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Samba Dance Show of Half Naked Women from Brazil in Saudi Arabia!

Gone are days for horses. You have to travel in cars and aeroplane. It is Sunnah to travel on Horse, how many people goes for Umrah on horses? Time changes, Things changes. Recent transplant of pig heart in human shows, man can survive with pig heart while you can change man into woman, woman can become man. Time changes, things changes!

You have seen nothing yet, the singularity is coming.
You are one yourself

And it's you mullah types who are obsessed with others. KSA is a sovereign nation they can do whatever they want, what they do in this world is the matter between them and their God why are you guys getting your undies in twist? Practice what you preach. Live and let live.

You just copied what I said.. unbelievable you are heavy on the theology threads and if I wanted to talk theology I would have gone to religious forums not PDF.. I don't care what others believe in nor is it me who takes interest in that unlike you..
Tbh idc what they do as long as they make makkah and medina independent states like Vatican City, don’t want any of their “modernisation” things to have any influence with the holy cities.
If MBS lived for a decade atleast, he could bring some required changes in conservative Islamic societies!

Why are you worried about Islamic societies? You live in one of the poorest countries in the world with all your women running around half naked yet having sh1t quality of life. Fix your sh1thole before thinking about other societies.
It is not clear to me that why the things, which are happening in other Muslim countries, including those in the Arab Peninsula, like UAE, shall not happen in KSA.
Gone are days for horses. You have to travel in cars and aeroplane. It is Sunnah to travel on Horse, how many people goes for Umrah on horses? Time changes, Things changes. Recent transplant of pig heart in human shows, man can survive with pig heart while you can change man into woman, woman can become man. Time changes, things changes!

They had whores in ancient times too you know.
I hate Mullah's myself and I can't stand them.. But I hate types like you more Indians who are obsessed with them or in their religious affairs that is just redundant... Why interfere in someones beliefs or take interest in it is that not to private matters...

God says there is no cumplusion in religion so why get so much obsessed with their choice of life or affairs.. Go do you instead and learn instead to love yourself that is what you lack and they don't because they are self-occupied in their own bubbles
Islam isn't just a religion its a system to live a fulfilling healthy life and how humanity should be governed and what laws it should abide by. Islam shouldn't change for people but people should change for Islam.

No compulsion of religion doesn't mean that you should allow people to attack Islam while you don't do nothing. This post is just to troll saudi government Lmao.
Such a vision will change the course of the fate of Al-Sauds sooner than later.
If MBS lived for a decade atleast, he could bring some required changes in conservative Islamic societies!
yeah he is doing great on this front there is no place of inorance in today's world . look taliban asking for food now from same nation whom they fight
Not for Allah's commands.

They were never doing anything for Allah's commands. Salafi/Wahhabi versions of Islam --- which have caused uncountable pain, suffering and terrorism --- were always tools of control and influence across the Muslim world. The royals were always living it up themselves.

Now, MBS sees the world changing --- and a greater need to loosen things up, so that's what he's doing. It's all politics and power.

The interesting thing to see will be how graduates of Saudi-funded Salafi madrassas in places like Pakistan (and al-Bakistani types in general) deal with all of this.
Enjoys :bunny:

West Java

Our soldiers and their wifes

PS: We never force our women to wear or not wear hijab, they wear hijab for their God
Very nice..the way it should be...wearing modestly should be the norm..not nudity and not hiding women under black cloth....society should self regulate itself.
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