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Sanitary Workers Job will be Given to Religious Minorities in pakistan.

Why so? Do they fear religious majority will blow themselves in the toilet and spread crap everywhere.
Why so? Do they fear religious majority will blow themselves in the toilet and spread crap everywhere.

Seems your new ID got banned hence you are usinbg your old one :)

Why brahmin of all people, in your wet dream, do you consider they are special and different from rest of Indians?

It seems quality control for pdf junior think tank is quite lax, I remember this guy used to masquerade as israely until getting warned by mods for false flagging.

Why brahmin? May be to give justice to Dalits in India who fixed for sanatory job aka cleaning toilets and gutters.
Pakistani Christians are stereotyped as Sanitary workers in Pakistan. So, his comment is extremely controversial.

Congrats. :)))

My colony got about 4 to 6 Muslim sanatory workers replacing minority workers.

the amusing thing is that they are now using big garbage truck to carry the stuff from streets instead of handcart .

i say now fill sanatory jobs with Muslim workers.
Congrats. :)))

My colony got about 4 to 6 Muslim sanatory workers replacing minority workers.

the amusing thing is that they are now using big garbage truck to carry the stuff from streets instead of handcart .

i say now fill sanatory jobs with Muslim workers.

More blatant discrimination then and you are smiling?

The Muslim karmcharis get trucks and the Christian ones have to make do with wheelbarrows?
More blatant discrimination then and you are smiling?

The Muslim karmcharis get trucks and the Christian ones have to make do with wheelbarrows?

The Christians karmcharis were provided the same, only if they were not doing kam chori and come on time to clean the stuff.

Now am happy atleast we will not have to hear the minority victimization card .
The Christians karmcharis were provided the same, only if they were not doing kam chori and come on time to clean the stuff.

Now am happy atleast we will not have to hear the minority victimization card .

So you are saying that the Christian karmcharis have something of a cartel which laxes off on the job while enjoying full benefits and security.

Why then in spite of that is such a rule made?
instead of providing jobs quota only for dirty jobs why cant u guys reserve job quota in every government jobs why only sanitary its show how u guys respect minorities in pakistan

I am glade you a Indian ask this question

Every day at dawn, Girdari Lal takes to the streets to sweep the ***** and human waste from the clogged gutters of the Indian capital.

It is not just his job. It is his fate.

"There's no other choice for people like me," Lal says.

He doesn't use the word "untouchable." Legally, there's no such thing in India. The name has even been changed to dalit — the "downtrodden."

But in reality, millions of Indians are still considered subhuman, condemned to perform society's most menial jobs because they were born into their religion's lowest caste.

Fated by Hindu Legend

According to Hindu legend, the world is ordered in the image of a cosmic giant. From its head come the Brahmans — the priests and teachers. From its arms, the rulers and soldiers. From its thighs, the merchants. From its feet, the workers. And beneath all are those considered too impure to be called human beings.

Many Hindus believe the last group, with a modern-day population nearly half the size of America's, does not deserve to own property, run businesses or participate in most aspects of society. The Indian government has outlawed the discrimination, but 1,500 years of tradition do not disappear easily.

"In the old days if you were untouchable, you were supposed to carry a pot around your neck so that you didn't pollute the ground with your spit," said Narendra Jadhav, who grew up "untouchable" in the slums of Bombay.

Today, Jadhav is one of the country's most prominent economists, and a local hero to those still stuck on the bottom.

He escaped his fate because today, Indian law not only bans caste discrimination, it reserves seats in universities and jobs in government for those who've been historically disadvantaged — a way out of economic despair for millions but no escape from bigotry.

Bias Continues

Other Indians know eventually what caste Jadhav come from, and he says "absolutely" that discrimination continues.

"They know right away," he told ABCNEWS, "the moment they ask your name and ask where you come from."

In big cities, it is easier to be anonymous, but in rural Indian the old ways survive. The dalit are forced to live on the outskirts of villages deliberately down wind. By law, they must be allowed to use public wells and their children must be allowed into the public schools, but cruelty is a constant companion.

They are still robbed, raped, or murdered more than any other group in Indian society.

Back in the gutters, Lal says he knows people don't respect him for what he does, but he hopes to save enough money so his children can escape his fate in life.

India Untouchables Find Bias Hard to Shake - ABC News

I second what muse said
PTI goes from humiliation to humiliation - Naya Pakistan run by fogeys? With attitudes that should have no place in Naya Pakistan? For PTI to decide
So you are saying that the Christian karmcharis have something of a cartel which laxes off on the job while enjoying full benefits and security.


Why then in spite of that is such a rule made?


WHAT RULE? THERE IS NO SUCH RULE which you Indians are claiming falsely.

There is only this gurantee that minorities will be given priority in giving jobs in the department and Muslims will be considered after minorities refuse the job.

Brahmins are already busy cleaning toilets in India :D

:) same here for Muslims.

Then whats the fuss you Indians making for
We haven't asked Pakistani Muslims to come clean toilets in India yet, if I was a junior think tank at PDF I prolly would then :partay:

Indians going bonker over this topic here, when the fact is that in India your own Hindu minority is forced to do this job so our Jr. TT was right when hurld that demand. in that way dalit might get some justice having a brahmin sweeper in their houses or streets.

:) what you say
Indians going bonker over this topic here, when the fact is that in India your own Hindu minority is forced to do this job so our Jr. TT was right when hurld that demand. in that way dalit might get some justice having a brahmin sweeper in their houses or streets.

:) what you say

Hindu Dalit is not a minority, Brahmins are the minority. Its not about forcing anyone, people should be free to do whatever they want, no jobs should be reserved for a particular caste/religion/race, thats the point people are trying to make here.

In India there probably are some dalits still employed in these jobs, but find me a government order/rule in India which specially calls for hiring of particular group of people to clean toilets and such and I ll quit PDF!

Forget about that, imagine this news headline, "Gujarat government says only Muslims can be hired for job of toilet cleaning", now imagine the ruckus Pakistanis would create. Or imagine "Only Black people in America to be hired for toilet cleaning" and watch the outrage that would create.

There is no justifying this, no matter how you twist it. If they are so worried about the employment of religious minorities in Pakistan, they should extend this "exclusivity" or reserve some positions for them on all the levels. Right from the upper echelons down to the toilet cleaning jobs.
Forget about that, imagine this news headline, "Gujarat government says only Muslims can be hired for job of toilet cleaning", now imagine the ruckus Pakistanis would create.

I don't envy the Pakistanis that job.

They'd need to get in line behind the Congress and Pseudosecularist Inc. first, if at all they could get themselves any airtime on CNN IBN.
but what about un-sanitary workers? will they need to be fumigated before they can work????
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