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Saber Hossain Chowdhury receives Russia’s highest state honour

For using bad language and slandering someone, who might get us all into trouble if he sues, particularly in America.

Obviously you would not have given negative rating to someone if he had spoken negative about an Islamic leader in Bd. Just all the love for Awami dalal because they suck up to India.

Be a neutral or get lost from here with your selfish agendas. You are using your privilege to bully Bd nationalist.

Which group?

I don't care about democracy. What I care about is development. And from what I see Awami thugs+their allies have done better in this category compared to BNP+Jamaati thugs.

Do you have any idea how much Hasina’s family and Awami thugs like saber looted from Bd since 2008?

Do you have any idea how Bd territories being used to benefit India?

BNP/Jamaat may not be perfect but they at least do not sell Bd to India and do not import Hinduani cultures to Bd in the name of Bangla cultures. In the long run this will end Bd as a sovereign nation. Main differences between Bd and India is islam. Islam is our foundation not Bangla literatures. just remember this little piece of information kid.
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Obviously you would not have given negative rating to someone if he had spoken negative about an Islamic leader in Bd. Just all the love for Awami dalal because they suck up it India.

Be a neutral or get lost from here with your selfish agendas. You are using your privilege to bully Bd nationalist.

Do you have any idea how much Hasina’s family and Awami thugs like saber looted from Bd since 2008?

Do you have any idea how Bd territories being used to benefit India?

BNP/Jamaat may not be perfect but they at least do not sell Bd to India and do not import Hinduani cultures to Bd in the name of Bangla cultures. In the long run this will end Bd as a sovereign nation. Main differences between Bd and India is islam. Islam is our foundation not Bangla literatures. just remember this little piece of information kid.
BNP's term was worse for the country. You know how Khamba prince now living in London looted the country?
BNP's term was worse for the country. You know how Khamba prince now living in London looted the country?

Your Hasina godmother could not even proved one allegations made against him for last 10 years yet you and your ilk still barking like pati kuttay. Same apply for Begum Zia. Only allegations but could not come up with any solid evidence.

Have some self respect and embrace the truth and discard the propagandas made by Indian and it’s a slave entity like daily star.
Saber Hossain getting Russian highest honor would not sit well with ruling regime chief Hasina. Reason being 1)award given to someone other than Hasina 2)Hasina sidelined Saber Hossain as reformist leader and isolated in the party.

@WebMaster please remove this @Joe Shearer character from Bangladeshi section for abusing his "think tank" privilege. He is a person with proven anti Islam and anti Bangladeshi stand. If you are promoting open forum with guidelines, then use your set rule rather than biased indians abusing their privilege.
Saber Hossain getting Russian highest honor would not sit well with ruling regime chief Hasina. Reason being 1)award given to someone other than Hasina 2)Hasina sidelined Saber Hossain as reformist leader and isolated in the party.

@WebMaster please remove this @Joe Shearer character from Bangladeshi section for abusing his "think tank" privilege. He is a person with proven anti Islam and anti Bangladeshi stand. If you are promoting open forum with guidelines, then use your set rule rather than biased indians abusing their privilege.

Idune Bhai is this guy Dalal or not dalal???

Yes, @WebMaster @Horus if this @Joe Shearer character attempt to bossing us around then Mubarak ho, bd members may leave peacefully. You can run this section with Indian instead. This known anti-Muslim character goes around and use his special privilege to undermine selected few. If he is assigned to manage Bd section, then, please delete Bd sub-section from this forum. We will leave peacefully. Thank you
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Choudhuri, Chaudhari, all variants, these are 'land' titles, land-owners and later, tax-farmers. You will be surprised to learn that others besides Punjabis have this title; the Jats, for instance, and land-owners throughout north India.

My mother's people were Choudhurys. Hindus are generally called Roy Choudhury; Muslims just the Choudhury.

@WebMaster deliberate hijacking of the thread with off topic and irrelevant discussion by @Joe Shearer
ng us around then Mubarak ho, bd members may leave peacefully. You can run this section with Indian instead. This known anti-Muslim character goes around and use his special privilege to undermine selected few.
Choudhuri, Chaudhari, all variants, these are 'land' titles, land-owners and later, tax-farmers. You will be surprised to learn that others besides Punjabis have this title; the Jats, for instance, and land-owners throughout north India.

My mother's people were Choudhurys. Hindus are generally called Roy Choudhury; Muslims just the Choudhury.
Pakistanis also have misconception of all 'Khan' being exclusively Pashtun origin.Although Khan has a Mongol origin.Like this question they also ask 'Why Bangladeshi use Khan sarname without Pashtun heritage.'?:P
Pakistanis also have misconception of all 'Khan' being exclusively Pashtun origin.Although Khan has a Mongol origin.Like this question they also ask 'Why Bangladeshi use Khan sarname without Pashtun heritage.'?:P

Did you know there are Hindu 'khans'? It was given to someone's ancestor as a title. I had one with me in Sainik School.
Did you know there are Hindu 'khans'? It was given to someone's ancestor as a title. I had one with me in Sainik School.
Why can't be there Hindu Khan? Original Mongol Khan were all non-muslim afterall. Khan is about the title of chief of any tribe/kingdom/governorship.I believe, this surname was spread in the sub-continent during Turkic rule period.Turkic people has close cultural and linguistic similarity with the Mongol.
Why can't be there Hindu Khan? Original Mongol Khan were all non-muslim afterall. Khan is about the title of chief of any tribe/kingdom/governorship.I believe, this surname was spread in the sub-continent during Turkic rule period.Turkic people has close cultural and linguistic similarity with the Mongol.

I Khan itself was because of Genghis' conquests. A lot of his descendants and followers did convert to Islam. Even so, Khan is just a title meaning leader and not used as a surname in Mongolian. In fact Genghis Khan just means "universal ruler." His real name was Temujin.

Actual Mongolian names are a lot harder to pronounce. And linguistically, Mongolians are quite different from Turks.
Idune Bhai is this guy Dalal or not dalal???

He is not exactly indian dalal and lesser evil among awami clan. With this award, I suspect Hasina will not even give him nomination in next election.
Saber Hossain getting Russian highest honor would not sit well with ruling regime chief Hasina. Reason being 1)award given to someone other than Hasina 2)Hasina sidelined Saber Hossain as reformist leader and isolated in the party.

@WebMaster please remove this @Joe Shearer character from Bangladeshi section for abusing his "think tank" privilege. He is a person with proven anti Islam and anti Bangladeshi stand. If you are promoting open forum with guidelines, then use your set rule rather than biased indians abusing
He goes around giving us negative ratings because it doesn’t suit his taste.
Yes, @WebMaster @Horus if this @Joe Shearer If he is assigned to manage Bd section, then, please delete Bd sub-section from this forum. We will leave peacefully. Thank you

Completely agree with the above comments, we are ready to peacefully quit this distinguished and enlightened forum if any Indian biased members are given the charge of BD forum, really hard to digest how an Anti Muslim person has been granted these privileges in a Pakistani administered forum.
Perhaps to humiliate Muslim Bangladeshis,could be my only guess.

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