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Russian Military vs USA Military 39 Billion vs 1000 Billiion Dollars



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Aug 2, 2009
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Russian Military Budget

People seem to forget the Russian Military is not the USSR and is no where comparable to the USA Military.

On September 16, 2008, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin announced that in 2009, Russian defense budget will be increased to a record amount of $50 billion.[18]

On 16 February 2009 Russia's deputy defense minister said state defense contracts would not be subject to cuts this year despite the ongoing financial crisis, and that there would be no decrease in 2009. [19]. The budget would still be 1,376 billion roubles and in the current exchange rates this would amount to $41.500 billion.

However, later that month, due to the world financial crisis, the Russian Parliament's Defense Committee stated that the Russian defense budget would instead be slashed by 15 percent, from $40 billion to $34 billion, with further cuts to come.[20] On 5 May, 2009, First Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov said that the defense budget for 2009 will be 1.3 trillion rubles ($39.4 billion). 322 billion rubles are allocated to purchase weapons, and the rest of the fund will be spent on construction, fuel storage and food supply

USA Military Budget

For the 2009 fiscal year, the base budget rose to $515.4 billion. Adding emergency discretionary spending and supplemental spending brings the sum to $651.2 billion.[1] This does not include many military-related items that are outside of the Defense Department budget, such as nuclear weapons research, maintenance and production (about $9.3 billion, which is in the Department of Energy budget), Veterans Affairs (about $33.2 billion), interest on debt incurred in past wars, or the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan (which are largely funded through extra-budgetary supplements, about $170 billion in 2007). As of 2009, the United States government is spending about $1 trillion annually on defense-related purposes. [2]

39 Billion vs 1000 Billion Military,,,,or even a 500 Billion military is going to be significent.
What is that we see "Made in America" around in the world? How is USA able to pull such a huge economy and defense budget? Ever thought why a competing nation Russia or even China is 20 times behind them? Its not result of their handwork, increased exports, cheap services and quality production that has given USA the edge.. Its Zionists Blood-Sucking Economic system that supports USA. It is the system in which our currency got devaluation 25% in 2 months! Where has our 25% of currency value gone? why are we paid only 1/3rd for the same goods and services which they were paying before? 2CO.com, a merchandising company that started with just 10,000 dollars as capital in 2001 is doing business of trillions of dollar a year just by letting you use their banking-model, credit cards and cash-to-credit services? Do you see reason of USA being this rich? See how they are earning by sitting and producing and doing "nothing". Break out of their economic model and you will get this 1000 bullion dollar dragon back on the ground. Need alternative economic model? Study Islamic Model of Economy in which the price of amenities would stay the same for centuries and that would not let anybody suck-blood of poor and developing nations ever.
What is that we see "Made in America" around in the world? How is USA able to pull such a huge economy and defense budget? Ever thought why a competing nation Russia or even China is 20 times behind them? Its not result of their handwork, increased exports, cheap services and quality production that has given USA the edge.. Its Zionists Blood-Sucking Economic system that supports USA. It is the system in which our currency got devaluation 25% in 2 months! Where has our 25% of currency value gone? why are we paid only 1/3rd for the same goods and services which they were paying before? 2CO.com, a merchandising company that started with just 10,000 dollars as capital in 2001 is doing business of trillions of dollar a year just by letting you use their banking-model, credit cards and cash-to-credit services? Do you see reason of USA being this rich? See how they are earning by sitting and producing and doing "nothing". Break out of their economic model and you will get this 1000 bullion dollar dragon back on the ground. Need alternative economic model? Study Islamic Model of Economy in which the price of amenities would stay the same for centuries and that would not let anybody suck-blood of poor and developing nations ever.

Well lets look at the facts,,,The economy of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC) combines the economies of 57 member states. Those 57 countries have a combined GDP (at Purchasing power parity; PPP) of USD 7,740 billion. Thats just a little more then half the GDP of the USA alone...The worlds total is about 68 Trillion, considering that Muslims make up 22 percent of the worlds population, so far we are doing is not working so well, and I expect the Islamic Model would even do worse. Its a great theory like communism that would fail miserable in real life...
There are lots of reasons the U.S. economy is so large. One of the biggest reasons though is our industrial infrastructure. The industrial production capacity of the U.S. is staggering. that is what saved the world during WWII. Another is U.S. agriculture production. The U.S. produces so much food that it cant ship as much as it produces. In the high tech sector the U.S. pours billions into research and development. This on top of the tens of billions the U.S. gives to other countries even in the bad economic times.
There are lots of reasons the U.S. economy is so large. One of the biggest reasons though is our industrial infrastructure. The industrial production capacity of the U.S. is staggering. that is what saved the world during WWII. Another is U.S. agriculture production. The U.S. produces so much food that it cant ship as much as it produces. In the high tech sector the U.S. pours billions into research and development. This on top of the tens of billions the U.S. gives to other countries even in the bad economic times.

