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Samba Dance Show of Half Naked Women from Brazil in Saudi Arabia!

Why are such backyard threads posted on Pakistan defense forum.

Some of these ppl who create these threads sometimes they come off as if they have been living in under a freaking rock.. Look around the world and show me one place including KSA itself that is religiously practising? There is no such place not even in AFG just because IEA are in power doesn't mean the civilians are religious.. the same with Iran.

The world has just polluted and these saying this is not even allowed in Pakistan are not being honest.. Have you even been to Pakistan bro? I swear there are places inside Pakistan and the things that take place not many can match.

There are full night clubs in KSA off the gride and majority of them party their asses off in UAE and Bahrain in the weekends hence you rarely see an empty nightclubs in these 2 countries it is always full house and you even have rappers attending it to come and sing for these rich gulfies when they throw a party they really throw a party and spare nothing... THey are showoffs this is just in there DNA they can't undo that part about themselves..

Some of the craziest parties I have ever attended personally were organized by Saudis held in Dubai. I randomly ran into famous rappers I meet one of them backstage and we shared drinks..

There are no angels on god's earth and anyone who thinks that is not being realistic
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to be very frank, the women dancers are not naked. Its just the costume which gets an impression that their bodies are being exposed
with time things changes .
People will go for Umrah , Hajj and will also attend these type of festivals. I think Saudi Arabia will relax rules for Umrah ticket holders. It will attract more tourism and cash inflow in Saudi Arabia.
1 ticket py double mazzay,!:D
People will go for Umrah , Hajj and will also attend these type of festivals. I think Saudi Arabia will relax rules for Umrah ticket holders. It will attract more tourism and cash inflow in Saudi Arabia.
1 ticket py double mazzay,!:D
The itinerary used to be party in turkey/uae and then maafi for all the sins in saudi arabia. Now we dont have to go to turkey/uae no more. 😂
People will go for Umrah , Hajj and will also attend these type of festivals. I think Saudi Arabia will relax rules for Umrah ticket holders. It will attract more tourism and cash inflow in Saudi Arabia.
1 ticket py double mazzay,!
I think you should be a bit careful here, this can potentially hurt the sentiments of religious folks
Why are champions of Islam only going for Semi Naked, Saudis should go ahead and organise fully nude dances.

Gone are days for horses. You have to travel in cars and aeroplane. It is Sunnah to travel on Horse, how many people goes for Umrah on horses? Time changes, Things changes. Recent transplant of pig heart in human shows, man can survive with pig heart while you can change man into woman, woman can become man. Time changes, things changes!

What? Sunnah, in religious terms, does not mean what you are stating.

Was is possible to travel via cars and aeroplanes at the time of RasulAllah pbuh? If it was possible and he chose to ride on horses instead, that would make it Sunnah.

The concept of sunnah in the context of something deviation from which constitutes biddah applied to religious matters only.

Everything after that, the scientific development etc doesn't change the deen for a person who believes in Allah, His Messenger pbuh and the last day.

A man may sin countless times but it wouldn't make halal into haram and haram in halal.

For someone who doesn't believe in Islam, it is the same for them whether a man could survive with a pigs heart or not. The don't believe regardless.
Days are very near when Saudia will stop the Muslims entrance in makka madina at behest of US and Israel
Days are very near when Saudia will stop the Muslims entrance in makka madina at behest of US and Israel
Too much money involved, it's practically a never ending tourism gold mine
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