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Meteorite hits central Russia, injures at least 400

That was probably a UFO! Where is friend isro2222???
[video]http://rt.com/files/news/meteorite-crash-urals-chelyabinsk-283/iad8502a62ba009061d96a77b99b8e2e2_200822_meteo2.mx f.flv[/video]
Damn,they were lucky,its a sight of a lifetime!

Any idea whether the ruskie radars tracked'em or not?
Ok guys check this video or of the incident and make sure you have your speakers on full scary **** and listen to the sonic boom it was travelling at 34,000 kmph this is scary. And this one was only a tiny little one YouTube

Why...what did i ever do to you that you have to punish my ears like this....WHy !!!! :frown: I was wearing a headphone......
xD Look at this guy driving his car just as usual while a asteroid (He probably did not even know what it was at that time) is racing towards the earth... gotta admire the Russians :alcoholic:

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@indian_foxhound thats the problem.... Am right but none hear believes it. Anyway.... My prediction is not a prediction but a fact.... The pleiadians are in touch with my team and they update my team they want to tell humans.... According to them dinosaurs were wiped out by humanoids by the help of astroids. According to pleiadians the humanoids, reptilians and greys dont use nuclear war head (unlike mahabharata war).... They use astroids and small blackhole technology.... Mars was thrown out far away from sun by blackhole technology used by alpha draconians and they than used astroid to attack it (check phobo astroid hanging above mars which was one of 1000s of astroids) when it had human population which wiped out humans.... There was life on mars, earth and venus. The blackhole pushed mars far away and venus far close to sun that wiped life. Earth was than choosen for life and humanoids attacked it with astroids to wipe out dinasours so humans can be shifted.... This all took 50years (pleiadians live 350years).... Want evidence than let me know....
@Star Wars your post is the only post i have seen on Pdf that made sence.... You know far more than people here.... Btw scientists know less than 1percent about astroids that in our galaxy.... This idiots said astroid wont hit earth but it did.... But he biggest threat coming is on 2029 and 2036 which if hit earth than it will wipe out humans.... The idiot scientist declared that the chance of hiting earth is 1 in 1 million (they not sure as they say it can hit).... The goverment already building underground tunnels and also kept ready multi million plastic coffins.... Do you know the truth? The truth is goverment already knows a astroid is going to hit earth anytime from now on.... Scientists knows it. When my team asked pleiadians than it didnt got any answer as even pleiadians knows it.... Even russian president knows it and so do indian goverment and most world goverments. The question is when it will hit earth. My answer is within 2015.... i hope u heard of Fema camp.... They all already prepared for it. All goverments of world (leaving bad goverments) been told the date to hide inside underground tunnel.... America already moved tanks so if any humans who survived decided to attack for food and medicine can be brought down. Law and order preparation already been completed.... Scientists fooling people by saying astroid wont hit. They knows it that it will hit and they knows exact date and time....
@Norboo its a astroid and not ufo.... The ufo mothership does look like astroid when it enter earth but it dont head towards land.... It dives in sea for the base and it dont make nose by in sky. The astroid makes so much loud noise that if a astroid size of a truck it can kill human by just sound of it. Its one of most deadly sound. Even a astroid size of tennis ball does make scary sound.... A astroid size of a car can wipe out whole city....
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