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Russia’s Natural Population Declines for 4th Straight Year

he thought he was the leader of the communist world and believed all world leaders needed to come to China to pay respect to him, e

Talk about brainwashing...he actually did it to himself. :omghaha:

I now believe he was completely serious about the 10M women offer to Kissinger. He was not joking. This guy meant it 100%. The guys in Nixon's delegation who told this were correct in their assertion that he was dead serious about it.
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We can import more people. You can rent a foreigner at 25000CNY a month + social insurance and housing fund payments
Loyalty can't be rented. The imported people will not fight for China but run when difficult time comes. That is the main problem.

It will be better for humanity if the beautiful, good-looking races breed more as opposed to the ugly ones.
Beauty is irrelevant. Intelligence and wisdom is key.

Please don't compare me to a hindu-modi fanatic. They are the most hideously ugly, deformed and physically repulsive race that has EVER existed. Their hyper-ugliness can NEVER be replaced no matter who they breed with.
Even lookwise, India has significant good looking ones. But, most importantly, Indians are very wise and "chalaak" who can think on their feet and I am sure you are jealous of this fact
What is a difference between you and a sick Hinduvadi dreaming of breeding as you a say with white girls to change their race.
Whites are albinos. Hinduvadis seek intelligence. The social structure also asks for intelligent people to be at the top.
Loyalty can't be rented. The imported people will not fight for China but run when difficult time comes. That is the main problem.

Beauty is irrelevant. Intelligence and wisdom is key.

Even lookwise, India has significant good looking ones. But, most importantly, Indians are very wise and "chalaak" who can think on their feet and I am sure you are jealous of this fact

Whites are albinos. Hinduvadis seek intelligence. The social structure also asks for intelligent people to be at the top.

Facts say otherwise. Not only are indians the most hideously ugly and physically repulsive race on planet earth, they also have a low IQ and are not intelligent or innovative at all:


The above explains why 1.4 billion indians have NEVER EVER been able to invent ANY modern sciences or technologies like the White and Far Eastern races have.

On top of being supremely ugly and having low intelligence, indian men also have the smallest weiners out of all the other races of men.........:lol::

Loyalty can't be rented. The imported people will not fight for China but run when difficult time comes. That is the main problem.

Beauty is irrelevant. Intelligence and wisdom is key.

Even lookwise, India has significant good looking ones. But, most importantly, Indians are very wise and "chalaak" who can think on their feet and I am sure you are jealous of this fact

Whites are albinos. Hinduvadis seek intelligence. The social structure also asks for intelligent people to be at the top.
There is a positive correlation with beauty and intelligence but i do not know how positive.
Back in 2000, IMF and World Bank predicted that Russian population will fall bellow 130 million in 2020. We are less then two months away from 2020, and there is 146 milion people in Russia.

Back in 2008, IMF predicted that Russian population will fall from 142 million to the 137 million in 2015. In 2015, Russian population was at 144 million.

Russia was doomed after Mongol invasion, but it survive and become transcontinental empire.
Russia was doomed after Poles sacked Moscow, but it survive and become most powerful eastern european country.
Russia was doomed after Napoleon attacked Russia, but it survive and become most powerful country in Europe.

Nazis told that Russia is just a colossus on weak foundation, Stalin purged the best officers, they dont have massive industry, and what happened? Russia survive, and become one of two most powerful countries in history of mankind.

This problem is serious for Russia, but it is nothing what Russians surivive in last milenium. This is just problem with 90s generations. They are few in numbers, becouse Russian fertility rate was low in 90s, and with less people in their 20s that means less children, In 10 or 15 years, Russia will overcome demographic problem, and they will be at stable 140-150 mln in next 50 years.
Well the East has had a history of putting up walls so their smart people don’t flee to the West. When the USSR fell the smart people finally found a chance to run away and now Russia is just a shell of itself.

Even Putin begs people to move back to Russia from overseas and they all just laugh at him.

USSR was actually better off than USA till 1975 but petrodollar changed the tide in favour of USA.
USSR had smart people and even now Russia has smart people. It is not by magic that Russia is developing Su57 or S400 and other advanced weapons.

Russian jews went to Israel & USA but many other stayed loyal. The main problem of USSR split was that the industrial base of Eastern Europe which was part of logistical chain of USSR industry broke off. This cause Russian industry to come to a standstill. For example, Ukraine had industry to make civil airplanes and when Ukraine split, Russia was left with no industry to make civil airlines. This industrial infrastructure being split was the main problem.

