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Safety and security of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons:Creeping Talibanisation in Pakistan

Masood khan


New Recruit

Jun 30, 2009
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“Country’s weapons were protected by a "fool-proof" security system”

Lt General Khalid Kidwai

Pakistan no doubt is a responsible nuclear weapon State with fool-proof security for its nuclear weapons. Recent turmoil in Pakistan’s tribal areas and operation in Buner has engrossed the fears in the Westerners and American’s mind about the safety and security of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons. Various reports has been published in the aftermath of Swat peace deal and military operation in Buner, that Taliban are just 60 miles away from Islamabad. The reality is quit different from such reports. Pakistan’s security forces have the capability and will to flush out miscreants from tribal and settled areas. They pose no substantial threat to the nuclear weapons of Pakistan. IG FC Major General Aziz Khan In a recent interview to Geo TV Channel has refuted the claims of Taliban’s encroachment towards Islamabad. He said Pakistan’s security forces have started the operation against miscreants and they will be defeated at any cost, under his command FC has killed more than 2000 miscreants in the tribal areas. Moreover he said “handful” group of Taliban has no comparison with the military might of the seventh largest army in the world. :sniper:Pakistan army has yet not decided to use its full might against these miscreants just to avoid casualties of innocent civilians. But army would never allow militants to challenge the writ of the State.:pakistan:

The problems which our armed forces are facing in asymmetric warfare is the lack of human intelligence and latest weapons and equipments including night goggles, long range latest snipers, surveillance equipments, Jammers and helicopters etc. Our allies should provide us with these latest technologies and equipments so we can face our enemies in a more proficient way. Despite all such lacking Pakistan army and FC has played a significant role in contained the miscreants to the FATA and its adjacent areas, so they are no more threat to the Islamabad or Pakistani nukes. As far as safety and security of the nuclear weapons is concerned, it is in safe hands and there is no threat of Taliban’s access to them. Under the SPD (Strategic Plan Division) potent force of 10,000 trained men is deployed for the safety and security of Pakistan’s nukes. :guns:Furthermore General Kidwai says that Pakistan’s military sites are equipped with the latest security cameras, biometrics and access control, bullet proof vehicles, high security walls and quick reaction forces. All these efforts show Pakistan’s commitment for the safety and security of its nukes. Recently Barrack Obama has acknowledged that “Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal is in safe hands.” So it is advised that the critics should understand the reality and stop propagating unnecessarily about the safety and security of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons. Taliban has no access to the Pakistani nukes; they are well contained by the Pakistan army in the tribal areas and soon would be eliminated. General David Petraeus and Mike Mullen have also expressed their satisfaction over the security of the Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal. Petraeus had recently said that “The increasing influence of the extremist elements in Pakistan poses “the most serious threat” to the very existence of that country, even as its nuclear weapons are safe as of now.” Despite threats for terrorist elements and miscreants Pakistan has the will and capability to safeguard its nuclear arsenal.
In Concluding remarks there are seven recommendations for US, to help Pakistan in fighting and reducing the threat of creeping Talibanisation in Pakistan. First United States should “do more” to stop insurgency from Afghanistan to the tribal areas of Pakistan. Secondly it should increase the number of check posts along the border with Pakistan, thirdly it should bring peace and stability to the Afghanistan with dialogue, rapprochement and reconciliation with Taliban, fourthly it should halt drone strikes on Pakistani tribal areas in which hundreds of civilians have lost their lives, these action would definitely raise anti American sentiments among the local population and this would cause more instability and turmoil, fifthly US should stop blame game against Pakistan army and ISI, it would give nothing but to increase the trust deficit between both countries, sixthly US should provide Pakistan with adequate funds and diplomatic support to fight and defeat the miscreants in Pakistan, and lastly US should let Pakistan to tackle these people by its own means, whether these means are peaceful dialogues or military operations. After taking all these recommendations into consideration we can reduce the threat of terrorism and extremism in Pakistan.​
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