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Russian researcher says CPEC ‘game-changer for the region’

I think its about time to give this "Game Changer" theory to rest, lets wait and see instead of opening a tread whenever a Lalu Panju says something
Yup, So is CPEC, i wonder why Modi Sarkar doesn't seem to understand this & have been complaining & raising concerns with regards to CPEC with diff heads of states....
it is a naval base disguised in the name of an economic corridor

Yup, So is CPEC, i wonder why Modi Sarkar doesn't seem to understand this & have been complaining & raising concerns with regards to CPEC with diff heads of states....

kuala lumpur is not a port. why would ships dock in colombo ?

the route to Europe through Central Asia, Iran and Turkey is filled with potholes. if you want a land route to Europe build a road through Russia. you do not have to worry about instability in any of these countries
I think its about time to give this "Game Changer" theory to rest, lets wait and see instead of opening a tread whenever a Lalu Panju says something

It is alright to promote CPEC for now, but the real test will be whether it delivers all the hype being created or not. That will soon be evident. After all, everyone will be able to see whether the game being changed is gulli danda or cricket when the teams come out to actually play in the stadium.
it is a naval base disguised in the name of an economic corridor

kuala lumpur is not a port. why would ships dock in colombo ?

the route to Europe through Central Asia, Iran and Turkey is filled with potholes. if you want a land route to Europe build a road through Russia. you do not have to worry about instability in any of these countries
A naval base, that pretty much sums up how much u know about CPEC...no further discussion required :)
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Russian realized this early on because CPEC is shortest east-west transit corridor which will transform trade and economy for millions of people..
The amount of diplomatic effort wasted on India should be redirected towards Afghanistan, OBOR's north south road will link CPEC with Kazakhstan through Afghanistan. Our trading and economic future I think lies in Central Asia. India will forever block South Asian countries from trading on their own terms. India will also try to bypass Pakistan through Iran. We must establish good relations with Afghanistan.
Good to know that there are "heated" debates going within Russian corridors of power about CPEC.

They will join, just wait and watch. Geopolitical compulsions and security scenarios building all over will lure them in.
what is the $46 billion being spent for ??
power generation plants have nothing to do with economic corridor

I am sure a metro project in Lahore is useful. But what does it have to do with international trade ?

it is like everything under the kitchen sink is put under CPEC

You have basically contradicted yourself and proven how wrong you were to begin.

Another clueless PDF Bhakt.
The way the regional tensions are going on, It is hard to visualize CPEC as a game changer. CPEC is becoming more of a contention than a project of cooperation.

maybe then you should stop reading articles my india today and times of india. :chilli::victory:
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