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Samina Baig conquered Mount Everest, first Pakistani lady

It's literally on the border of Pakistan/China, One can climb it from Pakistani side and Chinese side.

K2(is in Pak) but borders with china..... permits and visas to visit it are issued by Pakistan....also its impossible to climb from the chinese side.... and nobody ever has succeeded..
thnx guys....for clearing doubt....:)
btw google map shows it is in occupied kashmir.....here's the link
actually on google it shows that k2 is in pak/chin....so im confused is it near kashmir?

It is technically in Pakistan. I have read somewhere that border is 6 km away from k2. Anyways it is in Pakistan. So that's why Pakistan issues permitsto climb it.
The pakistani 0ccupied portion of erstwhile kingdom ruled by maharaja Harisingh is called Pak occupied kashmir.
the erstwhile kingdom was called Kingdom of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K or for short, simply Kashmir but different from Kashmir valley) and GB is part of it.
One can only bring the Horse to stable, but it is up to Horse to drink water...

On topic: I think someone from KSA too was on that batch? or before her?

Read about emirates of hunza.
O ja mama... ada asan honda tay har Balti tay har Gilgitiya K2 charya honda.... its about the technique and learning how to climb, ofcourse her environment may helped her with height phobia, and controlling breath in suffocating heights, nothing more !!

its her achievement !!

Nah yaar. For GBians Mount Everest is easy. Don't want to belittle her achievement though. It is a huge achievement. No doubts about that.
You made us proud and you did something which is considered next to impossible. Its no joke when you climb the highest peak in the world.
Congrats to Sameena and Mirza. They look awesome. And made us all proud.

Salute to the brother-sister team from us all.

Good going. Isn't K-2 supposed to be a bigger conquest? Have they scaled that too?
Good going. Isn't K-2 supposed to be a bigger conquest? Have they scaled that too?

Nope. She didn't scale K-2. It is way too dangerous and difficult as compared to Mount Everest. Even for men it is too difficult.
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