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S. Arabia Requests Iran for Gasoline Supplies

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hmmm unconfirmed yet . they could easily gt it from iae or qatar .
In the end nationality sucks ...so called Iranian, Pakistani,Arab.... I'm a simple earthling and enjoying this thread.
Everyone has their very own custom made nationality cannons and the thread already flunked with hate shells...
so you are accepting that iran is involved in proxies ?
only when it suits (for bragging purposes), otherwise Iranis are just as innocent as a newborn! just like RSS/BJP different speech for different audiences.
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Name these allies that could supply the saudi demands.

1- Saudis use a large fraction of their production for their internal needs
2- This attack knocked out 50% of their production
3- Thus they needed to maximise the export by not using as much as their oil internally, therefore, they would run out of their reserves very quickly.

Who is saying they have ran out of their reserves? what moron thinks saudis would wait to run out of their gasoline reserves before starting to look for nations to import from?

Seriously man, are you people this inept? Can you not use your heads?

Other GCC oil producing countries - other oil producing countries that the Saudis aren't at half-war with? Or is the oil that the Iranians extract some special variety that no other country produces?

Or is it that the Saudis would expect that Iran would give them oil for free as opposed to all other oil exporting countries that will charge them top dollar?

So my question to you why would Saudi Arabia ask Iran - the country it blames for the attack - for oil when Iran wasn't in the top 5 oil exporters of 2018 excluding Saudi Arabia itself?


Why wouldn't KSA purchase it's oil - if it needs to - from UAE or Kuwait - both countries that are allies of KSA AND exported more oil than Iran last year?

lolll.. no we aren't slaves and not burning at all.

We are laughing at the report.. seriously do you believe on the shit your media is reporting lately? :lol:
you are not slave bic they are milking cows i dont know what you are must to be?its very hard question maybe their bacteria in their belly who eat the left over of their food lol:rofl::rofl:
or their parasite in their ....so bad part maybe which one you chose ?:cheesy::cheesy:

This is why nobody takes you people seriously. There are so few Iranians who will look at anything objectively, well certainly not on this forum anyway.

Your media is known to be under state control and spread propaganda. The same is true for Saudi media. Your countries are enemies with each other. Only a fool would believe such a report without wanting verification from multiple sources, particularly non biased sources.
our media in our state control its better than one poor state under control of some milking cows so poor people .disgust me oh about what people im speaking do you know?o_O
@waz plz take a note of this iranian indian stooge (WinterNights). Using bad language with members and calling Pakistanis as saudi slaves and using terms like PGCC. He also posts unverified news. Ban him.
Read Iranian responses..

And Iranis are really jokers.. Their government is saying that it was houthis who carried out the bombing, Irani sympathisers are saying that it was a false flag, while Iranis themselves are saying it was Iran which carried out the attack.. loll
so why you bacteria in milking cows Stomach dont come to see yourselves until we send you to hell with betadine :cheesy:
@waz plz take a note of this iranian indian stooge (WinterNights). Using bad language with members and calling Pakistanis as saudi slaves and using terms like PGCC. He also posts unverified news. Ban him.

Apparently a news is only verified if saudis confirm it @waz
My news had a source, just because people don't like it, it does not mean it's unverified.
As for bad language, I am only putting trolls in their place, if you're going to cry, cry against the trolls too.
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