The purchase included nine airframes, of which two were for tanker conversion to refuel the AF-1 Skyhawks, and three were for AEW. The rest were purchased as for spares or for cargo duties. The AEW radar requirement was to have a range of 250 miles at 25,000 feet. Operational lifespan for the airframes was to be 10 years. They were expected to be ready in 2011 and 2012.

São Paulo's SH-3 helicopter fleet was to be replaced by six S-70B Seahawk helicopters. They were purchased in 2008, upgraded, and refurbished for delivery. The helicopters and a package of engines and support equipment were scheduled for delivery in 2009.

At the end of 2010, sea trials began, and as of 2011 São Paulo had been evaluated by the CIASA (Inspection Commission and Training Advisory). She was expected to rejoin the fleet in late 2013, but suffered another major fire in 2012. As of 2014 she is still undergoing repairs..
Brazilian aircraft carrier São Paulo (A12) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

MAA-1B Piranha = 12km, IR homing
Python 4 = 15km, IR homing
Derby = 50km, active radar homing.

They really did a great job of refurbishing her. :enjoy:


NAe São Paulo & USS Ronald Reagan steaming together.

Sure that that is recent? Looks remarkably similar to 2004 Passex pictures
??????? ???缼?? > bemil ???? ?ڷ??

And it says "The Brazilian aircraft carrier NAe Sao Paulo (A12), foreground, passing the U.S. Navy carrier USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76) as the latter ship transits around South America on 8 June 2004." here
Aircraft carrier - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

mid 2015 she was ship in dock at Arsenal da Marinha, Rio de Janeiro...
DefesaNet - Naval - Modernização do NAe São Paulo em curso
Last edited:
Brazilian aircraft carrier São Paulo (A12) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

MAA-1B Piranha = 12km, IR homing
Python 4 = 15km, IR homing
Derby = 50km, active radar homing.

Sure that that is recent? Looks remarkably similar to 2004 Passex pictures
??????? ???缼?? > bemil ???? ?ڷ??

And it says "The Brazilian aircraft carrier NAe Sao Paulo (A12), foreground, passing the U.S. Navy carrier USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76) as the latter ship transits around South America on 8 June 2004." here
Aircraft carrier - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

mid 2015 she was ship in dock at Arsenal da Marinha, Rio de Janeiro...
DefesaNet - Naval - Modernização do NAe São Paulo em curso

It is not ski jump type.

Who made the catapult on this old air craft carrier?
Sure that that is recent? Looks remarkably similar to 2004 Passex pictures
Oh, I didn't mean to imply it was recent. I just thought is was a cool picture! (The sea is so calm, they look like toy models.):-) That doesn't mean that they didn't do a great job in modernizing her.
Oh, I didn't mean to imply it was recent. I just thought is was a cool picture! (The sea is so calm, they look like toy models.):-) That doesn't mean that they didn't do a great job in modernizing her.
It is, it's a very nice picture indeed.

Are they done modernizing her yet?
Brazil Plans Extensive Modernization for São Paulo Aircraft Carrier | Forecast International

It is not ski jump type.

Who made the catapult on this old air craft carrier?
No, she's originally French (called Foch, second of the two-ship Clemenceau class).

France uses steam catapults on Porte-avions Charles de Gaulle (CVN), but those catapults are not developed in France. They were imported from USA (Type C-11 catapults).

The Clemenceau class also had steam catapults, but these were imported from UK if I recall correctly (Mitchell Brown Type BS5 catapults). Unless they were swapped out at some point against newer US catapults, the catapults remain the British 151' (164'?) stroke BS5 catapult (220' total length), as installed also in HMS Ark Royal in her 1967-70 modernization, and in HMS Eagle in her 1959-64 modernization.

WIKI: Class aircraft carrier Clemenceau
CLEMENCEAU aircraft carriers (1961 - 1963) - French Navy (France)
Characteristics of the CV Clemenceau & Foch

Commander Colin C Mitchell OBE RNVR
The Steam Catapult

In 1954 Commander CC Mitchell OBE RNVR suggested taking steam from the ship’s main boiler to power the catapult. The idea was developed by Brown Brothers and Company Ltd of Edinburgh and trials in HMS Perseus showed an aircraft weighing 30,000lbs could be launched with a speed of over 90 knots. This was a considerable improvement to that of hydraulic catapults already in service. The steam catapult also proved more consistently reliable. By 1978 the steam catapult was regularly launching aircraft weighing over 60,000lbs at over 110 knots.

Notable People in the Fleet Air Arm

Catapults with the BS prefix ad Mitchell-Brown products. The prefix MS refers to MacTaggart-Scott.
Can they replace those jets with any other bigger f 18 or rafale type? Or mig 29k
It is not ski jump type.

Who made the catapult on this old air craft carrier?
It have Steam Catapult from start, even our first carrier INS Vikrant had steam catapult & sky jump ramp added later after purchase of Sea Harrier.
Can they replace those jets with any other bigger f 18 or rafale type? Or mig 29k
The Dassault Rafale was test flown from Foch after deck modifications in 1992 and operated from this carrier after further 1995-6 deck modifications. However, realistically :

Sao Paulo can't operate anything heavier than the current A-4 (with a meaningfull warload) because the steam cat she has won't take the load, if you'll observe, not even the Trainer versions put to sea due to the heavier weight. The MdB is looking at refitting a stronger system capable of launching heavier a/c but funds are hard to come by.

Rafale was tested on Foch, but it was found that with both the Raf and the Hawkeye coming into service, a longer deck was needed. CdG's deck was lengthened two years after it's launch to handle both a/c. The 1992 modification (which has been called a mini-Ski Jump), isn't a ramp but a deck extention test piece, to see just how much length was actually needed. The end result was 4 meters forward and 2m aft. This would also have been the case if the French had of bought the F-18 Hornet. Thus, the MdB can't use them either
They really did a great job of refurbishing her. :enjoy:


NAe São Paulo & USS Ronald Reagan steaming together.

How long a carriers can operate with refurbishments? This carrier is already 50 years old and they want it to operate another 25+ years.
How long a carriers can operate with refurbishments? This carrier is already 50 years old and they want it to operate another 25+ years.

Well, the Sao Paulo (A-12) was extensively refurbished in between 2005-2010 and is expected to remain in service until about 2040.
The Dassault Rafale was test flown from Foch after deck modifications in 1992 and operated from this carrier after further 1995-6 deck modifications. However, realistically :

Sao Paulo can't operate anything heavier than the current A-4 (with a meaningfull warload) because the steam cat she has won't take the load, if you'll observe, not even the Trainer versions put to sea due to the heavier weight. The MdB is looking at refitting a stronger system capable of launching heavier a/c but funds are hard to come by.

Rafale was tested on Foch, but it was found that with both the Raf and the Hawkeye coming into service, a longer deck was needed. CdG's deck was lengthened two years after it's launch to handle both a/c. The 1992 modification (which has been called a mini-Ski Jump), isn't a ramp but a deck extention test piece, to see just how much length was actually needed. The end result was 4 meters forward and 2m aft. This would also have been the case if the French had of bought the F-18 Hornet. Thus, the MdB can't use them either

A NLCA type air craft should be apt for this sort of air craft since they would like to operate till 2040.
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