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Russian regions by different living standard

I'm sure they do like they also welcome Herpes. But in all seriousness that was a weak comeback on your behalf since, one, most of the Native American land is taken and, two, most Native Americans are dirt poor.

But and the end it does not change the fact that you are a thief :rolleyes: (according to your logic).

It was not a comeback.

I have talked to several natives, and I can sympathize with them about being under imperial rule.

They welcomed me because they know I am not involved in oppressing them.

But let's take a look at the Chechens.

Russia steals their oil, imposes puppet regime, then gets mad when they fight back.

Tsk Tsk.

No need to be such a kurwa my friend. :D
It was not a comeback.

I have talked to several natives, and I can sympathize with them about being under imperial rule.

They welcomed me because they know I am not involved in oppressing them.

and I can say the same thing for Chechens, i have never oppressed them. To be frank you have no logic.

But let's take a look at the Chechens.

Russia steals their oil, imposes puppet regime, then gets mad when they fight back.

and how does this not apply to Native Americans? And sorry, you don't get a free pass just because you have Native American friends that excepted you, by that token you have no room to talk since many Chechens accept Russians, so much so that they Volunteer for military service.
Before Feeling the pain of Chechens , Dear Pakistanies in this thread should think about Balochis . You guys have been stealing big time from them ( And now whatever argument you give will be in line with @ptldM3 and that will cause you to contradict your own self . Hypocrisy Much ??)
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How does building mosques help GDP figures ?

Genius .

Dumbass, no one is claiming that building mosques will help anybody.

The point was the Russian attitude. There are millions of Muslims in Russia, but Russians aren't letting them building mosques. In Moscow, there are like 2 mosques for 2 million people or so...So you see Muslims praying in streets in Moscow..and then Russians cry that oh these Muslims are blocking our streets...

So I was just point out the attitudes..

Russia is an atheistic country and Soviet Union destroyed Christianity. Islam was oppressed too ....
Chechniya is at bottom.

Russia needs to take care of its Muslims. There are very few mosques and building to new mosques is opposed. This is bad..

PS. Are you a girl?

Muslims are always at the bottom, regardless of which country you talk about. Its because they prefer to JEEHADDDD rather than go to school :angel:
Dumbass, no one is claiming that building mosques will help anybody.

The point was the Russian attitude. There are millions of Muslims in Russia, but Russians aren't letting them building mosques. In Moscow, there are like 2 mosques for 2 million people or so...So you see Muslims praying in streets in Moscow..and then Russians cry that oh these Muslims are blocking our streets...

So I was just point out the attitudes..

Russia is an atheistic country and Soviet Union destroyed Christianity. Islam was oppressed too ....

Moscow had 4 mosques as of 2011.

RUSSIA, has over 8000 mosques. Go on, tell me i'm wrong. Mosques or Islam has nothing to do with Chechnya's poor GDP. What they need is education and infrastructure.

Muslim neighborhoods in Russia are a pain for everyone. You see, non-muslims like to walk their dogs and have an occasional BBQ.

Russian muslims on the other hand ( mostly tartars) poke their nose in---and attempts to dictate what their neighbors should or shouldn't do. They try to stop people cooking pork....walking dogs.....dressing light.....generally;---- make everyone's life a living hell.
Well if Churches are burned in their own countries, people are not allowed to follow their religion in countries like KSA, its hypocritical of people to lecture other countries where Muslims are in Minority.

Practice what you preach.
I am Caucasian (Caucasian race and the Caucasian nation!) - ask me!

We condemn Caucasians to seek work abroad!

throw your - statistics in the trash!
this is bullshit! I see myself! one corruption!
your expensive business offices - is the "economic stability"? lol! :lol:

Politics suck. there are no jobs. no honest politicians. puppets -
we do not need people (nation, citizens).
+ Crisis in the Caucasus, + Vahabism (which was supported in the Soviet Union
and Russia, the 90s!)

about oppression. a genocide in the Caucasus! destroying our people and
the nation! Us: Daghestanis (Avars, Dargin, Lezgins, Laks),
Vainakhs (Chechens, Ingush), Circassians - we've got a little!

We cut out all! We killed: Turks; Qajars / Padar (Azeri Tabriz), Rusi (Russian)!

us Lezghians - also divided in half! half in Dagestan, half in a false, artificial "Azerbaijan 1918"!

We demand freedom and the North Caucasus (honest federalism as part of Russia)
and in Transcaucasia reclaimed Lezgistan (Caucasian Albania!)!

"Heart" - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Pskov, Volgograd, Samara (+ Vladivostok) =
this is the only developing region and the city! -
Pay attention! it is Rusi (Russian inhabit) regions!
it Rusi - regions! in others - there is nothing!

in Siberia, the North Taiga, the Caucasus, the Urals, and others - it's devastation,
corruption and unemployment. (in a country of more than 15% unemployment,
this is Siberia and the Caucasus!)

Your Chechnya-new - soaked huge bribes, corruption and the "carrot"
(pay for genocide and war!).

other than that in our country. sad!
Dumbass, no one is claiming that building mosques will help anybody.

The point was the Russian attitude. There are millions of Muslims in Russia, but Russians aren't letting them building mosques. In Moscow, there are like 2 mosques for 2 million people or so...So you see Muslims praying in streets in Moscow..and then Russians cry that oh these Muslims are blocking our streets...

So I was just point out the attitudes..

Russia is an atheistic country and Soviet Union destroyed Christianity. Islam was oppressed too ....

Its because they are not supposed to stay in moscow. Only 20% of the muslims in moscow are real citizens all the rest are guest workers from central asia. It was their choice to come to moscow to earn money so they should except what they have in moscow, no one forced them to come in first place.

These central asians are not citizen, they are also not counted in the statistics. Many muslim countries get also guest workers from south asia like Pakistani or Indians to kuwait, saudi arabia, united arab emirates quatar and so on.

So where are the hindu temples in saudi arabia my friend?? Where are they? And i am a boy.
I would also like to ad that ingushetia is at the bottom. But its per capita income is the same of that of iraq, another region which has seen a war and a presence of military. But iraq has a lot of oil, so even the poorest region cant be so bad in russia. And Chechenya is above ingushetia while dagestan is as rich as aizerbaidjan another country that has massive oil. While these poor regions in russia have all no oil, they are still far better of than other countries which have oil.
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