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Russian military reveals details of ISIS-Turkey oil smuggling

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Syrian Opposition fighters light artillery training against Russian barbarian and Esad



Is Russia deliberately killing civilians? For the purpose of identifying war crimes, a distinction is made between the accidental and deliberate death of civilians during wartime activities:

A war crime is an act that constitutes a serious violation of the law of war that gives rise to individual criminal responsibility.Examples of war crimes include intentionally killing civilians or prisoners, torture, wantonly destroying property, taking hostages,perfidy, rape, using child soldiers, pillaging, declaring that no quarter will be given, and using weapons that cause superfluous injury or unnecessary suffering.

Otherwise any death, accidental or otherwise would constitute a war crime. At present it's recognized that Russia is being reckless in its use of unguided munitions, but isn't deliberately targeting civilians.

The Wontonly destroying property is contentious too. While unguided munitions, carpet bombing and "block busting" seem to be wonton, they are protected strategies if more accurate means aren't available to a military... which they are to Russia. Wonton in this case is destroying for the sake of doing so and destroying everything largely without destruction or purpose.

Russia seems to be selecting targets based on their or shared intelligence and not destroying anything they see just for the sake of doing so.

However, Russia is at risk of actions over their bombing of hospitals in Syria, which is a war crime:

It is a war crime deliberately to attack a hospital or other medical unit, whether civilian or military. It is also unlawful to use a hospital in direct support of a military operation—to convert one wing of the hospital into an ammo dump, for example. (Indeed, hospitals that are misused in this manner lose their legal protection.)


Like the US action in Afghanistan against MSF's hospital, Russia would need to demonstrate that the facilities where engaged in or supporting militant actions. If they are they lose their legal protections and become valid targets, if not their destruction is a war crime.

Russia, the US and China aren't signatories to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court either, so the court doesn't hold jurisdiction over their affairs, they investigate and prosecute actions internally. The US even issues an edict noting that it reserved the right to use force to free any US soldiers interned by the ICC:

American Service-Members' Protection Act

The American Service-Members' Protection Act (ASPA, Title 2 of Pub.L. 107–206, H.R. 4775, 116 Stat.820, enacted August 2, 2002) is a United States federal law that aims "to protect United States military personnel and other elected and appointed officials of the United States government against criminal prosecution by an international criminal court to which the United States is not party."


I know the B-1B, TU-160 and TU-22M look similar, but come on, it's not that hard SyrianJustice.




The aircraft dropping unguided munitions atop the SyrianJustice graphic is obviously an American B-1B.


Laws my profession.
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However, Russia is at risk of actions over their bombing of hospitals in Syria, which is a war crime

The rest is INTENDED "collateral damage" ?
Use of banned weapons "Phosphor bombs "! ?

The aircraft dropping unguided munitions atop the SyrianJustice graphic is obviously an American B-1B.

It is obviously a symbolic photo.
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Violations Database | Syria Justice & Accountability Centre

Russian barbarian and Esad

United Nations News Centre - Civilians in Syria suffering ‘a living tragedy’ with no end in sight, UN human rights expert warns

Government forces “have committed gross violations of human rights and the war crimes of murder, torture, rape, sexual violence and targeting civilians” and its indiscriminate aerial bombardments have led to mass civilian casualties

The rest is INTENDED "collateral damage" ?
Use of banned weapons "Phosphor bombs "! ?

White phosphorus munitions aren't prohibited under select criteria:

There are multiple international laws that could be seen to regulate white phosphorus use. Article 1 of Protocol III of the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons defines an incendiary weapon as "any weapon or munition which is primarily designed to set fire to objects or to cause burn injury to persons through the action of flame, heat, or combination thereof, produced by a chemical reaction of a substance delivered on the target". The same protocol prohibits the use of said incendiary weapons against civilians (already forbidden by the Geneva Conventions) or in civilian areas. The convention also defines weapons which are not to be considered to be incendiary weapons.

Examples are:

(i) Munitions which may have incidental incendiary effects, such as illuminants, tracers, smoke or signalling systems;
(ii) Munitions designed to combine penetration, blast or fragmentation effects with an additional incendiary effect.
Weapons containing white phosphorus, but are not incendiary weapons, are not regulated by the above protocol.

However, the use against military targets outside civilian areas is not explicitly banned by any treaty. The convention is meant to prohibit weapons that are "dependent on the use of the toxic properties of chemicals as a method of warfare" (Article II, Definitions, 9, "Purposes not Prohibited" c.).

Simply accusing Russia of using phosphorus based munitions doesn't meet the criteria needed to prosecute or proceed with a war crimes allegation, they need to be shown to have been used in civilian areas and against civilian targets. The use of phosphorus munitions, other than illuminators or flares, isn't expressly prohibited... in fact it's allowed.

