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S.Korean warships sale to India

. right now I am working with a investment management organization with assets of around one trillion USD under management ... i have many colleagues from different nationalities ... lots of korean americans are working with me.. some are hired by Indian consultancies ... and also here I dont find any superiority in anything ... in fact I can see all races in a single conference room ... white black.. east asian .. middle eastern.. indian... no difference wat so ever.. but I can see Indians dominating clearly ..

and regarding your rants of ... you can survive without USA .. forget it ... North Korea basically a puppet state of China ... with all backing of China will grab you for a lunch .... I see no survival of a small nation like South Korea without the backing of mighty USA .... so stop this racial biased ... dont you remember how Japs treated you in 30 years of colonization??? If you dont.....check your history ... and right now do you feel inferior to Japs???
i really dont like your racist biased . that is the only reason I am confronting you ...
let me tell you one thing... given equal opportunities to all humans ... only those will perform who have control on all senses .. the will power nothing else.... race.. color dont matter .. USA and India are example of this ...
lots of korean americans are working with me.. some are hired by Indian consultancies ... and also here I dont find any superiority in anything ...
Well, you better ask your Indian peers working for Hyundai and LG in India instead.

North Korea basically a puppet state of China
North Korea is not. The people who mob floor with Chinese national flag and shoot at Chinese fishermen certainly isn't a puppet state.

I see no survival of a small nation like South Korea without the backing of mighty USA
This shows how little you know things. To be honest, I am more worried about India's chances in the battle against the PLA than Korea's chances. The Korean military is designed to take out 1.5 million communist troops, the Indian army isn't.

and right now do you feel inferior to Japs???
Nope, because fortunes have turned around.
Well, you better ask your Indian peers working for Hyundai and LG in India instead.

North Korea is not. The people who mob floor with Chinese national flag and shoot at Chinese fishermen certainly isn't a puppet state.

This shows how little you know things.

Nope, because fortunes have turned around.

dude i have also worked in a south korean company in Gurgaon India... for 6-7 months... i see no difference ...
Koreans ...
in my view if I have to classify are SLOW ... Take time to understand... low on basics ... I will give you an example...
Samsung is going crazy for developers of Symbian .. whom Nokia has fired ... so that Samsung can leverage them and somehow come up with some good OS.. ... and I tell you why because
Koreans has basically the same model as chinese ... after few quick successes of observing tech.. you guys will stall .. then you will run for more tech... Korea like Japan got advance western tech in late 60s to 70s because ... you two nations have active bases of US military .. on which you capitalized ...

and yes North Korea is nothing but a puppet of Chinese .. without china support north korea wont last a year .... like without USA support South Korea wont last even 6 months ... and yes I do know a lot about South Korea ... Korea is nothing but a small playground of World Powers ...
Then why the combat ban against Koreans were issued?

If it was a 3:1, then there would have been no combat ban against Korean troops. The North Vietnamese command issued no such combat ban against the US troops.

Because North Vietnamese and VietCongs feared his troops.
If there was ever a combat ban against the Korean, it was because the Korean would shoot civilians in the areas of the NVA operation to prevent the NVA from attacking the Korean. If there was ever combat ban, why 4700 Korean KIA?

Ask yourself why not even a single Korean soldier was sent to face the NVA in the biggest battles of the Viet Nam War like Quang Tri Citadel, Khe Sanh, Tet Offense at Hue, etc.. afterall, the Korean is supposed to have a kill ratio even better than U.S military & airforce combined ??
Korean friend,
We no longer hold hatred for Koreans, because we don't see Park Chung Hee troops as entire Korean people. Furthermore, we believe that Park Chung Hee army was only mercenaries same robots.

And today, many Korean veterans also expressed remorse for the crimes that they have caused for Vietnamese civilians.

So should not continue to repeat the crimes of Park Chung Hee soldiers in South Vietnam as an argument in your discussions.

Remember, both of Park Chung Hee Army and Park's boss Americans ultimately fail in the Vietnam war.

The Dien Nien-Phuoc Binh Massacre was a massacre conducted by South Korean forces on October 9 and October 10, 1966, of 280 unarmed citizens in Tinh Son village, Quang Ngai province in South Vietnam.[1][2] The massacre was conducted in two hamlets in Tinh Son village.[1] One massacre was conducted in the Dien Nien Temple in Dien Nien hamlet, the second massacre was conducted in Phuoc Binh hamlet schoolyard.[1] Most of the victims were children, elderly and women.[1][2] The number of dead is given as 180 by Viet Nam News.[3]
The South Korean forces conducted similar massacres in Binh An village, Binh Hoa village, Binh Tai village and Tay Vinh village in the same year.[4][5][6]

