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Russians believe meteor strike could have been UFO or God's message


Sep 20, 2009
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Russians believe meteor strike could have been UFO or God's message


Washington: A recent newspaper poll found that nearly half of its readers believe that the meteor strike in Russia could be anything from a divine message to UFOs to a US weapons test.

A survey published by the fairly staid Moscow daily Noviye Izvestia found that barely half its readers believe the official report that the blast was caused by a meteor.
According to the newspaper, the other half prefer to believe in an assortment of bizarre explanations, including that the blast was a secret US weapon test, an off-course ballistic missile, a message from God, a crashing alien spaceship, or even an extraterrestrial trojan horse carrying a deadly space virus to wipe out the Earth, C S Monitor reported.

"Our people remember the Soviet past, when news of disasters was concealed or lied about," Alexei Grazhdankin, deputy director of the Levada Center, an independent Moscow polling agency said.

"We have no scientific polls on what people think about the Chelyabinsk event last week, but it's safe to assume the majority of Russians accept that it was a meteorite. However, our past surveys show that up to 25 percent of Russians do believe in UFOs. A lot of our people just prefer not to accept the safe explanations they were taught at school. Even when all necessary information is available, they don't want to believe it," he said.

Scientists insist that they already know most key facts about 10,000-ton iron and stone meteorite - now named Chebarkul, after a city nearest to where the largest fragments landed - that exploded over the Urals city of Chelyabinsk a week ago in a dazzling fireball that released 500 kilotons, the power of 30 Hiroshima A-bombs, about 15 miles above the city.

It was the largest meteorite to make contact with Earth since the vastly more destructive 1908 Tunguskaya event, which involved an estimated 50 megaton blast that leveled an area of almost 800 square miles, and flattened 80-million trees, in a remote part of central Siberia.

For those Russians not prepared to believe in UFOs, a wide variety of other offbeat explanations are available for the Chelyabinsk event.

Russian ultranationalist parliamentarian Vladimir Zhirinovsky, with a nod to the currently strained relations between Russia and the US, has suggested that anti-Russian hardliners in the US staged a secret weapons test over Russia.

About a third of Noviye Izvestia's readers said they thought the meteor was actually a Russian missile test gone awry, or perhaps a falling satellite, which was covered up with the official story of a meteorite.

Inevitably perhaps, at least one leading Russian cleric has insisted that the meteor was a message from God, to remind us all of the fragility of life on this world.

And from the trade union newspaper, Trud, the cheery suggestion that the meteorite could be carrying deadly viruses from outer space, possibly the work of malevolent extraterrestrial forces.

Russians believe meteor strike could have been UFO or God`s message

@isro2222 your views on this ???
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Russians believe meteor strike could have been UFO or God's message


Washington: A recent newspaper poll found that nearly half of its readers believe that the meteor strike in Russia could be anything from a divine message to UFOs to a US weapons test.

A survey published by the fairly staid Moscow daily Noviye Izvestia found that barely half its readers believe the official report that the blast was caused by a meteor.
According to the newspaper, the other half prefer to believe in an assortment of bizarre explanations, including that the blast was a secret US weapon test, an off-course ballistic missile, a message from God, a crashing alien spaceship, or even an extraterrestrial trojan horse carrying a deadly space virus to wipe out the Earth, C S Monitor reported.

"Our people remember the Soviet past, when news of disasters was concealed or lied about," Alexei Grazhdankin, deputy director of the Levada Center, an independent Moscow polling agency said.

"We have no scientific polls on what people think about the Chelyabinsk event last week, but it's safe to assume the majority of Russians accept that it was a meteorite. However, our past surveys show that up to 25 percent of Russians do believe in UFOs. A lot of our people just prefer not to accept the safe explanations they were taught at school. Even when all necessary information is available, they don't want to believe it," he said.

Scientists insist that they already know most key facts about 10,000-ton iron and stone meteorite - now named Chebarkul, after a city nearest to where the largest fragments landed - that exploded over the Urals city of Chelyabinsk a week ago in a dazzling fireball that released 500 kilotons, the power of 30 Hiroshima A-bombs, about 15 miles above the city.

It was the largest meteorite to make contact with Earth since the vastly more destructive 1908 Tunguskaya event, which involved an estimated 50 megaton blast that leveled an area of almost 800 square miles, and flattened 80-million trees, in a remote part of central Siberia.

For those Russians not prepared to believe in UFOs, a wide variety of other offbeat explanations are available for the Chelyabinsk event.

Russian ultranationalist parliamentarian Vladimir Zhirinovsky, with a nod to the currently strained relations between Russia and the US, has suggested that anti-Russian hardliners in the US staged a secret weapons test over Russia.

About a third of Noviye Izvestia's readers said they thought the meteor was actually a Russian missile test gone awry, or perhaps a falling satellite, which was covered up with the official story of a meteorite.

Inevitably perhaps, at least one leading Russian cleric has insisted that the meteor was a message from God, to remind us all of the fragility of life on this world.

And from the trade union newspaper, Trud, the cheery suggestion that the meteorite could be carrying deadly viruses from outer space, possibly the work of malevolent extraterrestrial forces.

Russians believe meteor strike could have been UFO or God`s message

@isro2222 your views on this ???

