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Russian Frigate fires at US Virginia Class Sub near Kuril Ridge

If an small boat could detect Ohio class then let alone RUssian destroyer

MODERATION ALERT - Try to have sensible conversations or I will take action. It is sad to see adults arguing like kids.


US denies Russian warship chased off its submarine in the Pacific amid Ukraine tensions​

If an small boat could detect Ohio class then let alone RUssian destroyer

Iranian ASW helicopter detected that submarine when it was operating at periscope depth near Iranian military activity. This would be intentional move on their part to send a message but it would have carried out desired level of surveillance beforehand.

"A video has emerged that reportedly shows an Iranian Navy Sea King helicopter flying over what looks to be a U.S. Navy Ohio class guided-missile submarine sailing a periscope depth somewhere in the North Arabian Sea This very likely the USS Georgia, which made an unusually public transit into the Persian Gulf, sending a clear signal to Iran, last month. The Iranian Navy claims that the American submarine was operating close to where it has been conducting a major exercise this week and that it left after being detected. It's extremely rare to see U.S. Navy submarines sailing so close to the surface like this anywhere in the world, let alone in any sort of proximity to potential hostile forces."

There is no need to operate an Ohio-class at periscope depth under normal circumstances - it is nuclear powered and can stay in deep waters for a very long period of time.

Low-IQ bragging is another matter, however.
Could be a very interesting discussion if more details like videos emerge.
If the Russians really detected the Americans and shooed them away, it's a learning experience for the Americans.
Detention technologies are highly guarded and most valuable. No intelligent country would reveal its capabilities for a very short term gain or propaganda win.
The enemy can change his tactics to avoid detection.
ofcourse the Americans could have been deliberately noisy to send a message to the Russians that we can invade your waters without detection.
So u expect usa to accept that russia detected the sub ? Given the current ukranian crisis isnt it highly likely that usa sub is near russia ... It will be surprising if they r not ...
That's likely the driving factor to make the claim, it's something likely to happen, so it is believable to make a claim on.
MODERATION ALERT - Try to have sensible conversations or I will take action. It is sad to see adults arguing like kids.


US denies Russian warship chased off its submarine in the Pacific amid Ukraine tensions​

Iranian ASW helicopter detected that submarine when it was operating at periscope depth near Iranian military activity. This would be intentional move on their part to send a message but it would have carried out desired level of surveillance beforehand.

"A video has emerged that reportedly shows an Iranian Navy Sea King helicopter flying over what looks to be a U.S. Navy Ohio class guided-missile submarine sailing a periscope depth somewhere in the North Arabian Sea This very likely the USS Georgia, which made an unusually public transit into the Persian Gulf, sending a clear signal to Iran, last month. The Iranian Navy claims that the American submarine was operating close to where it has been conducting a major exercise this week and that it left after being detected. It's extremely rare to see U.S. Navy submarines sailing so close to the surface like this anywhere in the world, let alone in any sort of proximity to potential hostile forces."

There is no need to operate an Ohio-class at periscope depth under normal circumstances - it is nuclear powered and can stay in deep waters for a very long period of time.

Low-IQ bragging is another matter, however.
This is what i would call an apologizer.

Btw, let us agree to disagree. The last thing that a nuclear powered submarine would have done, is exposing itself to an ASW Helicopter. Persian gulf is under complete watch of Ghadir subs plus Fateh subs watching sea of Oman leaving North of Indian ocean to Russian kilo class subs. It is extremely dangerous to look for trouble in such a over watched area.

Guess what i let them to save face.

American websites are the real apologizers. Remember when they hid their casualties in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria.

I don't expect them to openly confess to the uselessness of their submarine fleet which has absorbed billions of billions of dollars from their defense budget.
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This is what i would call an apologizer.

Btw, let us agree to disagree. The last thing that a nuclear powered submarine would have done, is exposing itself to an ASW Helicopter. Persian gulf is under complete watch of Ghadir subs plus Fateh subs watching sea of Oman leaving North of Indian ocean to Russian kilo class subs. It is extremely dangerous to look for trouble in such a over watched area.