At least USSR was in a way better shape than China in the 1980s in everything, they just took the wrong path.
USSR was in a better shape than even USA in 1970. But after the petrodollar, the muslims of Central Asia started rebelling under guidance from Arabs with CIA support. This was combined with Arabs pumping more oil to deplete foreign exchange of USSR and hence reduce its purchasing power to import consumer goods.

USSR considered the option of suppressing ethnic rebellion as dangerous as the ethnic Russian population was just 50% and were concentrated only part of USSR. Large part of USSR had non Russian population. In addition to muslims & catholics, USSR also faced lot of anger among Slavs of east Europe due to dominance of Russians. This reduced USSR support base to about 50-60% of its total population and about 75-80% of land was having USSR supporters, mostly Russian and part of friendly Slavic population. Vast territories in central Asia and many in east Europe started getting tense due to huge presence of muslims, catholics, Germans and even some hostile slavic countries like Poland. USSR army was stretched by fighting Afghanistan and the vast geography of the restive regions and hostile local population made it very hard for USSR to control them. Rebellion of countries like Hungary, East Germany, Poland and even central Asian ones meant that vast land across these borders were cut off and hence supplying weapons for its troops became difficult for USSR. That was the beginning of USSR downfall.

China had homogenous population with about 10% minority. Most importantly, China did not have any major region where minority was in heavy majority. Even areas of Tibet and Xinjiang had significant HAN population to help China stabilise these regions. This meant that China could keep a good control over itself than USSR. It is not just about the path USSR chose which made them collapse but it was about ethnicity clash.

USSR was failing badly in the 1980s. The communist leaders were seeing it. Gorbachev had no choice but to make drastic changes. You can argue about the exact course of action.

Leaving Eastern Europe was an absolute must to ending the Cold War.
USSR was failing due to petrodollar and ethnic rebellion, especially ones incited by Arabs and Roman church. The wounds of Russian domination and wars imposed by USSR on countries like Poland and conquered countries like Hungary, Germany etc made them rebellious. This lead to USSR collapse, not western superiority.

Facts say otherwise. Not only are indians the most hideously ugly and physically repulsive race on planet earth, they also have a low IQ and are not intelligent or innovative at all
There is a difference between knowledge and wisdom. Wisdom is raw intellectual prowess. IQ tests knowledge. With larg number of illiterates, India will have lower IQ. But that still does not mean that Indians are less wise. Checking skills like english language, puzzle solving which requires understanding of mathematical and scientific concepts is not real test. It skews the results in favour of countries with better literacy.

The above explains why 1.4 billion indians have NEVER EVER been able to invent ANY modern sciences or technologies like the White and Far Eastern races have.
You mean the same Europeans who believed in flat earth 500 years back suddenly became supreme? Indians did invest many things like Einstein Bose condensate, Raman effect etc. Considering that western countries had better political management for last few centuries and better infrastructure, it is an achievement in itself for India to have developed technology to current levels. For that matter, even China has no significant inventions to its name. But this is only because of time lag between technology development rather than any inherent problem.

On top of being supremely ugly and having low intelligence, indian men also have the smallest weiners out of all the other races of men.........:lol:
Who measures weiners of people? Some fake surveys which gave arbitrary numbers are not authentic and only fools use them as benchmark.

There is a positive correlation with beauty and intelligence but i do not know how positive.
Generally it is negative correlation.
USSR was actually better off than USA till 1975 but petrodollar changed the tide in favour of USA.
USSR had smart people and even now Russia has smart people. It is not by magic that Russia is developing Su57 or S400 and other advanced weapons.

Russian jews went to Israel & USA but many other stayed loyal. The main problem of USSR split was that the industrial base of Eastern Europe which was part of logistical chain of USSR industry broke off. This cause Russian industry to come to a standstill. For example, Ukraine had industry to make civil airplanes and when Ukraine split, Russia was left with no industry to make civil airlines. This industrial infrastructure being split was the main problem.

USSR was in a better shape than even USA in 1970. But after the petrodollar, the muslims of Central Asia started rebelling under guidance from Arabs with CIA support. This was combined with Arabs pumping more oil to deplete foreign exchange of USSR and hence reduce its purchasing power to import consumer goods.

