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Russian researcher says CPEC ‘game-changer for the region’

what is the $46 billion being spent for ??
power generation plants have nothing to do with economic corridor

I am sure a metro project in Lahore is useful. But what does it have to do with international trade ?

it is like everything under the kitchen sink is put under CPEC

This is the master plan. Power generation is around 75% of it lol.
Functioning CPEC is a threat to Indian dominance in the region.

I don't think so, but if you think that Indian dominance in the region is in danger because of CPEC, it is even more bad news for CPEC.
it is a naval base disguised in the name of an economic corridor

kuala lumpur is not a port. why would ships dock in colombo ?

the route to Europe through Central Asia, Iran and Turkey is filled with potholes. if you want a land route to Europe build a road through Russia. you do not have to worry about instability in any of these countries
Keep on crying:omghaha:. Long live Pak-China Friendship. :pakistan::china:

Functioning CPEC is a threat to Indian dominance in the region.

infact Pakistan is a threat to indian dominance in the region. otherwise she would have swallowed all and spread the
shit around.
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