My personal view is that it was the greys who did this.
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Several UFo's were seen before the meteor strike...Infact there are reports of UFO's shooting down the Meteor causing it to disintegrate..
@Arya Desa i already gave all details in other thread about meteor being shot by Greys in russia.... Greys rules Russia. Humanoids dont enter Russia.... The meteor that entered earth was been detected by Greys and was Shot by Powerful lasor beam just above russian sky that created most powerful wave that injured many.... If that meteor been directly hit than nearly 80percent of russian city people would had perished.... The reason meteor been shot was the greys underground base wasnt far away from the city. It would had created huge earthquake.... Even the wave was so powerful (equals to 30 nuclear bomb) that it created small earthquake within the city.... i already explained everything. The total info pleiadians gave to my team. They also told them by within 2015 to 2030 4th generation will perish and few world goverment already knows it. Plastic coffins are ready by FEMA (for peoples dead bodies) and underground bases (for VVIPs) have been in place.... Russia president openly said humans will end but it wasnt in 2012 (he knows it when).... i have alot info on it.... but why i should create panic.... Humans cant do much. However pleiadians will save multi million people. Majority will be asians.... Andromedans will save few europians and reptilian will save few africans and middle east while tall greys might save few americans into multi million.... However its not confirmed. Only pleiadians confirmed it. Astroid meteors is the biggest deadly weapon.... Also its been used by all superior beings in a war.... Special alpha draconians who use tiny black hole and astroids to target enemy planet and humanoid race....
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@Arya Desa i already gave all details in other thread about meteor being shot by Greys in russia.... Greys rules Russia. Humanoids dont enter Russia.... The meteor that entered earth was been detected by Greys and was Shot by Powerful lasor beam just above russian sky that created most powerful wave that injured many.... If that meteor been directly hit than nearly 80percent of russian city people would had perished.... The reason meteor been shot was the greys underground base wasnt far away from the city. It would had created huge earthquake.... Even the wave was so powerful (equals to 30 nuclear bomb) that it created small earthquake within the city.... i already explained everything. The total info pleiadians gave to my team. They also told them by within 2015 to 2030 4th generation will perish and few world goverment already knows it. Plastic coffins are ready by FEMA (for peoples dead bodies) and underground bases (for VVIPs) have been in place.... Russia president openly said humans will end but it wasnt in 2012 (he knows it when).... i have alot info on it.... but why i should create panic.... Humans cant do much. However pleiadians will save multi million people. Majority will be asians.... Andromedans will save few europians and reptilian will save few africans and middle east while tall greys might save few americans into multi million.... However its not confirmed. Only pleiadians confirmed it. Astroid meteors is the biggest deadly weapon.... Also its been used by all superior beings in a war.... Special alpha draconians who use tiny black hole and astroids to target enemy planet and humanoid race....

You seem such an interesting person , i would to meet you:)
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@jbgt90 i dont meet anyone.... However if you have any question about your life than i will like to answer it here (i dont reply inbox msgs).... i have met Arcturians (known as teachers or guru).... i have met Lord Tryambakam (3rd eye lord shiva).... i have met Rahu.... i want to meet many more. i hope to meet pleiadians and andromedans. people here make fun of me and them but they dont know what wrong they doing by making fun.... anyway if u have any question than ask me here in this thread....
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@Arya Desa i already gave all details in other thread about meteor being shot by Greys in russia.... Greys rules Russia. Humanoids dont enter Russia.... The meteor that entered earth was been detected by Greys and was Shot by Powerful lasor beam just above russian sky that created most powerful wave that injured many.... If that meteor been directly hit than nearly 80percent of russian city people would had perished.... The reason meteor been shot was the greys underground base wasnt far away from the city. It would had created huge earthquake.... Even the wave was so powerful (equals to 30 nuclear bomb) that it created small earthquake within the city.... i already explained everything. The total info pleiadians gave to my team. They also told them by within 2015 to 2030 4th generation will perish and few world goverment already knows it. Plastic coffins are ready by FEMA (for peoples dead bodies) and underground bases (for VVIPs) have been in place.... Russia president openly said humans will end but it wasnt in 2012 (he knows it when).... i have alot info on it.... but why i should create panic.... Humans cant do much. However pleiadians will save multi million people. Majority will be asians.... Andromedans will save few europians and reptilian will save few africans and middle east while tall greys might save few americans into multi million.... However its not confirmed. Only pleiadians confirmed it. Astroid meteors is the biggest deadly weapon.... Also its been used by all superior beings in a war.... Special alpha draconians who use tiny black hole and astroids to target enemy planet and humanoid race....

Russia Meteor Bigger Than Hiroshima

Meteor travelling at 18 kilometres per second released about 33 times the energy of the Hiroshima atomic bomb


DO you have any information on "The Couldrons" ?
For the rest of the folks

According to the specefic theory extraterrestrials built them in ancient times , they are automatically operated, Having claimed to shot down the tenguska meteorite in 1908 , Chulym meteorite in 1984 , the Vittim meteorite in 2002 , the Irkutsk meteorite in 2011 and possible this one.....
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@jbgt90 i dont meet anyone.... However if you have any question about your life than i will like to answer it here (i dont reply inbox msgs).... i have met Arcturians (known as teachers or guru).... i have met Lord Tryambakam (3rd eye lord shiva).... i have met Rahu.... i want to meet many more. i hope to meet pleiadians and andromedans. people here make fun of me and them but they dont know what wrong they doing by making fun.... anyway if u have any question than ask me here in this thread....

To be honest I don't know none of these guys (am I right? I mean guys? maybe deities) but as a friend I suggest you to forget all of them, say your prayers and direct your attention only to the ONE (almighty God) then your problems will disappear at once.
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To be honest I don't know none of these guys (am I right? I mean guys? maybe deities) but as a friend I suggest you to forget all of them, say your prayers and direct your attention only to the ONE (almighty God) then your problems will disappear at once.

That's going to require a LOT of attention.
could have been a fallen star too,from the movie stardust.

i am off to russia.:D
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