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Russian Su-57 or US F-35 – Which one will India buy ?


Sep 20, 2014
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The US-Russia Rivalry, the SU-57 vs F-35 Fighter Jet Competition is just heating up. Russia’s elite SU-57 stealth fighter jet is aggressively competing with the American F-35. As EurAsian Times reported, Turkey was also evaluating the SU-57 Fighter Jets, before finally getting the much-anticipated American F-35, only the second country after Israel.

In this US-Russia rivalry, the US seems to be edging past Russia. While the Su-57 fighter jets program is still trapped in the theoretical stages, the F-35 fighter jets have already proved the dominance of the United States Air Force.

Russia seems to be struggling to fund the Su-57 fighter jets program and only ordered just 12 fighter jets for themselves. Now Russia is in a dire need of a key investor who can inject money in SU-57 stealth fighter jets program. Whom would Russia reach out to, before the F-35 fighter jets take complete control of global markets?

Will India Buy SU-57 or F-35?

In the initial stages, India was an integral part of the Russian SU-57 program. India extended its cooperation and sponsored the development of SU-57 fighter jets (PAK-FA). India’s plan was to buy these advanced stealth fighter jets which would rival F-22 and F-35.

As reported by EurAsian Times, the IAF has on several accounts reported dissatisfaction and dismay regarding the quality of the Russian aircraft. A senior officer of the Indian Air Force was concerned about the abilities of SU-57 and believes that the jet will fall short in areas of stealth and cross-section capacities. Other concerns raised by the IAF included the cost of servicing and maintenance of the fleet.

As per interview given to EurAsian Times by an Indian defence expert, India, in the present scenario, is more inclined towards buying an American or European fighter jet. If Russia doesn’t find an investor soon for the Su-57 program, it could well be shot down by the American F-35.

Russia’s Marketing Ploy in Syria ::

Russia has sent a pair of Su-57 fighter jets to Syria as a part of an apparent bomb dropping practice. Many experts are of the belief that sending underdeveloped fighter jets to Syria was only a marketing ploy by Russia. Apparently, this marketing ploy was played to attract more buyers and counter the F-35 global demand. Despite this, the US has managed to attract more buyers for the F-35, who had initially thought of going for the SU-57 fighter jets.

Experts also believe that the purchase of the F-35 fighter jets by potential importers like India will put Russia’s SU-57 program in shambles. So, the US is clearly threatening Russia’s Su-57 fighter jets and the US-Russia rivalry is getting even more intriguing. The Su-57 fighter jets program is headed for some real trouble for sure unless it finds a major investor.

According to the IAF Chief, the PAK FA is more stealthy than the J-20. So that alone is good enough for us.

PAK FA and F-35 are not in competition with each other anyway. We have a requirement for both types. It's no different from the F-22 and F-35. Without the PAK FA, the F-35 will be irrelevant.
Hasn't the deal about Su-57 been canned already?

Atleast in current secnario

- Earlier according to information in the mass media, India withdrew from the joint project of Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft (FGFA). Can you confirm this?

- I can only say that the talks are going on, as a result of which there is better understanding of each other’s priorities and plans for the future.

It's still on the cards.

But the alternative to the FGFA is the Su-57.
According to the IAF Chief, the PAK FA is more stealthy than the J-20. So that alone is good enough for us.

PAK FA and F-35 are not in competition with each other anyway. We have a requirement for both types. It's no different from the F-22 and F-35. Without the PAK FA, the F-35 will be irrelevant.
But the alternative to the FGFA is the Su-57.

And that's the right choice IMO if India was to go that route. I honestly could never figure out why they needed a back-seater on a system aircraft that basically allows one pilot to EASILY absorb the workload and operate the aircraft on his own in a very successfull manner. What was the whole attraction with turning a Ferrari into a bus? Could never figure that out and the only thing that made sense was that the IAF enjoyed the success of the MKI and all that it brought with it that it wanted to use the PAF-FA in the same configuration. For it not the look around at all the super successful stealth aircraft that have been built to that point, primarily the F-22 and the F-35 was on paper/design at that time (and the J-20 appeared out of nowhere too many years ago) and realize that this is the trend and it would be much more feasible and economical to go the single-pilot PAK-FA route and drop that FGFA concept entirely many years ago. Perhaps had India done that and jumped hard into the development of the PAK-FA, the bird would be flying over India as I type this post.

A simple readjustment in a concept that really wasn't very promising to begin with would have taken care of this whole debacle IMO.
Indians are experts at self comforting. They are born with a golden pacifier that they carry with them all their life

This is false due to popular belief. The truth is the "pacifier" is located between their legs. And it's not golden but it is used to give themselves golden showers. :omghaha:
May be end up buying both.....Su-57 for Airforce while F-35s for Navy.
That's highly unlikely to occur for several obvious reasons.
Nothing is impossible. USA has already offered EMALs for our future aircraft carriers....so naturally F-35s will be no issue for Navy. While IAF will wait for Su-57 to be mature a bit before It makes its mind to go with it or not.
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They SHOULD buy both, small numbers of both. At least 2 squadrons of each.
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