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Saddam Hussein - The Truth (Documentary)

The only truth about Saddam is that he was a piece of garbage and he is now where he belongs, under dirt. Go tell to random Iraqis in Iraq that Saddam was a good leader and they will slap you in the face so hard you won't even know what happened.

Here is a Shia-Iraqi from Basra city in front of the camera said that he wants Daesh to come to Basra so that he joins them against the government of Abadi, notice no one slapped that guy at all.

Iraqis are fed up with the current Iran-backed government till the point they want to work with a terrorist group like Daesh, so I think they would rebuild the statue of Saddam if he were alive.
Here is a Shia-Iraqi from Basra city in front of the camera said that he wants Daesh to come to Basra so that he joins them against the government of Abadi, notice no one slapped that guy at all.

Iraqis are fed up with the current Iran-backed government till the point they want to work with a terrorist group like Daesh, so I think they would rebuild the statue of Saddam if he were alive.

hmm.... interesting. Now i wonder, what would be Iran's next strategy!
Here is a Shia-Iraqi from Basra city in front of the camera said that he wants Daesh to come to Basra so that he joins them against the government of Abadi, notice no one slapped that guy at all.

Iraqis are fed up with the current Iran-backed government till the point they want to work with a terrorist group like Daesh, so I think they would rebuild the statue of Saddam if he were alive.
And video of a single retard is supposed to mean what exactly?

Here are Iraqis celebrating the bastard's execution:

quite abhorent... i'm sure people realized quickly of their mistake.

People didn't expect a wave of Wahhabism and daily suicide bombings fueled by that ideology, if not for that cancer removing Saddam would be something no one would miss.
quite abhorent... i'm sure people realized quickly of their mistake.

No they didn't. It's true that Saddam's followers later continued their existence through ISIS, but still, ISIS is nowhere close to Saddam in number of innocent people he killed. Once Saddam supporters saw they won't rule Iraq anymore, they turned into AQ/ISIS and continued their savageness through terror. In other words, Saddam is ISIS and ISIS is Saddam.
It's true that Saddam's followers later continued their existence through ISIS
It can't be true... Saddams followers should have defeated US when they were stongest and organized.
Not when they were helpless in abu gharib.
As far Isis is concerned they have international agenda, that was not agenda of Saddam.

People didn't expect a wave of Wahhabism and daily suicide bombings fueled by that ideology, if not for that cancer removing Saddam would be something no one would miss.
Practically what followed Saddam's fall, was US & Iran.
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People didn't expect a wave of Wahhabism and daily suicide bombings fueled by that ideology, if not for that cancer removing Saddam would be something no one would miss.

"Wahhabism" (Hanbali fiqh) was invented in Iraq by this Arab "Aḥmad bin Muḥammad bin Ḥanbal Abū ʿAbd Allāh al-Shaybānī" who was born in Baghdad in the year 780 and who died in the same city in the year 855. So-called "Wahhabis" (Hanbalis) have existed in modern-day Iraq 12 times as long as the existence of the Iraqi state. Thats 1200 years approximately.

Suicide bombing (in connection to "Islamic" terrorism) was first used by Hezbollah and the Shia Islamist who rule Iraq today (Dawa Party).

Also it helps not to use fake bomb detectors for almost 1 decade. That's how much your leaders care about the people.

Anyway Saddam Hussein is irrelevant. He has been dead for 10 years now and not ruled for 13 years. So tell me have the incredibly incompetent and corrupt Iraqi Shia Arab elite and its political parties (militias in other words as well) who are loyal Mullah pets, done their job well enough, you think?

In 13 years time they have de facto destroyed/divided Iraq forever due to their incompetence and policies and wasted all the good years economically that could have changed Iraq and at least the next 1-2 generations for the better.

Anyway what to expect from people who largely escaped abroad and who cheered when foreign invaders (who caused immense damage to Iraq and the entire region) invaded their country?

Here is a Shia-Iraqi from Basra city in front of the camera said that he wants Daesh to come to Basra so that he joins them against the government of Abadi, notice no one slapped that guy at all.

Iraqis are fed up with the current Iran-backed government till the point they want to work with a terrorist group like Daesh, so I think they would rebuild the statue of Saddam if he were alive.

