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SAC - FC-31 Grey Falcon Stealth aircraft for PAF : Updates & Debate

Look at the link posted n this page.The real source of your fighter.

No matter what, two engine aircraft, cannot copy one engine aircraft, if you even the aircraft aerodynamic layout modifications is equal to the re manufacturing aircraft do not know, then you still have what qualified to discuss the air force?
Now I ask you.Do you have any quality to discuss airforce matters?

I hope that all the Indians like you stupid, do not know how to change the same aircraft aerodynamic layout, do not know the two engine aircraft and one engine aircraft have what different, so you will never complacent in India in existence, and then stopped, like doing now. 30 years to develop a do not want to use the aircraft--LCA. Nice work
Now I ask you.Do you have any quality to discuss airforce matters?

Then we China, then every year a large number of new aircraft, we have been upgrading their overall industrial level, we based on domestic aircraft, drive our country industry upgrade, then led to the improvement of people's living standard, drive the social modernization, to earn the money to continue for the development of new fighter, this is a benign cycle. India you do. Because you don't have a good industrial system.
Most Indian members are here for trolling ... which fulfills their need to gloat, to assure their egos that they are something and generally to be a constant source of pestilence on this forum.
Indian members:
1-Join a thread with some useless BS, ridicule what Pakistan or China do.
2-All weapons built by China and procured by Pakistan are of no use (but they are happy buying products made in China)
3-Post a vague reference to some half baked Indian project
4-Hijack the thread
5-Discussion goes from topic at hand to discussing what is India is doing and how good it must be 20 years from now on
6-Their job for the day is done
7-Thread ruined completely with their idiocy and senseless arguments
8-Broadcast to the world how much inferiority complex they have
i once unknowingly bought a chinese copy of beats headphones. lasted just 2 weeks.

learned the hard way to never buy chinese copies for the rest of my life
Original ones are very likely also made in China. Almost everything these days comes out of Chinese factories, be it original or crap. It is up to you which one you buy.
i respect china on its manufactuing success ... SEZ .. export ... some good university ..its a fact
Defence ... that too indegenus .. Sorry .. may be some
but most most of your hardware is reverse engineer or blatant abuse of IPR...
this is also fact
I actually like China's approach toward indigenous weapons platform development. It's very practical and goes a step beyond reverse engineering.

I'm glad the Chinese used the air frame designs of Su-27s for their J-11B, Su-33 for J-15 and Su-30 for J-16s. What's the point of wasting resources (both time and money) to create a completely new 4th generation aircraft at this point in time? 5th generation aircrafts are right around the corner, so why spend more $$ and more time to create yet another 4th generation aircraft when those resources can be allocated toward the 5th generation projects such as J-20 and J-31?

For J-11, J-15 and J-16 China had the following 2 options:

Option 1: Design a completely new 4th generation aircraft.
Pro: So that internet fan boys can have something to brag about

Con: Cost several billion $$ more
Con: Take 4-5 years longer. what can you do to fulfill the current requirements? Import more aircrafts which again cost more $$. So the same amount of $$ allocated will equal far fewer aircrafts.
Con: By the time the new design is finished, J-20 or J-31 is probably approaching production.... so what's the point of the new design?

Option 2: Base the air frame design on the current flankers and make improvements (using composite in the air frame, better radar, more powerful engine etc)
Pro: Get the planes faster and for a cheaper price
Pro: More investments for the domestic arms industry and more resources available for 5th generation R&D.
Pro: Just look at the end results. J-11B is much better than Su-27, J-15 is much better than the basic Su-33 and J-16 is arguably more advanced than any other Su-30 variants out there (Su-30MKI included.)

Con: None, since due to the arms embargo European & American companies can't sell weapons to China anyways and the Russian companies are so desperate to sell this don't even matter.

Intellectual property rights protection is completely irrelevant when in the realms of national defense. It's the job of any intelligence agency in every country to try to "steal" information and technology.
WS-13 fitting in J-10?????

& a free squadron of J-10s???
Oh God.....I think I should't have commented in the first place...!

That was for JF-17 and J-31, which were undergoing tests with the WS-13, The J-10 will have/ has the WS-10.
The WS-13 Taishan was certified in 2007 and serial production began in 2009. The 18 March 2010 edition of the HKB report stated that a FC-1 equipped with the WS-13 completed its first successful runway taxi test.

Officials at the Farnborough International Airshow in August 2010 stated that a JF-17 development aircraft is flying with a Chinese engine, which is most likely to be the WS-13.

In November 2012, Aviation Week reported that a JF-17 Thunder is flying in China with the Guizhou WS-13 engine.

The WS-10 is a high power, high thrust to weight ratio and low bypass ratio engine with 12 stage structures, including a 3-level fan, nine-level stator, one-level high pressure compressor and one low pressure compressor. For the development of WS-10, China made almost 300 breakthroughs in aviation technologies and materials, such as transonic turbine, air film cooling blade, integrated fan rotor by electron beam welding, squeeze film damper, metal brush seal, high energy igniter, variable camber inlet guide vanes and convergent / divergent nozzle. The combined cooling blade of turbine used hi-tech materials called Directionally Solidified Eutectic Super-alloy and can stand 5000 time tests without cracking.

That offer of a free squadron of J-10s was reported some time ago, during a visit by some previous Pakistani prime minister to China. you can still find it on the net.
Airshow China 2014: Pakistan in talks to buy '30-40 FC-31s'
Farhan Bokhari, Islamabad - IHS Jane's Defence Industry
12 November 2014

The Pakistan Air Force (PAF) is in talks with China to buy 30 to 40 of the Shenyang FC-31 twin-engined stealth fighter displayed at Airshow China 2014 in Zhuhai, a senior Pakistani government official has revealed to IHS Jane's .

"The discussions are beyond initial inquiries and they fit into the pattern of Pakistan being the first export customer of Chinese [military] hardware," said the official.

The FC-31 was unveiled as an export model at Zhuhai, although a prototype with the J-31 designation has been flying at a Shenyang Aircraft Corporation facility since 2012.

In 2007 then air chief marshal Tanvir Mahmood Ahmed, who at the time was PAF chief of staff, told IHS Jane's that Islamabad was considering the purchase of up to two squadrons or 30 to 40 of Chengdu J-10 fighters.

(134 of 373 words)

@TheOccupiedKashmir @fatman17 Can you get full access to article ?

Airshow China 2014: Pakistan in talks to buy '30-40 FC-31s'

Farhan Bokhari, Islamabad - IHS Jane's Defence Industry
12 November 2014

The Pakistan Air Force (PAF) is in talks with China to buy 30 to 40 of the Shenyang FC-31 twin-engined stealth fighter displayed at Airshow China 2014 in Zhuhai, a senior Pakistani government official has revealed to IHS Jane's .

"The discussions are beyond initial inquiries and they fit into the pattern of Pakistan being the first export customer of Chinese [military] hardware," said the official.

The FC-31 was unveiled as an export model at Zhuhai, although a prototype with the J-31 designation has been flying at a Shenyang Aircraft Corporation facility since 2012.

In 2007 then air chief marshal Tanvir Mahmood Ahmed, who at the time was PAF chief of staff, told IHS Jane's that Islamabad was considering the purchase of up to two squadrons or 30 to 40 of Chengdu J-10 fighters.
I've always been a J-31 believer. If Pakistan is seriously interested in upgrading her force, she should decide to skip out on the middle man (J-10B) and go straight for J-31. You get a true fifth generation design (AESA radar, EODAS, etc.) using the same engines as the JF-17.
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