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Russia’s Natural Population Declines for 4th Straight Year

Russians need to revisit their family values, and Russian state should pay serious attention to the wellbeing of Russian family units.

Greatest drawback of increasingly secular form of governance is that it does nothing to promote family values - this is why religions do not have a substitute.

Immigrants cannot fix a flawed statehood.

The modern secular way of life is so busy and hectic, family system is being destroyed and people don't even want children because of the responsibilities, the worry about their future etc. These days children as soon as they are 16 they want to leave home, move on with their lives, don't have time for parents and parents are exactly the same.
Sending women away was a joke Mao made about over-population.

"The remark provoked laughter and was clearly meant as a joke, Mao went on to complain Chinese women were giving birth to too many children."


Either you're low IQ like many Indians here or you weren't brought up with integrity.

You must be stupid if you think it's okay that if a leader makes such a poor taste joke.

But it's okay if you wanna continue worshiping Mao. Fine by me.
You must be stupid if you think it's okay that if a leader makes such a poor taste joke.

But it's okay if you wanna continue worshiping Mao. Fine by me.

Don't try to side step, either you posted the article without applying your intellect or you intended it as cheap smear. Whether the joke is in good taste is a separate matter. (It was 40 yrs ago, the social context is different )

If you consider debunking low IQ smear as worshiping, you're validating what I said abt your intellect and integrity.
Don't try to side step, either you posted the article without applying your intellect or you intended it as cheap smear. Whether the joke is in good taste is a separate matter. (It was 40 yrs ago, the social context is different )

If you consider debunking low IQ smear as worshiping, you're validating what I said abt your intellect and integrity.

Lmao yeah whatever. 毛主席是你心中的红太阳!
The biggest mistake Russia made was to trust US and the west and try to transform Russia the western way in everything in the 1990's. China warned USSR not to go down that path, but they didn't listen.
How has that got to do with the current topic? Do you mean China's own population is experiencing a forecasted long term decline because China also allied with/partnered with the West during the late 70s and 80s? 😁
I suppose Putch was to save USSR, not to destroy. Gorbachev once said he destroyed USSR purposefully - so, the destruction began in 1985, not in 1989.
If some true leader came to power in 1985 and began to create some sort of socialism-capitalism it would be nightmare for US. Because USSR in 80's had huge markets - the whole Eastern bloc and allies in Asia and Africa and third world countries. So the first goal of USA was to destroy Eastern bloc and take this part of the world as new markets. This move saved American *** cause they were in huge crisis in 70-80's.

With due respect USSR was lagging technologically behind the West. Nothing done by Gorbachev changes that. USSR was providing huge subsidies to the East Bloc and client states in the developing world.
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