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Salman Rushdie on Pakistan

Well there are better writers and poets in Pakistan , who invoke deep thoughts and raise awareness in public.

A low class , exploiter like Rushdie only seek quick thrills by his idiotic remarks.

To be honest, we don't care just feel Rushdie is/was an idiot of epic proportions

There is more class and craft on writings on the washroom's door , then in Rushdie's works . I mean who is he a complete failure and loser

Infact he is not even worth debating , a nobody
india can have rushdie, ask indian Muslims how they feel about him, you'll get a pretty quick answer.
Rushdie has the right to write what he wants to, as people have the right to read what they want to.

His work should not be banned (although in my opinion he is over rated and arrogant at times) because it offends Muslims. The sentiments of Muslims do not over-ride other peoples rights to free speech and freedom of thought.

People of all religions need to grow thicker skin. If someone says writes or draws something you find offensive, ignore it and move on.
I don't have a problem with his books, views and other controversies.

I have a problem that someone can so brazenly make such a statement with no challenge in mainstream America, what happened to balance and fairness? Did anyone correct his inaccuracies?

That's the worry, he is creating and validating an environment for Pakistan bashing.
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