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'Sanskrit must be janbhasha; it's not a language of Brahmins alone' October


Jun 28, 2010
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'Sanskrit must be janbhasha; it's not a language of Brahmins alone' - Rediff.com India News

Many feel that Indian languages are in a mess and what one witnesses is a mixture of English, Persian and Arabic in our regional languages. The question is, how do we purify Indian languages and remove the mix of various foreign languages?

New Delhi-based Samskrita Bharati has decided to take upon itself the task of cleaning up Indian languages and to introduce Sanskrit as the mainstream language. Dinesh Kamath, the organisation’s all-Bharat organising secretary, speaks to Vicky Nanjappa about the cause.

“Our organisation aims at the revival of Sanskrit as a mass communication language (janbhasha) and facilitation of common man’s access to its vast knowledge treasure. We aim to engender cultural renaissance of Bharat by bringing Sanskrit back to the mainstream,” Kamath says.

“We also aim to attain social harmony and national integration by taking Sanskrit to the masses regardless of caste and creed, to promote study and research of original texts in lakhs of manuscripts that are yet unexplored,” he says.

Kamath adds that Samskrita Bharati wants to inspire people to study our traditional sciences (shaastras) like yoga, Vedanta, linguistics, dance and drama, among other things.

“We have started work in this regard on a very large scale across the country. We have been conducting spoken Sanskrit camps and have taught even illiterates how to speak the language. We have been conducting such camps across the country and even gone into slums and tribal areas and taught them the language. We have had a great response and the tribals in the North East too came in very large numbers to learn Sanskrit. What one must understand is that this is not aimed at imposing any sort of religious message on anyone. We have had a great response in Muslim-dominated areas such as Meerut (in Uttar Pradesh) and also Karimnagar (in Andhra Pradesh), where we also have Muslim volunteers.

“I said this at the beginning, that Sanskrit is not a language of the Brahmins. We have conducted 1.5 lakh camps in all and have taught 80 lakh people the language and over 70 per cent of them were non-Brahmins,” Kamath points out.

“The people have a misconception that Sanskrit is a very difficult language to speak. We use Sanskrit in the languages that we speak everyday. There are many words from Sanskrit in each of the languages that we speak. People think it is difficult, but then our job is to ensure that they learn the language and get over the mental block.

“While our first goal is to ensure that everyone learns how to speak the language, the next aim would be to teach them how to read and write. Once you learn how to speak the language it becomes easy to read and write,” Kamath notes.

“We have also introduced distance education courses through which people can learn the language. We have courses in various languages such as Kannada and Gujarati among other languages,” he says.

Kamath says there is a need to have Sanskrit as a learning subject right from primary education.

“Today it is all about learning the bread-giving language of English and there is more emphasis on the same. I am not even trying to say that English should not be part of education. In fact it is very important, but then it is equally important to learn Sanskrit as well. It is important that everyone, apart from learning the bread-giving language, should also learn the character-building language -- which is Sanskrit. Character-building education is the need of the hour and from nursery level on it should be made compulsory. Trust me, if everyone learns Sanskrit the culture among the people will change and it would only be a matter of time before crimes such as corruption and rape stop completely. This is the advantage of learning a character and culture-building language,” Kamath argues.

“Once Sanskrit is learnt one gets the feeling of being a Bharatiya. In this context we have also introduced Bhagwad Gita learning programmes all over the country. The Gita is being taught through simple language and we believe that this will go a long way in helping people shape their character and culture,” he says.

“There is a lot of government apathy regarding the introduction of Sanskrit. In fact, the founding fathers of our nation were in favour of making Sanksrit the official language. Great men such as Subhas Chandra Bose and B R Ambedkar supported this, but then the opposition was too much and it never materialized,” he says.

“At no point in time am I trying to say that people should stop speaking their regional language or mother tongue. I am only saying that each one should learn Sanskrit in a bid to protect their own mother tongue. Take a closer look and you will find that our mother tongues have become a mix of English, Arabic and Persian,” he adds.

These issues will be discussed further at the National Convention of Samskrita Bharati to be held from October 18 to 20 at the Art of Living campus at Bangalore, Kamath says.
In the past Sanskrit is used by lower casts also, nobody owns sanskrit. Rishi Valmiki is a hunter and a belong to tribe in jungle but he learned sanskrit and composed scriptures.

Cast system is not a static one either, anyone learned one can be called as a pandit and he can be called a Brahmin, similarly any one who learns how to use weapons and establish a kingdom can be called kshatriya.
Sanskrit shoulf be our National language ...

The most perfect Language of the world ... a language which is not named after its speakers and the word sanskrit itself means most perfected language ...
Sounds like Hindu "religious" agenda to me. But whatever Indians want to speak is fine by me. I really don't care..
This should be fun....make a dead language the national language and when all government documents are published no one will be able to read it!
This should be fun....make a dead language the national language and when all government documents are published no one will be able to read it!

Sanskrit is common to most of the Indian languages, the words in Sanskrit are there in every language in India.
This should be fun....make a dead language the national language and when all government documents are published no one will be able to read it!

Bengali is a heavily sanskritized langauge and whether you are a stan or a desh,both are sanskrit.
Pointless. Sanskrit's decline is beyond repair. And the reason is the puritanical approach of it's speakers. Languages like english (and now hindi) prospered specifically BECAUSE they let themselves become a mess by letting words from other languages come in. These kinds of initiatives are at best misguided and, at worst, political ploys.
It can already be learnt by anyone.

All the schools in Delhi teach Sanksrit as an elective!
I presume all that needs to be done is scale it to the countryside!

However, there is no point in making sanskrit the lingua franca of India. Better to make Hindi. Hindi is already spoken by more than 50% of India, and Urdu is slowly being purged of the other words, it is being more and more Hindi-ized.
@Srinivas @bronxbull There's a difference between a Sanksrtized language like Bengali(that everybody here can understand) and Sanksrit itself which very few people can speak/read/understand.Bengali and Sanksrit has a lot of obvious similarities but that does not mean we will be able to teach sanskrit to a huge population of BD.Now think about doing that in India.Just because someone knows Hindi or Bangla doesn't mean they will understand Sanskrit and it is impossible to teach it to everyone in a country like India.Its like trying to make Latin the national language of the US.Its impossible and impractical.Even if you start it,it will take more than a couple of centuries to do it.Specially in a country where a huge chunk of the people do not have access to education.
Sanskrit(or any language for that matter) need not be forced on anyone. It would be nice if kids are introduced to it as an optional subject with no grades. A little initiation is all that needs to make it more popular. There are many who would love to learn it. It will be a slow start but it will be nice and steady.

Two points -
i. Sanskrit has nothing to do with Dharma. A language and faith are independent of each other. One can be an Arabic speaker and still be Buddhist/Jain etc.
ii. Sanskrit is not beyond repair. It is only so for those who are intellectually challenged.
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