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S.Korean warships sale to India

they stole everything from Japan, except they stole LCD tech from Taiwan as I learnt that from martion2 lately. If not Apple is suing for the copyright infringements against sumsung, nobody notice how seriously this nation can be face brazen.

When China steals things it is ok but when South Korea does it(i do not know if it is true) you call them names...
When China steals things it is ok but when South Korea does it(i do not know if it is true) you call them names...

How can Korea steal from Japan something that Japan doesn't have? Korea controls 90% of 3D TV and 95% of OLED TV, all because Japanese couldn't come up with these on time.

Korea stealing from Japan is a myth of ages ago. Korea could not have become no. 1 by stealing from a less competitive rival.
Well the Japanese view your Koreans as inferior as you are the only nation that was fully colonized by Japan, yet they still view Chinese at equal foe.

Meantime, let me tell you the Japanese attitude towards South Asians is more on equal basis too. Don't slander rumors that Japanese look down upon Pakistanis, Indians, and Bangladeshis. If your Koreans have that racism please save them for yourself.

How can Korea steal from Japan something that Japan doesn't have? Korea controls 90% of 3D TV and 95% of OLED TV, all because Japanese couldn't come up with these on time.

Korea stealing from Japan is a myth of ages ago. Korea could not have become no. 1 by stealing from a less competitive rival.

oh, knock off, Koreans stole those tech from Sony and Sharp, and part from Taiwan, that's a fact all people in business know.
Well the Japanese view your Koreans as inferior
Japanese rightwingers do. Japanese business leaders and academics on TV shows discussing the threat of Korea do not.

yet they still view Chinese at equal foe.
Actually it is the other way around.

Korea = The existential threat to Japan's many industries.
China = Not a threat. Sort of like a grand version of Taiwan, which makes its money off Japanese sub-contract work. Chinese don't have the quality mindset to produce goods and services that threaten Japan.

Meantime, let me tell you the Japanese attitude towards South Asians is more on equal basis too.
It is the case of simple ignorance; that South Asians simply don't come into the mind of Japanese everyday.

Don't slander rumors that Japanese look down upon Pakistanis
It is true. Were you able to enter Japanese bath houses?
Japanese rightwingers do. Japanese business leaders and academics on TV shows discussing the threat of Korea do not.

Actually it is the other way around.

Korea = The existential threat to Japan's many industries.
China = Not a threat. Sort of like a grand version of Taiwan, which makes its money off Japanese sub-contract work. Chinese don't have the quality mindset to produce goods and services that threaten Japan.

It is the case of simple ignorance; that South Asians simply don't come into the mind of Japanese everyday.

It is true. Were you able to enter Japanese bath houses?

I have to say you have a slavery mind. Japan is an open society, only those who suffer the most in history wounds will talk like you. Slavery of a half century harm your ancestors and you till today.
Lets leave the racism part , us Indians should atleast not talk about it. We know how some of us talk of people with oriental look .Every society has racist people .Good for Indian navy as well as Korean-Indian relations . I am sure sane people in both the countries can move things forward .

I agree....its a business deal...where does racism comes into picture.
It's the superior quality of human capital. The Koreans dealing with Chinese labor feel this every day. Just as Chinese feel Indians are slow and dumb-witted, Koreans feel exactly the same way toward the Chinese, slow, uncultured, and dumb-witted.

i have in past and i am right now working with many koreans ... most of them are very slow .. it takes lot of time for them to understand very simple things,,, so this means I take all koreans to be dumb witted low lives ... ???

You do not seem to realize that the US provides less than 5% of troop strength in Korea. The US is merely an insurance policy, not the primary deterrent to the enemies of Korea. Heck, the new US deployment policy is that they would take troops out to places like Afghanistan and leave the troop's wives and children behind in the base(Really a Korean government donated high rise city) and it's considered OK because that would still guarantee that the US would send reinforcement in the sake of those servicemen's wives and children.

The ROK has second largest ground troops in the western world, soon to be the largest in the western world after the US troop reduction goes in effect due to budget cuts. This is the last cold-war style army designed to battle 1.5 million communist troops and win in an all out war.

