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Sahara India to build townships

Sahara is a good company, they have high expertise in micro-finance sector and real estate business.
you have never bought a house i assume or your housing system will soon collapse:lol:

Actually I have bought and sold quite a few. You clearly have not. Most people who secure home loans generally put "x" amount of money down and the rest is a loan - that is how it works.
These peoples insecurity really amazes me .. I thought bengalis are intelligent before coming to this forum now i have changed my mind

yeah buddy, I'm bengali and trust me you don't want to go down this road.
There are words in the market that sahara might go bankrupt. News of this deal has given sahara india's stock prices a 15% HIKE.

Sahara India already have a strong and successful business inside India.
So a native bangladeshi who had his family in BD before partition, is coming to invest in BD..
And some BD members call him as dalal stooge etc...
So is it hurts that a kaffir is investing in ur country?
Sahara to start venture with $125 mn

Sahara to start venture with $125 mn | Business | bdnews24.com

As usual with South Asian media, initially the India media blew the investment size out of proportion. They reported 80,000 crore (16 billion) whereas, as I expected, in reality with will be $125 million Dollars only. Sahara will have tough competition from local companies because there are quite a lot of $100+ million Real estate investments already in Dhaka.
Bangladeshi Mentality.............

"Sh*t these Indians have gifted us with Gold,

They want us to get robbed".
If India really wanted to help Bangladesh, they would build factories to give our people jobs, like Korea, Japan and China does. What Indians try to do is either take away our gas on the cheap, our investors money from clueless public from stock market or in this case tap into lucrative real estate market to make some fast buck. All they are interested is in looting and nothing else. I cannot blame them for this, our economies are not complementary to India's economy, both are mostly poor agrarian economies, both needs FDI to create labor intensive jobs and to create infrastructure, so we are competing for the same worldwide FDI pool. Of course we can add to this the Hindutva agenda of causing Muslims harm and keeping them weak and under their control, so that is another dimension that should not be ignored.

We have plenty of architectural and construction firm in Bangladesh and if we need investor, we can go to Korea, Japan, Malaysia etc. There is no need for Indian "investment" in this sector, they cannot be trusted to make houses and roads which may fall apart after a few years.

Only brain less people like you can think this much :cheesy:
Sahara has previous experience of building satellite city. They developed Aamby Valley in Pune.
1. Starting with a capital of I/Rs 10,000.00 this guy is rolling in money. He has hardly invested in the industrial sector. It is no secret in India that Subrata acts as a money launder to corrupt Indian politicians - and there are many.

2. We suspect Subratao is now trying his expertise in BD. This will not work. People are already aware of what is happening. Hasina's family is the local agents of Subrato.
Evil bhartis want to hijack my country . O god and i cant even help it .hehe
On topic : A company from my city . A corporateman from my neibhourhood .
Aaj me upar aasma neeche .
So a native bangladeshi who had his family in BD before partition, is coming to invest in BD..
And some BD members call him as dalal stooge etc...
So is it hurts that a kaffir is investing in ur country?

@ Is it called investment ! Investment on housing sector !! Do you think that our people will roll balls here.
Projects like this should be awarded in an open international tender where companies from countries from all over the world can participate. Corrupt RAWamy idiots of course cannot maximize their kickbacks if that is done, that is why this so called construction project is now called a "foreign investment", where the reality is that they will build apt. blocks and sell them, essentially its a big housing project.
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