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Russian intelligence chief's Pakistan visit leaked

LOL again. Indian media is just trolling Indians by making nonsensical and false news about Pakistan every now and than.

Their negativity about Pakistan is beyond any imagination.
Very unprofessional and unfair of our yet to be named officials to leak details of the upcoming visit! Should be punished
Indian propaganda against Pakistan army.
if they can invite india to join then russia joining CPEC option is not even worth thinking twice. Always welcome.
so the news of Russia joing CPEC was true but after leak they tried to cover it by denying it so that India don't start crying,..
yes . they are just mentally preparing indian for that .say something then after a while deny it is just to check the indian reaction plus they are milking the cow known as bharat maa and CPEC isnt operational yet .after CPEC gt operational you will see the dramatic change in russian policy :) .

this sort of news got leaked when they ( you knoww who ) want them to .
Russia has taken serious objection to the 'leak' by the Pakistani authorities, in their media, about the visit of Alexander Bortnikov, Head of the Russian External Intelligence service, or the FSB, to Pakistan between November 25-27, 2016.

The visit which was designed to garner Pakistani support for operations in Allepo, Syria, was compromised by pro-Saudi factions within the Pakistani establishment, according to informed sources.

According to leaks in the Pakistani media, during this visit, Bortnikov besides discussing Allepo held consultations with Pakistani military and intelligence agencies, showed interest in Russia joining the CPEC project, proposed that Russia and Pakistan initiate bilateral cooperation vis-a-vis the Gwadar port, especially with regard to transfer of goods and services, and also requested Russian access, to this port.

Russia sees CPEC as a major challenge to its area domination by China and is working on Pakistan to open avenues for Moscow to get involved in the Gwadar gateway, something which has been a Russian dream for decades and was the prime reason for the Russian invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 as a first step towards reaching Gwadar.

While some elements within the Pakistan Army are keen to get involved with Russia, the predominant mood is against Moscow, given its antagonistic relationship with Saudi Arabia.

Sources say that the Pakistan Army is against having a close relationship with Russia as Saudi Arabia is and has been a tried and tested friend.

It was this influential section of the establishment which reportedly leaked the highly secret visit to Pakistan by the head of Russia's premier intelligence service.


Messed up report by a messed up Indian tabloid/newspaper
In fact Russia wanted the visit to be heavily publicized to send a message to US & Saudis that Pakistan is now in a strong alliance with Russia and backs Russia in Syria.

It's not as esay as it looks. American control whole political system in Pakistan, whole status quo is controled by west.
Riyasat can try their best but the whole system in corrupt and needs a major overhaul.

Since both PPP and PMLN have destroyed Pakistani economy, next 5 years will be very critical for Pakistan. Currently, 60% of Pakistani economy depends on remittance from Gulf Countries by poor Pakistani labors.
If Saudi and UAE decided to expell pakistani labor, it will be massive blow to Pakistani Economy, our unemployment rate will be close to 35% to 40%.
Pakistan lack a true leader who can help revamp the entire system and kill the corruption virus.
This is the breach of Pak National Security... this leak is.

Corrective actions must be taken quietly...this is unacceptable and highly pathetic attempt to sabotage growing Pak influence from within...must be some foreign asset.

Pak Security Managers must acht professionally and deal with in loud silence in such a way that it puts fear of hell in the hearts of known foreign assets.

Any further sobotage of this kind must be blamed on Pak Security Managers than the foreign assets.

Hope Pak State still values self perservation and national interest above everything else.

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