I do not understand Iraqis. The current generation have been too easily brainwashed by the mostly Shia clergy not to rise up/protest against the current Islamist-ruled government. Iraqis are sitting under a gold mine but most are dirt poor and do not even enjoy basic necessities such as constant electricity, clean water at all times, security, economic prosperity etc.

We have all been told that Iraq is a democracy now (although they continue to use a constitution drafted by foreigners) so why do they not remove those incompetent politicians? Well, their Mullah overlords (talking about the current leaders) do not want this to happen.

ISIS will continue to be present and similar movements as long as incompetent and corrupt Shia Islamists, many of whom have more loyalty to the Wilayat al-Faqih Mullah's next door, than Iraq, (Hadi Al-Amiri is a good example of this and countless of others) will rule and as long as Shia militia leaders responsible for untold crimes against the Iraqi Sunnis, are free men.

When the "Al-Zarqawi of the Shias" Abu Deraa is a free man, never punished by the Shia Islamists in power, despite being responsible for 1000's of deaths of civilians, and 1000's of other Abu Deraa's (like-minded) people are waking free and now joining the fight against ISIS (terrorists fighting against other terrorists), you cannot accept that Iraqi Sunni Arabs and other non-Shia Arab minorities will like those people.

This guy used to drill holes in peoples skulls and his group also made fake campaigns in Sunni neighborhoods across Iraq to donate blood and once Sunnis were in the ambulance donating blood they were never seen again.

There are 1000's of such Abu Deraas around walking as free men (protected by the Islamist government and Shia clergy - many are also hailed as heroes) while any Iraqi Sunni Arab public figure who just opposes some government policies, is declared as a "terrorist", persecuted or forced to flee the country.

Then cretins wonder why Iraq is a failed state.

Yet they cry about Saddam Hussein.

In 100 years time they will do the same when there will be no Iraq any longer as we know it today.

Having experienced ISIS rule will not change anything and people won't love the above people suddenly. The same was said 10 years ago when Al-Qaeda in Mesopotamia was around and Al-Zarqawi.

EDIT: No, during Saddam Shias were not any more persecuted than anyone else. There were more Shia Arab Ba'athis than the Sunni lot. However Saddam brutally cracked down upon all resistance from anyone. He even killed his son in law.

And yes the Iraqi Sunni Arab heartland was always more wealthy than the Shia Arab South but that was also the case before Iraq's founding and it has nothing to do with Saddam's policies. Today Southern Iraq remains the poorest area of Iraq as well and Shia majority slums such s Sadr City remain the poorest neighborhoods in Baghdad. That's after 13 years of Shia majority rule and dominance. So what will the excuse be now? Or despite living under an ocean of oil as is the case with Basra (second largest city in Iraq).

Even Fallujah after the American onslaught, was in a better state than many Southern cities.

Anyway the current incredibly incompetent regime cannot even prevent Kurds from stealing Iraqi land. Even in areas largely cleared of ISIS (Diyala) there is no attempt at regaining lost/occupied land.

So why should the Iraqi Sunni Arabs and other minorities (Kurds) not demand at least autonomy (Barzanistan already has it we know)? If the Iraqi government cannot protect its citizens against either ISIS or Peshmerga land grabbing why should they trust those incompetent clowns in power aided by the Wilayat al-Faqih Mullah's?

next strategy after what, a video of some person applying sarcasm?

LOL, he is basically saying that ISIS and the current incredibly incompetent Iraqi regime are as useless. It only confirms the point not the opposite.

You keep crying about the leadership in the GCC, Turkey and what not (never Al-Assad or the Mullah's) but when will you get the courage to criticize the most incompetent lot of them all, "your" own government?

All the failures are the work of the government that you support. It is the obligation of the state (government) to protect the country and its people. It is hardly news that every regime in the region is conspiring against each other and conflicts are neither a new thing. Past Iraqi regimes themselves were guilty of such policies in the region, under Saddam and not under Saddam. I am willing to bet that you have family members who supported the invasion of Kuwait for instance or the war against Iran back when Iraq was much more powerful. Or during the 1960's and 1970's when Iraq tried to dominate the Arab world and export Ba'athism/support revolutions in monarchies and non-Ba'athi Arab states.