True, but there is more,,,, Thomas Jefferson once said The Country with the most people the most free will always be the most powerful....Islamic countries are not free, most of them are run by dictators or religious theocrats...and the people are not free,, especially the women,,,,minorities are not free like non muslims.....and education is not public,, available to every one....
X-47B scheduled to launch at sea in 2011

By Gidget Fuentes - Staff writer
Posted : Tuesday Jul 14, 2009 8:46:30 EDT

SAN DIEGO — It will be a much-watched but close-hold event in the Mojave Desert north of Los Angeles in November, when the unmanned bomber drone takes to the air for its first real flight sortie.

That maiden flight of the X-47B at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., will be a key milestone in its test program. Its next critical test will be landing on an aircraft carrier at sea.

The batwing X-47B is Northrop Grumman’s design for a tailless, pilotless autonomous aircraft that can remotely launch and recover aboard aircraft carriers. The aircraft, which Northrop Grumman and the Navy in December unveiled as the UCAS-Demonstrator — short for unmanned combat air system — will go “wheels up” in early November.

Sea trials are planned to begin in 2011 on the East Coast aboard the carriers Harry S. Truman and Dwight D. Eisenhower, said Tim Beard, a retired rear admiral and pilot who is leading Northrop Grumman’s X-47B program on carrier integration.

In 2007, Northrop Grumman got a $636 million Navy contract to build a carrier-based aircraft and inherited a UCAS program worth $809 million that “all of a sudden got sea legs,” Beard said.

Starting this fall, the aircraft will spend six to eight months flying at Edwards. It will then go to Naval Air Station Patuxent River, Md., for testing and flights through November 2011, as well as additional testing at Naval Air Engineering Station in Lakehurst, N.J., Beard said. Contractor crews plan to put the aircraft aboard a carrier at the Norfolk, Va., naval base to evaluate “all the stuff you have to do to get ready to get aboard a ship,” he said.

Simulated sea duty
Even before it encounters the salty sea air and swells for real, the X-47B is launching and landing on simulated Nimitz-class aircraft carriers, events computed and conducted by designers and technicians at Northrop Grumman’s desert plant in Palmdale, Calif. Computer simulations and F/A-18 Hornets configured with software to fly like the X-47B have done 10,000 successful virtual landings, grabbing the same wires that trap piloted aircraft on a deck busy with personnel in shifty sea conditions, Beard said.

It’s not just about building an aircraft with systems able to withstand the rigors and harsh conditions at sea.

“We have to get an aircraft that is survivable in the at-sea” environment, Beard said, and one that fits well with sailors in the hectic work environment of the flight and hangar decks.

So aircraft designers and technology developers will use simulation and shore-based testing, at-sea flights and input from sailors to answer questions such as how a crew would refuel, service or move the aircraft.

“Have we designed them well so the kids can service them on the flight deck?” Beard said. “We have worked at the enlisted level and we’ve worked at the junior officer level. We had to sell them. They’re not sold yet. This is a huge leap.”

While the military’s fleets of unmanned aerial vehicles continue to grow, the X-47B, with twin bays to carry two precision-guided munitions, would be the Navy’s first unmanned strike aircraft. It also would be the first to launch and recover at sea, on carriers that for generations have been the bastion of manned aircraft. Beard said the pilotless aircraft, with its “cranked kite” design, is planned to complement manned aircraft and ultimately will fit into a carrier air wing populated by F-35 Joint Strike Fighters.

The unmanned bomber, unencumbered by flight-hour restrictions, is designed to fly farther and have a longer loiter time — to tackle multiple targets or perform multiple duties in combat zones — than manned aircraft.

Recent simulations have shown that the aircraft completed about 17.5 hours “time on station” during a 47-hour flight that included six aerial refuelings, he said. A manned jet would get 30 minutes of time on station during an 11-hour mission.

“We are fairly confident that we can get 50 hours out of the existing aircraft,” Beard said. “You get a massive increase in mission endurance.”

The X-47B will be less burdensome on maintenance as well, Beard said.

The X-47B is a unique aircraft, but it won’t be totally unfamiliar to some experienced sailors.

The X-47B is designed and built with the same hook used on the now-retired F-14 Tomcat jets, Beard said, and it borrows other elements of the Navy’s manned-jet heritage, with S-3 tires, F/A-18 tires and brakes and F-22 generators.

With weight similar to an F/A-18C Hornet and a wingspan two feet short of the Tomcat’s, it has a wider but shorter footprint than existing aircraft and wings that “fold just like an EA-6B,” Beard said.

About UCAS
The X-47B unmanned combat air system is designed for aerial reconnaissance, surveillance and targeting, all without a pilot aboard. Flight testing begins in November, with the first carrier landing set for 2011.

• Power plant: Pratt & Whitney F100-PW-220 turbofan engine.

• Top speed: High subsonic.

• Combat radius: 1,500 nautical miles.

• Top altitude: 40,000 feet.

• Payload: 4,500 pounds internal.


