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Russian General Threatens ‘Pre-emptive’ Attacks on Missile-Defense Sites

First we had North Korea, then Iran, now Russia talking nonsense. Dictator-for-life Putin has gone off the deep end.:girl_wacko:
Be humble , Be respectful ... The bear your adversary prowls around , seeking someone to devour . Try not to piss him , or he will shut the NDN :lol:
If you follow your own pre-election politics, you'd know what nonsense really means. Up here in Canada we watch your Republinuts and so called democrats on TV for laughs. Who needs comedy with gold like this:

I am not very sure I understood. Those two videos were spoofs, weren't they? The level of acting was not very good, but they seemed to be taking up themes that perhaps people would recognise (I didn't much myself, but I am not familiar with issues in American domestic politics, so that might explain my complete mystification).

What did that man mean about Mars not having moons? And the very worked up person at the end of the first video is a very bad actor; he didn't seem real at all.
Looks like USA's demise is very near cuz the whole world is turning against it....its messing with everybody now......:smokin:

Coming from a Pakistani... I'm not worried too much.:rofl:


What are you talking about---you don't have Mullahs----look a little deeper---these born again fundamentalists---these evangelists----you have he same message of hate and fanaticism happening in the u s as it is happening in a fundamentalist muslim country---. Your only saving grace is that you people are a little more educated and and have to work hard for a living---if you did not have to work hard for a living to survive----you would be doing similiar stuff like these mullahs do.

The message of hate amongst your fundamental churches is no different than of those mullahs---.

It is the same sh-it in a different bottle.

It's not even close, dude.
Be humble , Be respectful ... The bear your adversary prowls around , seeking someone to devour . Try not to piss him , or he will shut the NDN :lol:

Buddy the US looked them in the eye when they were a superpower. You think they really are worried now?
It really isn't the missiles Russia is worried about. Becuase only a few missiles are being deployed. It's the Radar system that can see everything going on deep into Russia. But if Russia doesn't want us to build it there then fine. They can agree not to deploy S400 and S500 anti missile systems within 600km of Europe.
Coming from a Pakistani... I'm not worried too much.:rofl:


Please---allow me to say---that is the same thing we said some 20 years ago----. You are headed that way my good man----. As the economic vows grow----so would the growth of religious fundamentalism in the u s---. You are already 2/3rd's of the way there----.
putin don't give a damn to america....putin won all its proxy wars against america.........he cut Georgia into half...ukrain again came under the *** of russian bear...american moves to isolate russia in europeis is almost fail...large part of eupore still depends on russia gas...........................................................putin just fire the the asssss of warmongers american neocons
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