Guess what i let them to save face.
Try to have a conversation without Flamebaiting. I have issued a Moderation alert before - heed it.

What Americans choose to do is up to them. Independent observers will tell you that a Ohio class submarine can / will STING very hard when the time comes (or given the go ahead). My take is that you guys are overconfident much like Iraqi used to be.
Try to have a conversation without Flamebaiting. I have issued a Moderation alert before - heed it.

What Americans choose to do is up to them. Independent observers will tell you that a Ohio class submarine can / will STING very hard when the time comes (or given the go ahead). My take is that you guys are overconfident much like Iraqi used to be.
No sir, we are not over confident. That's why we can detect their subs here and there.

Iraq had no technology nor any scientific achievements. A completely dependent country destroyed both economically and militarily.

Americans are in denial, i don't really care. Let them under estimate us.
No sir, we are not over confident. That's why we can detect their subs here and there.

Iraq had no technology nor any scientific achievements. A completely dependent country destroyed both economically and militarily.

Americans are in denial, i don't really care. Let them under estimate us.
The 'we can detect their subs here and there' is sheer exaggeration. I recall a single encounter in which an American Ohio class submarine was operating at periscope depth in the vicinity of the Strait of Hormuz, and was easy to spot under these circumstances. This was intentional maneuver on their part.


The USS Georgia transited into the Persian Gulf via the Strait of Hormuz on December 21, escorted by US Navy cruisers and patrol boats. The inbound transit was made on the surface.

The circumstances of the shallow pass are unclear. The submarine is shown at periscope depth. A single DDS (dry deck shelter) is seen on the port side of the casing behind the sail. This hangar can carry SEAL Delivery Vehicles (SDVs) used by the US Navy SEALs.

The US Navy’s four Ohio Class SSGNs are by far the most heavily armed conventional strike platforms in the world. They can carry a total of 154 Tomahawk Land Attack Cruise Missiles (TLAM Block-IV) in their missile silos. When added to the torpedo room, this gives a total of 176 full-size weapons. Although the maximum load is reduced when the DDS is fitted.

Iran has been exercising its first indigenous patrol submarine, the Fateh, in the area. This conducted a torpedo test, and was itself spotted by some analysts using OSINT (Open Source intelligence).
It is possible that the American submarine gained intelligence of the exercises or other events.

The Persian Gulf is very shallow in many places and generally seen as less suitable for large submarines. That does not mean that the USS Georgia cannot operate effectively in that environment however, but it may make incidents like this more likely.

You need to understand that large submarines are not operated like that in warlike conditions and formations. It is rare for an Ohio class submarine to operate at periscope depth even in peacetime conditions. When it happens, it is intentional.

It looks like Americans continue to give you guys FALSE sense of hope and security from time-to-time. They know that Iranians will take American gimmicks at face value and brag about them. You should know better TBH.
LOL at the usual orgasming Crowd thinking something actually happened.

Now, back to reality. Something like that could easily compel retaliation. Until more official confirmation, this is just fiction.

24 × Trident II D5 SLBM with up to 12 MIRVed W76 or W88 (475 ktTNT) nuclear warheads each, range 6,100 nmi (11,300 km; 7,000 mi)...

Above is the Armaments' of 1 Ohio Class Submarine, US got 18 of these Motafcking bad boys... as they patrol around the globe and will emerge on moments notice to unleash hell on any country dare challenge it... Russians Got nukes as well but seriously firing on a US navy close enough for her to make a escape I highly doubt it and if somehow that submarine got sunken, then lets pray to God that we have build enough metro's around the world to survive the nuclear holocaust.

Let that number sink in....
The 'we can detect their subs here and there' is sheer exaggeration. I recall a single encounter in which an American Ohio class submarine was operating at periscope depth in the vicinity of the Strait of Hormuz, and was easy to spot under these circumstances. This was intentional maneuver on their part.