The Binh Hoa massacre was a massacre conducted by the South Korean forces between December 3 and December 6, 1966, of 430 unarmed citizens in Binh Hoa village, Quang Ngai province in South Vietnam.[1][3][4] The most of the victims were children, elderly and women.[4] The victims included 21 pregnant women.[1] The South Korean soldiers burnt down all of the houses and killed hundreds of cows and buffalo after the atrocities.[1] Then the survivors joined the Viet Cong and fought against the United States and its Allies, one of which was South Korea.[1] [5] The South Korean forces conducted similar massacres in Binh Tai village, Binh An village and Tay Vinh village within the same year.[6][7]

The Binh Tai massacre was a massacre conducted by the South Korean Forces on 9 October 1966 of 68 citizens in Binh Tai village, Phuoc Binh of Song Be Province in South Vietnam.[1][3]
The Hankyoreh Sinmun investigated war crimes in Vietnam and revealed other atrocities.[4]
Colonel Kim Ki Tae, former commander of the Seventh Company, 2nd Marine Brigade of the ROK Marines,[5] confessed to Hankyoreh that on 9 October 1966 South Korean troops set fire to the Binh Tai villagers’ homes and shot the villagers who fled the burning buildings,[1]

The Go Dai massacre was a massacre conducted by the ROK Capital Division of the South Korean Army on 26 February 1966 of unarmed citizens in Go Dai hamlet, Binh An village, Tay Son District of Binh Dinh Province in South Vietnam.[1] The Capital Division troops killed 380 villagers within an hour.[1][2]
After the war the Memorial Tower for the victims was built in the village.[3] The victims' names are listed on the stone monument.[3]
The excerpts are the "trophies" of your troops, should you continue to be proud of it?
dont you remember how Japs treated you in 30 years of colonization??? If you dont.....check your history ... and right now do you feel inferior to Japs???

Not at all, and I will tell you why.


Back in 2010, JGSDF lieutenants engaged in a mock survival battle against Korean conscript soldiers of same number. All but one JGSDF officers were wiped out in 30 minutes, while no Korean soldier was registered a hit.

This news caused a firestorm among Japan's rightwingers, because their beliefs of JGSDF being incompetent and useless bunch in combat were confirmed, and that Japan was being defended by these people.

So why would Koreans be afraid of the SDF? They are not.
Not at all, and I will tell you why.


Back in 2010, JGSDF lieutenants engaged in a mock survival battle against Korean conscript soldiers of same number. All but one JGSDF officers were wiped out in 30 minutes, while no Korean soldier was registered a hit.

This news caused a firestorm among Japan's rightwingers, because their beliefs of JGSDF being incompetent and useless bunch in combat were confirmed, and that Japan was being defended by these people.

So why would Koreans be afraid of the SDF? They are not.

its time you learn your history and stop your racial biased because you koreans were one of the biggest sufferers of racial discrimination ,..