USSR considered the option of suppressing ethnic rebellion as dangerous as the ethnic Russian population was just 50% and were concentrated only part of USSR. Large part of USSR had non Russian population. In addition to muslims & catholics, USSR also faced lot of anger among Slavs of east Europe due to dominance of Russians. This reduced USSR support base to about 50-60% of its total population and about 75-80% of land was having USSR supporters, mostly Russian and part of friendly Slavic population. Vast territories in central Asia and many in east Europe started getting tense due to huge presence of muslims, catholics, Germans and even some hostile slavic countries like Poland. USSR army was stretched by fighting Afghanistan and the vast geography of the restive regions and hostile local population made it very hard for USSR to control them. Rebellion of countries like Hungary, East Germany, Poland and even central Asian ones meant that vast land across these borders were cut off and hence supplying weapons for its troops became difficult for USSR. That was the beginning of USSR downfall.

China had homogenous population with about 10% minority. Most importantly, China did not have any major region where minority was in heavy majority. Even areas of Tibet and Xinjiang had significant HAN population to help China stabilise these regions. This meant that China could keep a good control over itself than USSR. It is not just about the path USSR chose which made them collapse but it was about ethnicity clash.

USSR was failing due to petrodollar and ethnic rebellion, especially ones incited by Arabs and Roman church. The wounds of Russian domination and wars imposed by USSR on countries like Poland and conquered countries like Hungary, Germany etc made them rebellious. This lead to USSR collapse, not western superiority.

There is a difference between knowledge and wisdom. Wisdom is raw intellectual prowess. IQ tests knowledge. With larg number of illiterates, India will have lower IQ. But that still does not mean that Indians are less wise. Checking skills like english language, puzzle solving which requires understanding of mathematical and scientific concepts is not real test. It skews the results in favour of countries with better literacy.

You mean the same Europeans who believed in flat earth 500 years back suddenly became supreme? Indians did invest many things like Einstein Bose condensate, Raman effect etc. Considering that western countries had better political management for last few centuries and better infrastructure, it is an achievement in itself for India to have developed technology to current levels. For that matter, even China has no significant inventions to its name. But this is only because of time lag between technology development rather than any inherent problem.

Who measures weiners of people? Some fake surveys which gave arbitrary numbers are not authentic and only fools use them as benchmark.

Generally it is negative correlation.
Agree to disagree.
USSR was actually better off than USA till 1975 but petrodollar changed the tide in favour of USA.
USSR had smart people and even now Russia has smart people. It is not by magic that Russia is developing Su57 or S400 and other advanced weapons.

Russian jews went to Israel & USA but many other stayed loyal. The main problem of USSR split was that the industrial base of Eastern Europe which was part of logistical chain of USSR industry broke off. This cause Russian industry to come to a standstill. For example, Ukraine had industry to make civil airplanes and when Ukraine split, Russia was left with no industry to make civil airlines. This industrial infrastructure being split was the main problem.

USSR was in a better shape than even USA in 1970. But after the petrodollar, the muslims of Central Asia started rebelling under guidance from Arabs with CIA support. This was combined with Arabs pumping more oil to deplete foreign exchange of USSR and hence reduce its purchasing power to import consumer goods.

I think you mixing information a lot the USSR was going great until the mid 1970s I agree on that but I disagree on the Central Asian, Caucausian regions being anti Russian at core Afghanistan incursion would not occur until 1979 and the support of the war did came from ethnic republics as well who saw their kin in the south being effected much of the violence in CA and South and North Caucasus would occur started in the early 1990s CA Republics voted majority to stay in Soviet Union the more hard core anti USSR republics were in the Baltics

USSR was actually better off than USA till 1975 but petrodollar changed the tide in favour of USA.
USSR had smart people and even now Russia has smart people. It is not by magic that Russia is developing Su57 or S400 and other advanced weapons.

Russian jews went to Israel & USA but many other stayed loyal. The main problem of USSR split was that the industrial base of Eastern Europe which was part of logistical chain of USSR industry broke off. This cause Russian industry to come to a standstill. For example, Ukraine had industry to make civil airplanes and when Ukraine split, Russia was left with no industry to make civil airlines. This industrial infrastructure being split was the main problem.

I live in very Russian speaking area of NYC most of those Jews are anti Putin, anti Russian and support the US lol

Few I have met were pro Russian and Pro Putin


@DejanSRB @vostok @Nilgiri had the August Coup of 91 would have not occur I think the USSR could have survived in territory wise not as a system system was too late as multi party system would take shape by around 1989/1990 but Baltics, parts of Georgia would have left the union anyways
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USSR was actually better off than USA till 1975 but petrodollar changed the tide in favour of USA.
USSR had smart people and even now Russia has smart people. It is not by magic that Russia is developing Su57 or S400 and other advanced weapons.

Russian jews went to Israel & USA but many other stayed loyal. The main problem of USSR split was that the industrial base of Eastern Europe which was part of logistical chain of USSR industry broke off. This cause Russian industry to come to a standstill. For example, Ukraine had industry to make civil airplanes and when Ukraine split, Russia was left with no industry to make civil airlines. This industrial infrastructure being split was the main problem.

