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Russian General Threatens ‘Pre-emptive’ Attacks on Missile-Defense Sites


Feb 11, 2012
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MOSCOW — A senior Russian general threatened on Wednesday pre-emptive attacks on missile defense sites in Poland and elsewhere in Eastern Europe in the event of a crisis, underscoring the Kremlin’s opposition to the Obama administration’s plans and further undermining relations between the countries.

While Russian officials have said previously that the antimissile sites could become targets in the event of war, the threat of a pre-emptive attack was new.

The remarks from the general, Nikolai Makarov, the chief of the general staff, coming just days before Prime Minister Vladimir V. Putin is set to assume the presidency for the second time, might signal a shift to a more muscular foreign policy than that pursued by the outgoing president, Dmitri A. Medvedev.

They also seem likely to further inflame an already tense relationship. In recent months, the Kremlin has resisted Washington’s entreaties to pressure the government of President Bashar al-Assad in Syria and given a cold shoulder to the new American ambassador, Michael A. McFaul, with prominent commentators and politicians accusing him of trying to foment revolution in Russia.

General Makarov was speaking at a conference in Moscow on antiballistic missile policy, hosted by the Russian Ministry of Defense. In his speech, one of many spelling out opposition to the plan, he went on to specify the type of Russian short-range missiles that might target locations in Eastern Europe.

“Taking into account a missile defense system’s destabilizing nature, that is, the creation of an illusion that a disarming strike can be launched with impunity, a decision on pre-emptive employment of the attack weapons available could be made when the situation worsens,” General Makarov said, according to the Interfax news agency.

Alexander Vershbow, NATO’s deputy secretary general, played down the general’s speech. He said NATO was trying to resolve what he called “differences in perception regarding the capability of the NATO shield” and hopes to find grounds for cooperation with Moscow.

“I think a lot of the countermeasures described by General Makarov were familiar ones, but I’d have to go back and do research,” he said at a news conference in Moscow. “Clearly it is not something we welcome, by any means. We think the system we are developing poses no threat to Russia, so the whole notion of retaliation or countermeasures has no foundation.”

Mr. Vershbow said NATO interceptors would not be able to launch quickly enough to intercept a Russian intercontinental ballistic missile as it traveled toward the United States, calling it “a question of science and geography.” He noted that some Russian scientists and policy experts agree with this assessment.

President George W. Bush proposed the system for Eastern Europe after withdrawing from the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty over Russia’s objections. President Obama first stalled the Eastern European program as part of the reset and then revived it in a new format, called the Phased Adaptive approach.

Russian generals floated a number of objections to the revised plan. General Makarov, in his speech, said the United States was refusing to offer written guarantees that the interceptor missiles directed at Iran will not have the capacity to hit a Russian ICBM in flight as it streaks toward the United States with a nuclear bomb. American officials have said the proposed system will not have that capability.

Ellen Tauscher, the American special envoy for Strategic Stability and Missile Defense, who is attending the conference, told journalists in a briefing Wednesday that the American delegation would hear out the Russian objections but was unlikely to make concessions. Paradoxically, in an election year the Obama administration might welcome the general’s remarks, to insulate it from Republican criticisms that it is going soft on Russia.

“The Russian concerns are concerns that we’re willing to listen to.

“But at the same time they cannot be concerns that we will mitigate by offering any kind of limitations,” Ms. Tauscher said. “There’s nothing I can imagine that will stop us making these deployments on time.”

First we had North Korea, then Iran, now Russia talking nonsense. Dictator-for-life Putin has gone off the deep end.:girl_wacko:
Russian generals floated a number of objections to the revised plan. General Makarov, in his speech, said the United States was refusing to offer written guarantees that the interceptor missiles directed at Iran will not have the capacity to hit a Russian ICBM in flight as it streaks toward the United States with a nuclear bomb. American officials have said the proposed system will not have that capability.


That means USA should not intercept Russian bomb flying at them??? Good.
First we had North Korea, then Iran, now Russia talking nonsense. Dictator-for-life Putin has gone off the deep end.:girl_wacko:

If you follow your own pre-election politics, you'd know what nonsense really means. Up here in Canada we watch your Republinuts and so called democrats on TV for laughs. Who needs comedy with gold like this:

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Ḥashshāshīn;2896732 said:
Nonsense? how is protecting your country nonsense? US didn't allow missiles in Cuba so why should Russia allow missiles in Poland?
Don't expect an answer anytime soon.

He's gonna have to go buy a map and spend a solid hour or two figuring out where the countries you mentioned are in relation to each other.
First we had North Korea, then Iran, now Russia talking nonsense. Dictator-for-life Putin has gone off the deep end.:girl_wacko:

if i were you, i wuld be sh$t scared of helicopter Ben & his cronies.

Don't expect an answer anytime soon.

