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Meteorite hits central Russia, injures at least 400

Sorry to the Russians. Our Transformer prototype got out of control and left orbit at the wrong time.

now this is serious!!!you guys often make such mistakes!!:rofl:

good luck to Russia. fortunately, the rock exploded in the sky, otherwise it might cause much more damage.

on fortunate explosion,400 were injured atleast and now according to latest updated,atleast 500 are injured,how horrifying!!
everything of urs get out of control and leave u...........b4 Taliban now transformer's.

eh, GOOD ONE...!!!:lol:I REALLY enjoyed @gambit 's apology...in this thread!!
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previous meteroite hit in Russia.

Estimates of the energy of the blast range from 5 to as high as 30 megatons of TNT with 10–15 megatons of TNT (42–63 PJ) the most likely[8]—roughly equal to the United States' Castle Bravo thermonuclear bomb tested on March 1, 1954; about 1,000 times more powerful than the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Japan; and about two-fifths the power of the later Soviet Union's own Tsar Bomba, the largest nuclear weapon ever detonated.[9]

@isro2222 yaara i already asking you to tell me everything what know..ek aap hi ho nahi batate,,, give me all the links what you got....
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@indian_foxhound there are millions of links with evidence.... i posted some of them which were proven already.... Sorry for late reply. i was waiting for coming for confirmation.... Got big news. The meteor was shot by Greys as it fall near their base.... Due to it the meteor and lasor beam produced shockwave. Greys didnt save humans but they saved their base which alot near to the city.... The lasor beam melted the meteor or it would had brought hell over and around city which had 1.2 million population.... The pleiadians told my team that nearly 80percent of population would had wiped out if meteor hit their city.... This meteor was just like sand size compared to other meteor astroids which can wipe out majority of earths population (which it will by 2015 to 2030)....
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