USSR was in a better shape than even USA in 1970. But after the petrodollar, the muslims of Central Asia started rebelling under guidance from Arabs with CIA support. This was combined with Arabs pumping more oil to deplete foreign exchange of USSR and hence reduce its purchasing power to import consumer goods.

USSR considered the option of suppressing ethnic rebellion as dangerous as the ethnic Russian population was just 50% and were concentrated only part of USSR. Large part of USSR had non Russian population. In addition to muslims & catholics, USSR also faced lot of anger among Slavs of east Europe due to dominance of Russians. This reduced USSR support base to about 50-60% of its total population and about 75-80% of land was having USSR supporters, mostly Russian and part of friendly Slavic population. Vast territories in central Asia and many in east Europe started getting tense due to huge presence of muslims, catholics, Germans and even some hostile slavic countries like Poland. USSR army was stretched by fighting Afghanistan and the vast geography of the restive regions and hostile local population made it very hard for USSR to control them. Rebellion of countries like Hungary, East Germany, Poland and even central Asian ones meant that vast land across these borders were cut off and hence supplying weapons for its troops became difficult for USSR. That was the beginning of USSR downfall.

China had homogenous population with about 10% minority. Most importantly, China did not have any major region where minority was in heavy majority. Even areas of Tibet and Xinjiang had significant HAN population to help China stabilise these regions. This meant that China could keep a good control over itself than USSR. It is not just about the path USSR chose which made them collapse but it was about ethnicity clash.

USSR was failing due to petrodollar and ethnic rebellion, especially ones incited by Arabs and Roman church. The wounds of Russian domination and wars imposed by USSR on countries like Poland and conquered countries like Hungary, Germany etc made them rebellious. This lead to USSR collapse, not western superiority.

There is a difference between knowledge and wisdom. Wisdom is raw intellectual prowess. IQ tests knowledge. With larg number of illiterates, India will have lower IQ. But that still does not mean that Indians are less wise. Checking skills like english language, puzzle solving which requires understanding of mathematical and scientific concepts is not real test. It skews the results in favour of countries with better literacy.

You mean the same Europeans who believed in flat earth 500 years back suddenly became supreme? Indians did invest many things like Einstein Bose condensate, Raman effect etc. Considering that western countries had better political management for last few centuries and better infrastructure, it is an achievement in itself for India to have developed technology to current levels. For that matter, even China has no significant inventions to its name. But this is only because of time lag between technology development rather than any inherent problem.

Who measures weiners of people? Some fake surveys which gave arbitrary numbers are not authentic and only fools use them as benchmark.

Generally it is negative correlation.

IF indians are intelligent like you say they are then why haven't 1.4 billion of them been able to invent anything like the White race has like aeroplanes, computers, the internet, submarines, cars, the telephone etc?.......:azn:

USSR was actually better off than USA till 1975 but petrodollar changed the tide in favour of USA.
USSR had smart people and even now Russia has smart people. It is not by magic that Russia is developing Su57 or S400 and other advanced weapons.

Russian jews went to Israel & USA but many other stayed loyal. The main problem of USSR split was that the industrial base of Eastern Europe which was part of logistical chain of USSR industry broke off. This cause Russian industry to come to a standstill. For example, Ukraine had industry to make civil airplanes and when Ukraine split, Russia was left with no industry to make civil airlines. This industrial infrastructure being split was the main problem.

USSR was in a better shape than even USA in 1970. But after the petrodollar, the muslims of Central Asia started rebelling under guidance from Arabs with CIA support. This was combined with Arabs pumping more oil to deplete foreign exchange of USSR and hence reduce its purchasing power to import consumer goods.

USSR considered the option of suppressing ethnic rebellion as dangerous as the ethnic Russian population was just 50% and were concentrated only part of USSR. Large part of USSR had non Russian population. In addition to muslims & catholics, USSR also faced lot of anger among Slavs of east Europe due to dominance of Russians. This reduced USSR support base to about 50-60% of its total population and about 75-80% of land was having USSR supporters, mostly Russian and part of friendly Slavic population. Vast territories in central Asia and many in east Europe started getting tense due to huge presence of muslims, catholics, Germans and even some hostile slavic countries like Poland. USSR army was stretched by fighting Afghanistan and the vast geography of the restive regions and hostile local population made it very hard for USSR to control them. Rebellion of countries like Hungary, East Germany, Poland and even central Asian ones meant that vast land across these borders were cut off and hence supplying weapons for its troops became difficult for USSR. That was the beginning of USSR downfall.