He's gonna have to go buy a map and spend a solid hour or two figuring out where the countries you mentioned are in relation to each other.

cracked me up :rofl: have to agree they aren't the sharpest tool in the box

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Ḥashshāshīn;2896732 said:
Nonsense? how is protecting your country nonsense? US didn't allow missiles in Cuba so why should Russia allow missiles in Poland?

The dictator-for-life Putin will do NOTHING.

If you follow your own pre-election politics, you'd know what nonsense really means. Up here in Canada we watch your Republinuts and so called democrats on TV for laughs. Who needs comedy with gold like this:...

I don't know what that has to do with the topic, but at least we have elections. We don't have MULLAHS calling the shots. FRIGGIN' MULLAHS !! In 2012, FRIGGIN' MULLAHS !!! How funny is that ? And what is an Iranian doing living in Canada, the closest friend of the Great Satan ? Why aren't you back in Iran helping the motherland with your great intellect ?

Don't expect an answer anytime soon.

He's gonna have to go buy a map and spend a solid hour or two figuring out where the countries you mentioned are in relation to each other.

Hey, are you one of those Shiitehead Twelvers ? You know, those guys like AhMADinejad that believe the Mahdi is hiding in a well for the last 800 years ready to come out and kick @ss ?
The dictator-for-life Putin will do NOTHING.

I don't know what that has to do with the topic, but at least we have elections. We don't have MULLAHS calling the shots. FRIGGIN' MULLAHS !! In 2012, FRIGGIN' MULLAHS !!! How funny is that ? And what is an Iranian doing living in Canada, the closest friend of the Great Satan ? Why aren't you back in Iran helping the motherland with your great intellect ?

Hey, are you one of those Shiitehead Twelvers ? You know, those guys like AhMADinejad that believe the Mahdi is hiding in a well for the last 800 years ready to come out and kick @ss ?


btw, your country is headed to the right direction. Bible thumpers are taking over the land of the free.

Fast forward to 5:30-A politician asks "where in the constituion is separation of church and state"?

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Relax obama scrapped the missile shield.In return russia didn't deploy iskander missiles on kalininggrad district.Last thing usa wants is to start ww3 over some silly shield that is doubtful even works properly and is supposed to counter iran.Whats a shield countering iran doing in poland facing russia?
The dictator-for-life Putin will do NOTHING.

I don't know what that has to do with the topic, but at least we have elections. We don't have MULLAHS calling the shots. FRIGGIN' MULLAHS !! In 2012, FRIGGIN' MULLAHS !!! How funny is that ? And what is an Iranian doing living in Canada, the closest friend of the Great Satan ? Why aren't you back in Iran helping the motherland with your great intellect ?

Hey, are you one of those Shiitehead Twelvers ? You know, those guys like AhMADinejad that believe the Mahdi is hiding in a well for the last 800 years ready to come out and kick @ss ?


What are you talking about---you don't have Mullahs----look a little deeper---these born again fundamentalists---these evangelists----you have he same message of hate and fanaticism happening in the u s as it is happening in a fundamentalist muslim country---. Your only saving grace is that you people are a little more educated and and have to work hard for a living---if you did not have to work hard for a living to survive----you would be doing similiar stuff like these mullahs do.

The message of hate amongst your fundamental churches is no different than of those mullahs---.

It is the same sh-it in a different bottle.

Forgot to mention the most important part----you are economically well off----if there were economic issues in the u s---like there are now---and you can listen to the republican haters on the tv and radio----they are no different than the fundo mullahs.
First we had North Korea, then Iran, now Russia talking nonsense. Dictator-for-life Putin has gone off the deep end.:girl_wacko:
Looks like USA's demise is very near cuz the whole world is turning against it....its messing with everybody now......:smokin:
If you follow your own pre-election politics, you'd know what nonsense really means. Up here in Canada we watch your Republinuts and so called democrats on TV for laughs. Who needs comedy with gold like this:

And we watch Canada pretend it is a soveriegn nation, and not a US satelite for laughs.

(I'm kidding, if any of my canuck buddies are reading this)
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russians are also soft....what are they gonna do

this is just posturing

I don't know what that has to do with the topic, but at least we have elections. We don't have MULLAHS calling the shots. FRIGGIN' MULLAHS !! In 2012, FRIGGIN' MULLAHS !!! How funny is that ? And what is an Iranian doing living in Canada, the closest friend of the Great Satan ? Why aren't you back in Iran helping the motherland with your great intellect ?

your former president claimed that God told him to attack Iraq....what the eff are you talking about dude, who you kidding?

i think Iran's mullahs and your right-wingers would see eye to eye on a lot of social/moral issues! Just sayin! :laugh:
Ḥashshāshīn;2896732 said:
Nonsense? how is protecting your country nonsense? US didn't allow missiles in Cuba so why should Russia allow missiles in Poland?
The missiles in Cuba were offensive nuclear. The missiles in the ABM system are defensive, meaning they do not target ground points but airborne objects, like other missiles. But if Russia wants to consider these to be threats to their nuclear deterrence factor, then Russia can attack a sovereign state. And suffer the consequences.
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