The PLA isn't as strong as you think they are, mainly because they are poorly trained and disorganized. This was proven during the Vietnam War and the following Sino-Vietnamese war, where North Vietnamese Army and Vietcong suffered a 10:1 exchange ratio against Korean troops in ground combat, while suffering a 1:1 exchange ratio against the PLA during 1979 war. Why ROK were so successful against the North Vietnamese Army in jungle warfare(Recall that Korea has no jungle) while China suffered a huge casualty(30K dead in a month) has been extensively studied by military history scholars.

So yes, the PLA is a well-known quantity to the ROK military, as it is the expected primary combatant in the second war, and preparations are being made accordingly. Because of the ROK's massive artillery firepower(If you are impressed by the North Korean artillery force, the ROK artillery is designed to suppress that in two hours), the PLA ground troops doesn't present much of a threat. Ditto for the PLA Navy, the Yellow Sea is a death trap for any navy and anti-ship missiles will take out any PLA fleet that leave port. The only area where the ROK is lagging is the air power, and this is where the US will concentrate its reinforcement.

although USA might be having 5% of troops in korean ground... but its the remaining 95% that bothers chinese .. so do you think if USA stops supporting south korean democracy politically . how much chance do you have of survival .its the american symbolic presence that bothers chinese... otherwise south korea.. will become People Republic of Korea in no time... ...
The PLA isn't as strong as you think they are, mainly because they are poorly trained and disorganized. This was proven during the Vietnam War and the following Sino-Vietnamese war, where North Vietnamese Army and Vietcong suffered a 10:1 exchange ratio against Korean troops in ground combat, while suffering a 1:1 exchange ratio against the PLA during 1979 war. Why ROK were so successful against the North Vietnamese Army in jungle warfare(Recall that Korea has no jungle) while China suffered a huge casualty(30K dead in a month) has been extensively studied by military history scholars.
The NVA and VC never suffered a 10:1 exchange ratio against the Korean in the Viet Nam war. Those are just ratio made up by your U.S ally and those journalists who were embedded by your side during the war.

The region where there was the presence of Korean troops AND U.S Army along with ARVN, the NVA suffered a total of about 15,000 deaths and you are telling me that Korean had a 10 to 1 Rambo kill ratio ??

Out of those 15,000 NVA deaths, I would be generous and give the Korean about 1500 deaths were from the Korean, which still make the NVA had a kill ratio of 3:1 against the Korean, not 10:1 kill ratio in favor of the Korean against the NVA
Ok, people this thread is about a defence deal not some age old wars.. Calm down and bring the racist tone down as well.. Thank you!!
Park Chung Hee troops were the brutal bloodthirsty army in VN War. They had a long time handsfree to suppress civilians and only had to deal with VC forces, prior to actually face the NVA.
(VC is the communist forces in the south almost like guerrilla militia, each VC soldier had only a rifle and few grenades).

Korean troops massacred many civilians, even in 1966, they killed all a village 500 villagers Tịnh Sơn, Sơn Tịnh district, Quang Ngai Province.

In 1967, North VN decided to deal Korean troops. And battle of Quang Thanh hill, Quang Ngai Province was inevitable. NVA cleared up and killed entire battalion of marines in Korea, under Blue Dragon brigade. The battle was a major hit to Seoul, it created a major turning point. Park Chung Hee dizziness, Korean were start bewildered. Then they no longer dared to massacre civilians freely as before.

And together with their American boss, Korean troops had been unable to prevent NVA spank them, liberated Southern, re-unification the country.
i have in past and i am right now working with many koreans ...
Where and what are you doing?

although USA might be having 5% of troops in korean ground...
No, US deploys 25K troops in Korea, while the ROK military has 650K. It's actually less than 3.8% of the ROK troop strength.

how much chance do you have of survival.
100% survival.

The NVA and VC never suffered a 10:1 exchange ratio against the Korean in the Viet Nam war.
Then why the combat ban against Koreans were issued?

Out of those 15,000 NVA deaths, I would be generous and give the Korean about 1500 deaths were from the Korean, which still make the NVA had a kill ratio of 3:1 against the Korean, not 10:1 kill ratio in favor of the Korean against the NVA
If it was a 3:1, then there would have been no combat ban against Korean troops. The North Vietnamese command issued no such combat ban against the US troops.