The USS Georgia transited into the Persian Gulf via the Strait of Hormuz on December 21, escorted by US Navy cruisers and patrol boats. The inbound transit was made on the surface.

The circumstances of the shallow pass are unclear. The submarine is shown at periscope depth. A single DDS (dry deck shelter) is seen on the port side of the casing behind the sail. This hangar can carry SEAL Delivery Vehicles (SDVs) used by the US Navy SEALs.

The US Navy’s four Ohio Class SSGNs are by far the most heavily armed conventional strike platforms in the world. They can carry a total of 154 Tomahawk Land Attack Cruise Missiles (TLAM Block-IV) in their missile silos. When added to the torpedo room, this gives a total of 176 full-size weapons. Although the maximum load is reduced when the DDS is fitted.

Iran has been exercising its first indigenous patrol submarine, the Fateh, in the area. This conducted a torpedo test, and was itself spotted by some analysts using OSINT (Open Source intelligence).
It is possible that the American submarine gained intelligence of the exercises or other events.

The Persian Gulf is very shallow in many places and generally seen as less suitable for large submarines. That does not mean that the USS Georgia cannot operate effectively in that environment however, but it may make incidents like this more likely.

You need to understand that large submarines are not operated like that in warlike conditions and formations.

It looks like Americans continue to give you guys FALSE sense of hope and security from time-to-time. They know that Iranians will take American gimmicks at face value and brag about them. You should know better TBH.
There were so many incidents like this. I mentioned a few one of them. The main issue is, the submarine was forced into emerge. The technical issues raised in the source are true but it doesn't lead to this fact that Iranian ASW assets cannot detect their submarines.
There were so many incidents like this. I mentioned a few one of them. The main issue is, the submarine was forced into emerge. The technical issues raised in the source are true but it doesn't lead to this fact that Iranian ASW assets cannot detect their submarines.
Can you provide a list of those incidents? You mentioned a single well-documented encounter which is fine but do not push a well-intentioned argument too far.

I do believe that Iranian ASW assets can detect a submarine when it is operating in shallow waters or at periscope depth near Iranian coasts; this is logical. But Ohio class doesn't need to - it can be directed to strike at any country from considerable distance without warning. Understand this much.

And Iraq had no technology and scientific achievements? Iraq was manufacturing ballistic missiles and main battle tanks in the 1980s. There wasn't much freedom of press and Social Media back then to document numerous developments in HD format.
Iraq had no technology and scientific achievements? Iraq was manufacturing ballistic missiles and main battle tanks in the 1980s.
All Soviets supplied. They were badly dependent on Soviets military hardware. Saddam begged Russia for help but what he saw was Russian middle finger.
There wasn't much freedom of press and Social Media back then to document numerous developments in HD format.
You could make their nuclear achievements an example for that, but i must say, they owed it to Egyptians and Soviets completely.

They had outstanding scientists, something undeniable but in general they were too dependent on foreign supply.

Can you provide evidence? You presented a single well-documented encounter. Do not push a well-intentioned argument too far.

I do believe that Iranian ASW assets can detect a submarine when it is operating in shallow waters or at periscope depth near Iranian coasts. This is logical.

Ohio class doesn't need to though.
If you read their sources, they mention it as if Iranians detected it with naked eyes and the Ohio was shouting they hey Iranis come and detect me.

You don't have to belive everything they say.
This is nuclear powered submarine. It's 3.45 billion $ a piece. It will invite attack by whole U.S navy if Russia damage it.
3.45 billion $ doesn't decide whether a war will happen or not. If war happens the damage will be far far greater than 3.45 billion $ . So a lots of other things act as a detterent when we decide to go for a all out war.
That's even worse than a random twitter account. This is such a clumsy and obvious piece of fake news, it's part of a concerted wave of propaganda coming out of Moscow.

News agencies are just repeating the fake news story originating from the Russian MOD.
As if everything coming out of the Pentagon or State Department is gospel truth!
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