It's a mental disease some people have brother. It also truly signifies deep insecurities in a person. Most of these racist people are deeply insecure people. Maybe this guy was bullied for being an Arab and now he is trying to overcompensate with all these long fantasy rants about saudi "achievements" etc. He needs to chill out and cut the racist nonesense. He needs to realise the fact that no matter how hard he tries, others will not see his country that way he wants/wishes them to.
It's best for you not to engage him further. Engaging people like that tends to reduce our integrity. Hopefully with time, he'll be fixed. I have no hatred toward him or anyone (except that trump)
Thanks man, you gave me an entirely different point of view. I guess it is kind of like when westerners say muslims are terrorist, inbreds, have no culture, etc and we get triggered.