Park Chung Hee troops were the brutal bloodthirsty army in VN War.
Because North Vietnamese and VietCongs feared his troops.

Korean troops massacred many civilians, even in 1966, they killed all a village 500 villagers Tịnh Sơn, Sơn Tịnh district, Quang Ngai Province.
Unlike other countries like Japan and China, Korea does acknowledge and investigate civilian massacre, and build memorials at the site. The majority of massacres took place in 1966 and two major massacre in 1968.


1966 Massacres


1968 Massacres


In 1967, North VN decided to deal Korean troops. And battle of Quang Thanh hill, Quang Ngai Province was inevitable. NVA cleared up and killed entire battalion of marines in Korea,
No such battle took place. Remember, Korea is a free-country with free access to government records and veteran testimony to write endless books, factions, TV dramas, and movies, so there is a lot of material on the timeline of ROK troop activities in Vietnam.

If all the massacre is documented, then so is all the battles and their outcomes.


Significant operations and actions involving the Brigade include:
Operation Lightning in Khanh Hoa Province from 8 to 14 November 1965[3]
Operation Jefferson, with the ARVN 47th Regiment in Phu Yen Province from 1 to 18 January 1966 results in 391 VC killed[2]
Operation Flying Tiger in early January 1966 results in 192 VC killed for the loss of 11 ROK.[4]
Operation Van Buren, a rice harvest security operation with the 101st Airborne Division and ARVN in Phu Yen province from 19 January to 21 February 1966 results in 679 VC killed for the loss of 45 ROK[2]
Operation Filmore, with the 1st Brigade, 101st Airborne Division and ARVN 47th Regiment in the vicinity of Tuy Hoa, Phu Yen Province from 24 March to 21 July 1966 results in 373 VC killed for the loss of 20 ROK[2]
Operation Longstreet, an engineering security operation in Binh Dinh and Phu Yen Provinces[3]
Operation Lee, with the ARVN 4th Regiment in Quang Ngai Province from 3 to 10 October 1966[3]
Binh Tai massacre on 9 October 1966.
Operation Dragon Eye, a search and destroy operation in Quang Ngai province from 9 to 27 November 1966 results in 154 VC killed for the loss of 38 ROK[2]
Battle of Tra Binh Dong - on 15 February 1967, 11th Company of the Blue Dragons was dug in near the village of Tra Binh Dong in Quang Nam Province when they were attacked by an estimated 3 VC Battalions supported by heavy mortar and recoilless rifle fire. The VC launched secondary attacks on each flank of the company before attacking with one Battalion against the Company center, breaching the perimeter and using flamethrowers and bangalore torpedoes against the Company's bunkers. The Company counterattacked and with the aid of a Korean Marine quick reaction company helidropped into the position succeeded in driving back the VC killing 243.[5]
Operation Giant Dragon in Quang Ngai Province from 17 to 22 February results in 16 VC killed and 61 weapons captured[5]
Operation Dragon Fire in Quang Ngai Province from 5 September to 30 October 1967 kills 541 VC[6]
Phong Nhi and Phong Nhat massacre in Quang Nam Province on 12 February 1968.
Ha My massacre in Quang Nam Province on 25 February 1968.
Operation Daring Rebel, a search and destroy operation with the ARVN 2nd Division and US forces on Barrier Island 24 km south of Danang Binh Dinh Province from 5 to 20 May 1969 results in 4 VC killed[7]
Operation Defiant Stand, an amphibious assault with the 1st Battalion, 26th Marines on 7 September 1969. This was the first amphibious assault ever conducted by the Republic of Korea Marine Corps[3]
Operation Hoang Dieu 101 with III MAF and the ARVN 51st Regiment in Quang Nam Province from 17 December 1970 to 19 January 1971 results in 538 NVA killed[3]
Operation Golden Dragon II, a clear and search operation in Quang Nam Province from 4 to 21 January 1971[8]
Operation Hoang Dieu 103 with III MAF and the ARVN 51st Regiment in Quang Nam Province from 3 February to 10 March 1971[3]

The ROKMC did better than 10:1; it averages 10:1 when combining with the regular Army divisions also operating in Vietnam.
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