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Russians love Conchita Wurst - her song has reached Nr. 1 in russian charts

russia is not a european country. You have no european culture nor values. Russia is formed from the typical eastern despotism. No freedom, no democracy, no individuality.

i agree we arent european we dont have your values
The big problem you have is that you realize now that europe despises you. You are not part of the elite. And your so called "eurasian" union is pretty lame without europe it it. There is a lack of "euro". :)
Switzerland is just doing fine without ''Teuro''
Switzerland is just doing fine without ''Teuro''

Switzerland depends completly on the €. Switzerlands problem is that it must always follow what the big powers like Grmany or France dictate them. They are a pussy country.
Switzerland depends completly on the €. Switzerlands problem is that it must always follow what the big powers like Grmany or France dictate them. They are a pussy country.
Yeah, thats why so many Germans and French move to Switzerland.
Yeah, thats why so many Germans and French move to Switzerland.

remember when we force them on a weekly base to change their banking law, steal their data and give a shit about complaints? Thats what happen to you when you are a dwarf state
remember when we force them on a weekly base to change their banking law, steal their data and give a shit about complaints? Thats what happen to you when you are a dwarf state
Whole Europe and Usa blackmailed a small 8 millon state like Switzerland together, congrats to your success. :enjoy:

Living in a dwarf state like Switzerland has also its benefits such as higher life standarts, low taxes, direct democracy, working wellfare state, easy Internet laws, no goverment thats installing spying software on their citizens computer. :)

I wouldnt exchange Switzerland for any other European country thats for sure. :tup:
Which sane people would like cross dressers song?? This is degenerate.
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