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Samir Khan: Proud to be an American traitor

And Indians have to run bank to bank for applying credit cards as they are too famous to take the money and run! Ohh and nobody likes to rent them out houses as well because they turn it into a pool of ***** but also corrupt the house address too with their credit card scam. I know it all about Chicago buddy!

Then why Pakistanis pose as Indians in US?

Then why pakistanis pose as Indians in US?

Pakistanis pose as Indians after NY bomb scare | World | DAWN.COM

wait, don't bother to answer. I understand.
because of these kind of guys, pakistanis in US have to call themselves Indians! poor misguided will spend his life in prison.

lol yeah right. Is that what you tell yourself looking in the mirror? No Pakistani here has any qualms about mentioning their land of origin, part of it is pride and part cuz Americans are great and noble people.
because of these kind of guys, pakistanis in US have to call themselves Indians! poor misguided will spend his life in prison.

I know a tons of Pakistanis..... they never have and never would call themselves anything else.
An uncle of mine worked 30 years in NASA as ceramics engineer..he could have take all the info and passed it on to China or Russia bit by bit..but he was just too honest to even have a similar thought..post 9/11 even he regrets letting a chance go to betray and stab amreeka!

US is still a very fair country for job opportunities, so your uncle was fortunate to work for NASA. US did not do 9-11, so what is your point? Stupid senseless acts by radicals is not helping Islam in any way. It just gives enemies of muslims more fuwl to add to the fire.
"Washington's imperialism" was something he could no longer tolerate. "What they have done and continue to do in the Muslim lands is what I felt, totally unacceptable to my religion."

Perfectly reasonable motivation.

"I decided to take up the pen and write out my thoughts and feelings regarding America's cowboy behavior in the Islamic lands" wrote Khan.

So far, so good.

I knew the real truth wouldn't be able to reach the masses unless and until I was above the law.

Houston, we have a problem!

He could have used his talents to highlight the injustice and educate the American people though legitimate means. What a shame he chose the violent path instead.

"The pen is mightier than the sword" -- some people still don't get it.
An uncle of mine worked 30 years in NASA as ceramics engineer..he could have take all the info and passed it on to China or Russia bit by bit..but he was just too honest to even have a similar thought..post 9/11 even he regrets letting a chance go to betray and stab amreeka!

Clearly shows your uncle's desire to become a traitor, not only to the US, but also to Pakistan since he is sympathizing with the terrorists that have proven disastrous to Pakistan too. But what can we say, once a traitor, always a traitor.
Compare that amount of traitors in the "so called" muslim world and then the western world.
lol yeah right. Is that what you tell yourself looking in the mirror? No Pakistani here has any qualms about mentioning their land of origin, part of it is pride and part cuz Americans are great and noble people.

You do understand that I'm not making stories. I'm just saying what a Pakistani newspaper is reporting. Now if you think that Pakistani newspapers are lying then I don't know...
I know a tons of Pakistanis..... they never have and never would call themselves anything else.

May be yeah. Similarly, Pakistani newspaper knows Pakistanis who pose as Indians to get jobs and better treatment. I'm not saying it, its from Pakistani newspaper.
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