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Salute to Army and Medical staff for handling the mess of COVID-19


Mar 31, 2007
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There are almost zero planning by the ruling party ever since the out break of Corona pandemic in Wuhan and later in Qum.
There had been almost zero supplies of PPE provided to the medical and administrative staff by the political administration.
Pakistan is clearly the only country in region which has been turned into a mess, by it's ruling party i.e. PTI.
Pakistan is not primarily a tourist country, so virus is 100% brought into the country by it's own people, who could have been easily screened and instructed accordingly and individually.
Now since army is in action and ONLY due to efforts of army, protection gears have started to flow in and hopefully ventilators will also follow.
Anyone can learn this from the statements of NDMA chairman, during the first press briefing by PTI chairman Imran Khan. video is widely available on web for reference.
NDMA chairman personally approached China and local suppliers of PPE, plus much more.
We can see hospital staff as well have started to work diligently, after the supply of PPE.
I like to take this opportunity to thanks Army, NDMA and hospital staff, for taking on a daunting task.
Chairman of PTI has announced some PTI tigers for whatever purpose... but they are yet to be seen in action. May be when things are under control, PTI tigers will be unleashed to take credit. Which is no surprise, looking at history of PTI rule.
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