Now when you are the mercy of regional powers (excluding the US and to a smaller extent Russia lately) such as KSA, Turkey and Iran, it is no fun.

Same with the Al-Assad that you shamelessly support (given his key role in destabilizing Iraq post 2003) let alone his useless father's support for the Mullah's against Iraq during the Iran-Iraq war. He does not find much things funny any longer.
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Saddam was bad..no doubt...who made him worst by arming with deadly weapons and covert diplomatic support?
If Saddam was left alone with his revolution and the world powers did not come to sell him weapons and manipulate him for global agenda...he would..over a period of time soften down and integrated with rest of GCC!
Saddam was bad..no doubt...who made him worst by arming with deadly weapons and covert diplomatic support?
If Saddam was left alone with his revolution and the world powers did not come to sell him weapons and manipulate him for global agenda...he would..over a period of time soften down and integrated with rest of GCC!

Iraq would have been much better off had the monarchy remained in power and had the reforms taken their natural cause. Hashemites have always been and are to this day progressive rulers. They could have ruled Iraq much more effectively and better for the past 58 years than what followed them.

They were also constitutional monarchs unlike all other monarchs/dictators in the region back then and even currently, excluding another Sharif/Hashemite (King of Morocco).

Let alone that shameful massacre in 1958, creating a culture of revolution, violence, death, no respect for authorities or those in power etc.

The argument from the uneducated masses was supposedly that British dominance was too big in Iraq (where was it not significant in the Middle East/Muslim world back then?) but that got exchanged with Soviet influence. One imperial power was replaced by another. Say what you want about the British but countries under British influence did much better than Soviet-dominated countries in the Arab world. No need to elaborate.

Or if they had found an local Sharif or Sayyid who could unite both Sunnis and Shias. Such candidates existed. If such a ruler was competent (monarchs usually have to think about their children and grandchildren unlike temporary dictators or 1-2 generation dictator dynasties with no legitimacy so they tend to do more for their countries as evident by realities in the Arab world currently and historically) and a unifying figure, the "only" thing that Iraq and Iraqis would worry about would be the Kurdish question. I doubt that there would be much Sunni-Shia hostility. This was largely unknown during the monarchy for instance. In fact absent.

Today it is hopeless to even discuss the notion "Iraq" as it only exist on paper and not any longer de facto, sadly.
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LOL, he is basically saying that ISIS and the current incredibly incompetent Iraqi regime are as useless. It only confirms the point not the opposite.

You keep crying about the leadership in the GCC, Turkey and what not (never Al-Assad or the Mullah's) but when will you get the courage to criticize the most incompetent lot of them all, "your" own government?

i told you many times before, i didn't vote for any political party although i could've requested a passport and done that, therefor to say that i support a government is false. i support the security forces in the war against terror. Couldn't care much for what party gets to top, except foreign Kurds of course. you don't see me anywhere defending the gov/politicians, i kept busy with the security situation which interested me more.

All these failures are the work of the government that you support. It is the obligation of the state (government) to protect the country and its people. It is hardly news that every regime in the region is conspiring against each other and conflicts are neither a new thing. Past Iraqi regimes themselves were guilty of such policies in the region, under Saddam and not under Saddam. I am willing to bet that you have family members who supported the invasion of Kuwait for instance or the war against Iran back when Iraq was much more powerful. Or during the 1960's and 1970's when Iraq tried to dominate the Arab world and export Ba'athism/support revolutions in monarchies and non-Ba'athi Arab states.
Now when you are the mercy of regional powers (excluding the US and to a smaller extent Russia lately) such as KSA, Turkey and Iran, it is no fun.

Same with the Al-Assad that you shamelessly support (given his key role in destabilizing Iraq post 2003) let alone his useless father's support for the Mullah's against Iraq during the Iran-Iraq war. He does not find much things funny any longer.

You assume i'm a staunch gov supporter whilst i'm not, for all i care half these politicians could die, once again its the forces that fight the trash who i've been supportive of. Them having collapsed and not performed at the required level does depend a lot on the gov who have fallen short, that doesn't mean being in support of that armed force is a mistake.