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True, but there is more,,,, Thomas Jefferson once said The Country with the most people the most free will always be the most powerful....Islamic countries are not free, most of them are run by dictators or religious theocrats...and the people are not free,, especially the women,,,,minorities are not free like non muslims.....and education is not public,, available to every one....

We are stuck in the Middle Ages. We won't have our Renaissance until we have our Reformation.

Unfortunately, unlike Europe which was free to crawl out of its hole, most Islamic countries are hampered by powerful interests who work day and night to keep us in mired in darkness.

As you said, most muslim countries are ruled by despotic regimes who benefit by keeping their citizens uneducated, poor and divided, thus unable to form a coherent threat to their rule. And these same short-sighted despots find common cause with rich and powerful Western interests, who also don't want a strong muslim bloc.

Most of our cultures are not as media-centric as the West. Religious and community activities play a far more important role in most people's lives. Unfortunately many of our religious leaders respond to people's frustrations with lack of progress by advocating an escapism to past glory -- Caliphate -- instead of advancing forward through religious reformation and secular education (science and technology).
We are stuck in the Middle Ages. We won't have our Renaissance until we have our Reformation.

Unfortunately, unlike Europe which was free to crawl out of its hole, most Islamic countries are hampered by powerful interests who work day and night to keep us in mired in darkness.

As you said, most muslim countries are ruled by despotic regimes who benefit by keeping their citizens uneducated, poor and divided, thus unable to form a coherent threat to their rule. And these same short-sighted despots find common cause with rich and powerful Western interests, who also don't want a strong muslim bloc.

Most of our cultures are not as media-centric as the West. Religious and community activities play a far more important role in most people's lives. Unfortunately many of our religious leaders respond to people's frustrations with lack of progress by advocating an escapism to past glory -- Caliphate -- instead of advancing forward through religious reformation and secular education (science and technology).

What is terrible is that According to most researchers we are today in an era where knowledge volume doubles every 1 1/2 to 2 years. Comparing our time to the preceding 10,000 years, where the curve is mostly flat, we are right to strap ourselves in — because that curve is approaching a trajectory leading straight up and we are being left behind.
For big expenses you need matching income too, how much China can buy US debt to fiance their huge budgets in future.
right now US has 1.3 trillion deficit and increasing by time.
For big expenses you need matching income too, how much China can buy US debt to fiance their huge budgets in future.
right now US has 1.3 trillion deficit and increasing by time.

China is actually in the worse position. it has 875 billion in U.S. bonds. Yet they only have a GDP of 4.3 trillion. That's pretty bad over exposure. Also look at China's current economic demise. Their exports have decreased in some sector by as much as 70%. This has caused a mass migration of people back to the countryside becuase of no jobs. This makes China more dependent on the U.S. in the long term. And it also to some extent influences China's attitude towards the U.S.
China is actually in the worse position. it has 875 billion in U.S. bonds. Yet they only have a GDP of 4.3 trillion. That's pretty bad over exposure. Also look at China's current economic demise. Their exports have decreased in some sector by as much as 70%. This has caused a mass migration of people back to the countryside becuase of no jobs. This makes China more dependent on the U.S. in the long term. And it also to some extent influences China's attitude towards the U.S.

In very simple words
US makes $1 and spends $1.2 so increasing its deficit by time but for how long ?????


China makes $1 and spends $ 0.7 so saving 0.3 as reserves every year
In very simple words
US makes $1 and spends $1.2 so increasing its deficit by time but for how long ?????


China makes $1 and spends $ 0.7 so saving 0.3 as reserves every year

yes but who's money is the U.S. actually spending....China's? if things do melt down economically who will be left holding the bag?
yes but who's money is the U.S. actually spending....China's? if things do melt down economically who will be left holding the bag?

For the last ten years Chinese are working on making a home grown economy with demand for their own products. They are thinking for the future.
For the last ten years Chinese are working on making a home grown economy with demand for their own products. They are thinking for the future.
yes we can see that with all the software piracy, industrial espionage, aircraft reverse engineering. having a artificially propped up currency that discourages imports from other countries. that doesn't seem like being a very fair trading partner. In fact that is one reason the U.S. trade deficit is so large. but you are right the average worker has worked hard.
There are lots of reasons the U.S. economy is so large. One of the biggest reasons though is our industrial infrastructure. The industrial production capacity of the U.S. is staggering. that is what saved the world during WWII. Another is U.S. agriculture production. The U.S. produces so much food that it cant ship as much as it produces. In the high tech sector the U.S. pours billions into research and development. This on top of the tens of billions the U.S. gives to other countries even in the bad economic times.

the second world war really helped the cause...when the major powers of Europe fought amongst themselves and expended a large chunk of their resources and when major industrial hubs got destroyed(czechoslovakia was a big industrial hub...which was bombed to smithereens)
the USA...grew exponentially...no fighting was carried on the american mainland...and the industrial base grew without interruption fueled by large defese orders from all over Europe....Russia,france,Germany,Britain...all took a tremendous beating as far as the industrial machinery is concerned...
hence their powers vaned.
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