Note that I'm not arguing against you or defending Russia, but as a JAG lawyer, I like to challenge claims regarding crimes in wartime. If Russia was the US, it's actions would not meet the relevant and necessary criteria for prosecution, though we would investigate claims to verify or refute their authenticity.

Also, looking at the inforgraphic, which is what I was questioning, the mention of phosphorus munitions isn't made. I don't mind debating additional claims, but I was referencing the infographic.

And are you going to address any of my counter-points? Or just change the subject?

United Nations News Centre - Civilians in Syria suffering ‘a living tragedy’ with no end in sight, UN human rights expert warns

Government forces “have committed gross violations of human rights and the war crimes of murder, torture, rape, sexual violence and targeting civilians” and its indiscriminate aerial bombardments have led to mass civilian casualties


Government forces aren't Russia or the Russian military. I didn't realize we were talking about the Syrian military or its associated units. Please let me known the next time you change the subject.

And yes, allegations made against the Syrian government including extrajudicial killings, the use of banned munitions, wonton destruction of property and other acts do meet the qualifications for a war crimes investigation.


I don't have my post set to alert me to tags or quotes. Just leave a message, I'll read and respond to it when I can. But there's no need to tag me.
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JAG lawyer

Nice that you joined Thursday. Tagging is just a routine.

We are not at the front and have to depend on creditable sources :

Russian airstrikes 'using deadly white phosphorus on civilian areas in Syria' - Mirror Online

The chemical weapon is banned under the Geneva Convention, because it is highly toxic and can burn through flesh and bone.

White phosphorus, an incendiary also known as WP, is used by armies to illuminate targets during the night or as a smokescreen during the day.

On November 13, witnesses in the opposition-controlled northwest Syrian city of Idlib, told The Times that dozens of civilians suffered ‘horrific injuries’ following two phosphorous attacks.

‘We knew it was phosphorous because the entire sky lit up and when it settled it set everything on fire,’ said Ahmed, an activist based in Idlib.

He added that the two villages that were targeted were full of civilians, and were at least 40 miles from the nearest military posts.

Absorption of the chemical can cause heart, liver and kidney damage and, in severe cases, death.

The Geneva Convention defines ‘incendiary weapons’ as ‘primarily designed to set fire to objects or to cause burn injury to persons through the action of flame, heat, or combination thereof, produced by a chemical reaction of a substance delivered on the target’.

Government forces aren't Russia or the Russian military. I didn't realize we were talking about the Syrian military or its associated units. Please let me known the next time you change the subject.

Hope you are not defense lawyer of Putin:tup:

U.S. officials have confirmed the Russian use of cluster munitions against populated locations in Hama and Idlib Provinces. Open source reporting indicates the use of cluster munitions in Aleppo Province as well. Russian airstrikes have reportedly killed over 254 civilians from September 30 – October 26 alone, according to the Syrian Network for Human Rights. Russian airstrikes reportedly targeted at least 12 medical facilities throughout Syria, according to statements from Doctors Without Borders on October 29. Local sources also reported the use of white phosphorus during Russian airstrikes in Idlib Province on November 12. Russia’s violent intervention is already driving the unification of rebels under powerful jihadist and hardline elements of the armed opposition.

Russian Airstrikes in Syria: November 4 - November 15, 2015 | Institute for the Study of War

General Jack Keane (U.S. Army, Ret.), the Chairman of ISW’s board
@LegionnairE Bro. Especially for you. You speak German fluent
German SPIEGEL wrote :

" There is no evidence that Turkey buys oil and oil products from IS, main customers are Syria and Iraq, there is also no evidence that Turkey supported IS. But Turkey is pragmatic it didn't combat IS long time. The presented satellite images are a manipulation show "!
" USA Russian accusations are grotesque"!

Satellitenfotos: Erdogan und Putin streiten weiter über Öl an IS - SPIEGEL ONLINE

They lied about flight MH17 to. You cant trust these russian scumbags.

Crying like a little child. Trying to scare Turks by buidling bases etc.
They really dont know what kind of fire they going in to..

Also, every 1 dollar drop in oil prices by OPEC, causing a loss
of 3 billion dollars export revenue for Russia.
If OPEC increase production Russia will get bankrupted and that may happen.
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I really liked reading CIAburnerAccount's comments, so much better than the zelous comments that we have here.

It's important to understand that if you have a point of view, or comment. Having a firm structure on how to discuss or present ones own POV is one of the basis for gaining understanding of others.

There is no need to making barbed comments as a means to gaining a cheap shot at someone.
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But isn't that your opinion ? interpretating laws aren't exactly easy, so unless you are a lawyer or student of law yourself. Your opinion will be just that, your own opinion.
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