Yes i have family who took part in the iran and kuwait wars but i don't see why that matters, they did their job which i don't oppose, it's his policies which were wrong. i believe it's better to work with the US, a lack of their presence is dangerous, they shouldn't have left in 2011, they're needed there for at least 10 years.
i told you many times before, i didn't vote for any political party although i could've requested a passport and done that, therefor to say that i support a government is false. i support the security forces in the war against terror. Couldn't care much for what party gets to top, except foreign Kurds of course. you don't see me anywhere defending the gov/politicians, i kept busy with the security situation which interested me more.

You assume i'm a staunch gov supporter whilst i'm not, for all i care half these politicians could die, once again its the forces that fight the trash who i've been supportive of. Them having collapsed and not performed at the required level does depend a lot on the gov who have fallen short, that doesn't mean being in support of that armed force is a mistake.

Yes i have family who took part in the iran and kuwait wars but i don't see why that matters, they did their job which i don't oppose, it's his policies which were wrong. i believe it's better to work with the US, a lack of their presence is dangerous, they shouldn't have left in 2011, they're needed there for at least 10 years.

Don't you understand that the current government policies by those "parliamentarians" (many never show up and are only there to collect money - similar to how many Shia clerics behave (using innocent guilty people and brainwashing them) due to you know what but I will not elaborate on that here but it is a fact and this thing does not exist in Sunni Islam) are one of the key reasons to the problems of Iraq?

I have been telling people for years that there will be no peace in Syria and by default Iraq as long as Al-Assad remains in power but people did not believe this. Yet many staunchly support him instead of giving the power to a transitional figure or someone who is more interested in making peace with the opposition. His presence gives rise to radicals and they are using his presence as an excuse. ISIS will only continue to grow for this reason alone. Or when they tell local Iraqi Sunni Arabs that the current Iraqi government is not interested in punishing Shia Islamists guilty of war crimes. This sends a completely wrong message. Or if the government is unable to create any jobs or when it pissess the wealth of the country away due to corruption and useless projects.

Similarly when I for the past 10 years (since I started following Arab politics closely and on a weekly basis) have been critical of the Dawa Party it is not because they are Shia but because their policies have contributed greatly to the current mess. And yes, I blame a lot of this on the Wilayat al-Faqih Mullah's and their cancerous stronghold of Iraq. A country whose fate they do not care about expect for turmoil not reaching them.

I do not care about any leaders in the region either or any political party. For all I care they could all die too. Would be good to start from a fresh actually.

However Iraq is apparently an democracy where people can elect their own rulers, unlike most neighbors, but yet we see Iraqis committing the same mistakes despite knowing about the ground realities. I blame Mullah loyal people and political parties and media for having brainwashed people completely.

Anyway read my post 25 (reply to Al-Arabi) and tell me how it is possible that peace can rule supreme when ground realities are as they are?

ISIS can be removed if 6 simple stakes are taken by Al-Assad and the Iraqi government.

1) No discrimination and persecution of Syrian Sunni Arabs or Iraqi Sunni Arabs politically, economically, directly or indirectly etc. Or of any other group for that matter. This is the greatest source for sectarianism, not religious differences by default as what we have witness and witness, is essentially a struggle for power.
If both communities are content and have no real grievances against one another mutually beneficial relations will naturally develop and improve over time and return to what they once were (one can hope)

2) Fighting corruption seriously and actually investing/creating jobs in areas where this is an necessity thus preventing unemployed youth from being attracted to ISIS, crime and bad behavior.

3) Stop being blackmailed by the Wilayat al-Faqih Mullah's and stop encouraging hostile influence from them (which they see as something positive as they are helped to stay in power)

4) Reach out to regional countries and in exchange give them something in return (the above for instance)

5 If this is done this will open up for much greater investments from neighboring GCC and Turkey. By reaching out demands the other way should also be meet otherwise it will not work.

In the case of KSA this could mean real trustworthy diplomatic relations that are based on economic cooperation, regional security and good neighborliness. Honesty too.

6) This will force the Mullah's to behave as well and could potentially increase cooperation between all donkeys in power for the common good of everyone in the region and each regime/country.

This model and similar ones (I just mentioned it very briefly) can be employed by most countries in the region and KSA is also in need of this as the current regime is also incompetent on many fronts and is pursuing in some instances, wrong policies.
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poor Saddam he made too many mistakes
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