In the late nineteenth century, there was a general race for colonies among the major imperial powers as
each nation tried to carve out spheres of influence for trade and pursued colonial ambitions. Korea was caught
in the conflict among China, Russia, and Japan as each sought to make it a colony. Other powers, like Britain,
France, and the United States also were involved. Korea, which was just emerging from its self-imposed isolation, faced the rival ambitions of these countries.
In the past, when Korea was faced with danger, it had chosen to be the "younger brother" of China. But by
the late nineteenth century, China had been buffeted by western powers, particularly by Britain and Russia,
and it faced a major threat in the growing power of a rapidly industrializing Japan. Japan created a modern
army and navy and viewed Korea and Manchuria as areas for industrial and agricultural expansion. The
Korean government, under the Choson Dynasty, moved more slowly toward reform and still looked to China
for protection. This protection, however, looked less promising after China's defeat in the Sino-Japanese War
(1895). Japan further established its influence over Korea when it triumphed in the Russo-Japanese War
(1905). Western powers, like the United States and Britain, did little to interfere with Japan's efforts to establish its sphere of influence in Korea. The Koreans, however, resisted attempts to limit their independence.
Through a series of maneuvers, which included the assassination of members of the Korean royal family,
the Japanese gained influence in Korea. In 1910, Japan officially took control of Korea and renamed it Chosen.
Japanese occupation of Korea lasted until 1945 when the Japanese were defeated in World War II. Following
the war, Korea was divided by Western powers. Russia occupied Korea north of the thirty-eighth parallel, and
the United States occupied Korea south of the thirty-eighth parallel.
Under Japanese rule from 1910 to 1945, Koreans struggled to maintain their culture. The Japanese banned
the teaching of the Korean language and history and burned many historical documents. Koreans were forced
to take Japanese names and to speak and teach in the Japanese language. Many Korean farmers were forced
off their lands while others had to fulfill grain quotas for Japan's needs. Buildings were taken over for Japanese
military and government purposes, and Korean businesses were handed over to Japanese officials.
The Japanese occupation of Korea went through several phases, sometimes relatively benign but often
very oppressive. Korean nationalists were divided and could not maintain a united policy of opposition. Some
groups wanted close ties to the West and called for reforms based on western ideas. Other groups sought a
return to Confucian values and Korean traditions. Still others, influenced by the 1917 Russian Revolution, preferred a Korea founded on Marxist (communist) ideals. These divisions are still present in Korea today, but they
were especially difficult to reconcile during the Japanese occupation.
Early in the occupation, it seemed possible that Korean nationalists might unite to oust Japan. On March
1, 1919, the independence movement erupted as students in Seoul protested against Japanese rule, and a declaration of independence was read. Support for the movement was widespread, but two factors were especially critical. One was the death of the last Korean king and rumors that he too, had been assassinated by the
Japanese. His funeral, and Japanese restrictions on mourning by Koreans, set the stage for the uprising.
Another significant factor for the March 1 movement was the attempt by Koreans to appeal to the world
community. The Treaty of Versailles had been recently negotiated to end World War I. During the negotiations,JAPANESE COLONIALISM IN KOREA 1 9 1 0 - 1 9 4 5 : A DOCUMENT BASED ESSAY EXERCISE [ 3 2 9 ]
President Woodrow Wilson of the United States had asserted that self-determination should underpin the new
world peace and had called for a League of Nations. These ideas appealed to Koreans who claimed the right to
govern themselves as a sovereign nation. The Japanese government took a different view and harshly put down
the uprising. Thousands of people who had demonstrated or were thought to be sympathetic to the independence movement were arrested and imprisoned. Many Koreans died from beatings, torture, and poor prison conditions. Others went into exile and continued to work for Korean independence in Manchuria, Shanghai, or the
United States.
In the 1920s the Japanese government responded to criticism of its harsh rule in Korea by easing some of
its restrictive policies. They allowed the publication of some books and magazines in Korean and began to invest
in education, roads, and government buildings. The Japanese claimed that they were modernizing Korea and
providing opportunities for trade. But by the 1930s, the Japanese government itself was increasingly under the
control of the military. Assassination of moderate officials, both in Korea and Japan, removed those who advocated lenient measures in Korea. As Japan began its conquest of Manchuria and China, it increasingly perceived
Korean independence as a threat. Koreans, the government proclaimed, were part of the Japanese empire, so
their language, religion, and culture had to be the same as those of the Japanese.
During World War II, Japan employed Koreans in its military efforts. Koreans were drafted into the
Japanese army or had to work under dangerous, slavelike conditions. The Japanese military kidnapped thousands of Korean girls and women and forced them to serve as comfort women who were raped by Japanese
soldiers. Japan still refuses to accept responsibility for this policy, creating a bitter issue between Korea and
After the defeat of Japan in 1945, Korea recovered its independence. But the long and painful history that
Korea and Japan share remains a cause of contention to this day. Many issues left over from the colonial era
have not been resolved nor have the feelings of Koreans been healed. The legacy of this era still affects how
these two major countries view their roles in the Pacific Rim.

READ THIS CAREFULLY ... Japs even tested their BIOLOGICAL and CHEMICAL weapons on Koreans...
O'man.. Stop this non-sense already.. I think if both the parties got the message then let's end this matter here..
and regarding your rants of ... you can survive without USA .. forget it ... North Korea basically a puppet state of China ... with all backing of China will grab you for a lunch .... I see no survival of a small nation like South Korea without the backing of mighty USA .... so stop this racial biased ... dont you remember how Japs treated you in 30 years of colonization??? If you dont.....check your history ... and right now do you feel inferior to Japs???
i really dont like your racist biased . that is the only reason I am confronting you ...
let me tell you one thing... given equal opportunities to all humans ... only those will perform who have control on all senses .. the will power nothing else.... race.. color dont matter .. USA and India are example of this ...

An American exit of SK, means South Korea will rapidly turn to nuclear weapons, and attempt to attain a strategic equilibrium against China, the same way, Pakistan has attained against India.
An American exit of SK, means South Korea will rapidly turn to nuclear weapons, and attempt to attain a strategic equilibrium against China, the same way, Pakistan has attained against India.

no, that won't happen. in that situation, China notwithstanding, even Japan will conduct a surgical attack to end South Korea, or North Korea's nuclear dream. I am telling you with 100 pct guarantee.
no, that won't happen. in that situation, China notwithstanding, even Japan will conduct a surgical attack to end South Korea, or North Korea's nuclear dream. I am telling you with 100 pct guarantee.

i think its good for the world if sk has nukes and not nk.
no, that won't happen. in that situation, China notwithstanding, even Japan will conduct a surgical attack to end South Korea, or North Korea's nuclear dream. I am telling you with 100 pct guarantee.

hmmmm.........in the past the SK did attempt to attain capability to make nuclear weapons, but stalled under American pressure.


I no way perceive fear of surgical strikes as the problem for SK.

Of course, at that point, will Japan be under US pressure, or not remains unclear, and how that impacts the decision

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