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SAC FC-31 Stealth Fighter: News & Discussions

No, TFX is much better, according to turkish members in PDF even TFX exists on paper only!

Pardon to say so, but "according to turkish members" in nearly all forums the TFX is the BEST, the new 10t helicopter will be better than the NH-90, the ATAK-2 better than the Tiger, the new trainer better than any other T-X-contender .... some of them I think are on dope and whatever comes from them has to be taken with a rock of salt at best.

But be careful. The slightest form of critics is usually immediately condemned as anti-Turkish propaganda.

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No, TFX is much better, according to turkish members in PDF even TFX exists on paper only!
hmmm, why not China,Pakistan & Turkey can join on one project as a joint venture. Just my opinion

in the mean time J-31 is the best option for PAF hoop full for good
Pardon to say so, but "according to turkish members" in nearly all forums the TFX is the BEST, the new 10t helicopter will be better than the NH-90, the ATAK-2 better than the Tiger, the new trainer better than any other T-X-contender .... some of them I think are on dope and whatever comes from them has to be taken with a rock of salt at best.

But be careful. The slightest form of critics is usually immediately condemned as anti-Turkish propaganda.


Perhaps you shouldn't enter discussions with children :-)
forget about Turkey's 5th gen project. it is as realistic as India to become superpower in 2012````you just cant by pass the stage of accumulating necessary know-how, industrial mass and experience of developing, making 2nd, 3rd and 4th gen fighters to jump into 5th gen, period!

I can bet for 30 years they cant even make a working prototype

Pardon to say so, but "according to turkish members" in nearly all forums the TFX is the BEST, the new 10t helicopter will be better than the NH-90, the ATAK-2 better than the Tiger, the new trainer better than any other T-X-contender .... some of them I think are on dope and whatever comes from them has to be taken with a rock of salt at best.

But be careful. The slightest form of critics is usually immediately condemned as anti-Turkish propaganda.

I am confidently to say that the landscape of defence industry complex and its technology development has nothing in "common" to most of their "believe"````nothing!
forget about Turkey's 5th gen project. it is as realistic as India to become superpower in 2012````you just cant by pass the stage of accumulating necessary know-how, industrial mass and experience of developing, making 2nd, 3rd and 4th gen fighters to jump into 5th gen, period!

I can bet for 30 years they cant even make a working prototype

I am confidently to say that the landscape of defence industry complex and its technology development has nothing in "common" to most of their "believe"````nothing!
Truth hurts
our parkistan friends likes the words of TFX good great ......you can do it,it will come true in 10years, go go go
forget about Turkey's 5th gen project. it is as realistic as India to become superpower in 2012````you just cant by pass the stage of accumulating necessary know-how, industrial mass and experience of developing, making 2nd, 3rd and 4th gen fighters to jump into 5th gen, period!

I can bet for 30 years they cant even make a working prototype

I am confidently to say that the landscape of defence industry complex and its technology development has nothing in "common" to most of their "believe"````nothing!

What difference are you to those you complain about. None in my books, you're just as petty.

Turkey has accumulated more than you know; 1980s F-16 production in Turkey.

What difference are you to those you complain about. None in my books, you're just as petty.

Turkey has accumulated more than you know; 1980s F-16 production in Turkey.

Licensed production do not equal to design of a indigenous modern fighter jet. I hope people get their facts right.

You need a team specialise in aviation and running a complete fighter project. A modern high speed wind tunnel to verify your design concept. Production only helps you in the final stage of serial production and not making a own design.
From what I've read on FC-31, there is no clear indication that it will have supercruise ability.
From what I've read on FC-31, there is no clear indication that it will have supercruise ability.

Rafale and Typhoon could, Even JAS-39E could according to SAAB.

If we are talking about more than Mach 1 without afterburn. With a clean shape and similar thrust to rafaleFC-31 certainly can do that.

The problem is how long?

supercruise is meaningless if Mach is too low or reduce mission range too much. it will also cost more engine life.
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Rafale and Typhoon could, Even JAS-39E could according to SAAB.

If we are talking about more than Mach 1 without afterburn. With a clean shape and similar thrust to rafaleFC-31 certainly can do that.

The problem is how long?

supercruise is meaningless if Mach is too low or reduce mission range too much. it will also cost more engine life.

I thought advantages of being able to supercruise without afterburners increases endurance, not having to dump fuel into the afterburner. I suppose it's more to do with engine output than with design. Is there any information as to when China will complete WS-13E - that extra 1,000lb of dry thrust might push FC-31 to Mach 1.5-8
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