China had homogenous population with about 10% minority. Most importantly, China did not have any major region where minority was in heavy majority. Even areas of Tibet and Xinjiang had significant HAN population to help China stabilise these regions. This meant that China could keep a good control over itself than USSR. It is not just about the path USSR chose which made them collapse but it was about ethnicity clash.

USSR was failing due to petrodollar and ethnic rebellion, especially ones incited by Arabs and Roman church. The wounds of Russian domination and wars imposed by USSR on countries like Poland and conquered countries like Hungary, Germany etc made them rebellious. This lead to USSR collapse, not western superiority.

There is a difference between knowledge and wisdom. Wisdom is raw intellectual prowess. IQ tests knowledge. With larg number of illiterates, India will have lower IQ. But that still does not mean that Indians are less wise. Checking skills like english language, puzzle solving which requires understanding of mathematical and scientific concepts is not real test. It skews the results in favour of countries with better literacy.

You mean the same Europeans who believed in flat earth 500 years back suddenly became supreme? Indians did invest many things like Einstein Bose condensate, Raman effect etc. Considering that western countries had better political management for last few centuries and better infrastructure, it is an achievement in itself for India to have developed technology to current levels. For that matter, even China has no significant inventions to its name. But this is only because of time lag between technology development rather than any inherent problem.

Who measures weiners of people? Some fake surveys which gave arbitrary numbers are not authentic and only fools use them as benchmark.

Generally it is negative correlation.

Lol..........the more dumb a race is the more ugly they usually are.........:lol:
Loyalty can't be rented. The imported people will not fight for China but run when difficult time comes. That is the main problem.

Beauty is irrelevant. Intelligence and wisdom is key.

Even lookwise, India has significant good looking ones. But, most importantly, Indians are very wise and "chalaak" who can think on their feet and I am sure you are jealous of this fact

Whites are albinos. Hinduvadis seek intelligence. The social structure also asks for intelligent people to be at the top.
We are taking about humans or animals?
It's like you are breeding pair of birds or animals for their desired traits. Be it white race or intelligence as you put it, as though anyone having these kinds of thoughts, no matter what ever the purpose being intelligence or beauty are justified. Lol.
Shame on us to even think like that .
Besides not all whites are not albinos.
IF indians are intelligent like you say they are then why haven't 1.4 billion of them been able to invent anything like the White race has like aeroplanes, computers, the internet, submarines, cars, the telephone etc?.......
Because these developments are sequential. One technology leads to other. Since India had political problems and once India got independence, it already had technology as well as resources deficit, making up the technology lag itself became time consuming. As other countries kept progressing without plateauing, there was no time for India to level up with others and invent something new. India was busy in catch-up games and hence could not afford to do anything new. It is only due to time lag caused by delayed start, not due to intelligence deficit
I think you mixing information a lot the USSR was going great until the mid 1970s I agree on that but I disagree on the Central Asian, Caucausian regions being anti Russian at core Afghanistan incursion would not occur until 1979 and the support of the war did came from ethnic republics as well who saw their kin in the south being effected much of the violence in CA and South and North Caucasus would occur started in the early 1990s CA Republics voted majority to stay in Soviet Union the more hard core anti USSR republics were in the Baltics

I live in very Russian speaking area of NYC most of those Jews are anti Putin, anti Russian and support the US lol

Few I have met were pro Russian and Pro Putin


@DejanSRB @vostok @Nilgiri had the August Coup of 91 would have not occur I think the USSR could have survived in territory wise not as a system system was too late as multi party system would take shape by around 1989/1990 but Baltics, parts of Georgia would have left the union anyways
I suppose Putch was to save USSR, not to destroy. Gorbachev once said he destroyed USSR purposefully - so, the destruction began in 1985, not in 1989.
If some true leader came to power in 1985 and began to create some sort of socialism-capitalism it would be nightmare for US. Because USSR in 80's had huge markets - the whole Eastern bloc and allies in Asia and Africa and third world countries. So the first goal of USA was to destroy Eastern bloc and take this part of the world as new markets. This move saved American *** cause they were in huge crisis in 70-80's.
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Mao once offered to send 10 million Chinese woman to the US. What a mad man. Shows how much he values the lives of his people.


Sending women away was a joke Mao made about over-population.

"The remark provoked laughter and was clearly meant as a joke, Mao went on to complain Chinese women were giving birth to too many children."


Either you're low IQ like many Indians here or you weren't brought up with integrity.
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