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Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov point at US help for Indian A-SAT missile test.

u.s. gives india tech to shoot down Chinese satellites.
india shoots down its own satellite.
u.s. :hitwall:
Russia: :woot:
Pakistan: :enjoy:
China: :haha:
international space station: :blink:
Do you know what the purpose of a test is?

and why would we shoot a Chinese satellite when we are not at war?
Do you know what the purpose of a test is?

and why would we shoot a Chinese satellite when we are not at war?
lemme guess, to create more space trash in an already polluted orbit! nice goin' genius! :disagree:
lemme guess, to create more space trash in an already polluted orbit! nice goin' genius! :disagree:
NASA themselves confirmed that most of the debris will just burn up in the atmosphere. read the cnn article. we are not irresponsible like the Chinese.

You should get your education somewhere other than your Madrassah, but that would require a basic ability to read, something half your population cannot do.
NASA themselves confirmed that most of the debris will just burn up in the atmosphere. read the cnn article. we are not irresponsible like the Chinese.

You should get your education somewhere other than your Madrassah, but that would require a basic ability to read, something half your population cannot do.
yeah, unless it runs into the international space station first! either way, vedic tikinalijies taught in mandirs should be limited to mandirs. don't apply to space, it'll create one disaster after another for the rest of us, kinda like handing a 5 year old keys to your car! At least our Madrassah education gave us enough know-how to knock your su30s and mig21s out on their vedic arses!
yeah, unless it runs into the international space station first! either way, vedic tikinalijies taught in mandirs should be limited to mandirs. don't apply to space, it'll create one disaster after another for the rest of us, kinda like handing a 5 year old keys to your car! At least our Madrassah education gave us enough know-how to knock your su30s and mig21s out on their vedic arses!
so I am guessing you were this concerned when your sugar daddies conducted the exact same test, only at an altitude where none of the debris would burn up or fall to earth? Fortunately, we were smart enough to test our missile low enough so that it would not create any long-term space junk

Then again, I am obviously talking with someone who does not know squat, so you will probably come up with some more bs answers @Nilgiri @Joe Shearer @mastaan
I dont know about Yogi, but Modi, np.:tup:

I am just saying Modi and Yogi are two sides of same coin, and logically Yogi is perfect successor for Modi ..

You're tempting faith. Keep saying stuff like that, and Sidhu will become PM.

No No we don't want Sidhu , Actually Indians don't want him as well , he is secretly Pakistan according half the country , we Pakistanis are happy with Modi, and we also give name for his successor , YOGI ..even their name Rhythms:angel:
These people are desperate to claim some sort of victory against India after Pakistan has been exposed and isolated as a sponsor of global terrorists.

G you are not out of your slumber dreams and sleep.
Pakistan is fully functional and lots of friends. While you are getting spanking all around. If Pakistanis were smart you would have all the hallmarks of the terrorists. World should know about you.
The story is getting out. A new documentary by a French is out on Indian occupied Kashmir. He has described what Indians are doing to Kashmiris, which is pure and simple state run terrorism.
Get real punk.
G you are not out of your slumber dreams and sleep.
Pakistan is fully functional and lots of friends. While you are getting spanking all around. If Pakistanis were smart you would have all the hallmarks of the terrorists. World should know about you.
The story is getting out. A new documentary by a French is out on Indian occupied Kashmir. He has described what Indians are doing to Kashmiris, which is pure and simple state run terrorism.
Get real punk.
You mean the same country that immediately condemned Pulwama and together with the US, UK, and Russia is moving a draft resolution to blacklist Azhar? This past month, the entire world has expressed its support for Indian war on terrorism in Kashmir. Nobody will ever buy your propaganda about Indians committing human rights violations against Kashmir. Since pulwama, we have killed over two dozen Kashmiri terrorists, and the UNSC including China actually passed a declaration calling on nations to support India in fighting terrorism. Meanwhile Pakistan has been exposed and isolated as a sponsor of UN-designated terror groups. Why do you think it is trying to crack down on JeM, LeT, and others all of a sudden? but it is too late. Have fun when FATF comes knocking. Untill then, we will continue to kill Kashmiri terrorists, and there is nothing you can do about it:-)
You mean the same country that immediately condemned Pulwama and together with the US, UK, and Russia is moving a draft resolution to blacklist Azhar? This past month, the entire world has expressed its support for Indian war on terrorism in Kashmir. Nobody will ever buy your propaganda about Indians committing human rights violations against Kashmir. Since pulwama, we have killed over two dozen Kashmiri terrorists, and the UNSC including China actually passed a declaration calling on nations to support India in fighting terrorism. Meanwhile Pakistan has been exposed and isolated as a sponsor of UN-designated terror groups. Why do you think it is trying to crack down on JeM, LeT, and others all of a sudden? but it is too late. Have fun when FATF comes knocking. Untill then, we will continue to kill Kashmiri terrorists, and there is nothing you can do about it:-)

Well, Pakistan had been doing that for over a decades, that is fighting Indian sponsored terrorism inside Pakistan.
With proofs of Indian runs training camp in Afghanistan.
The whole world also admire the capacity of Pakistan Army which has almost eliminated the terrorists which were regularly sent by Indian after training across from Afghanistan.
Nobody appraised your role in Kashmir, everyone denounce your human rights violations in Kashmir.
They only shown their desire that terrorism should be eliminated around the world.
Even Pakistan officially denounce Pulwama attack and regretted the loss of lives.

Stop your BS mate. We all know the scores. Both your NS advisers have gone public to claim that Indian is conducting terror activities inside Pakistan through their pasties.
Well, Pakistan had been doing that for over a decades, that is fighting Indian sponsored terrorism inside Pakistan.
With proofs of Indian runs training camp in Afghanistan.
The whole world also admire the capacity of Pakistan Army which has almost eliminated the terrorists which were regularly sent by Indian after training across from Afghanistan.
Nobody appraised your role in Kashmir, everyone denounce your human rights violations in Kashmir.
They only shown their desire that terrorism should be eliminated around the world.
Even Pakistan officially denounce Pulwama attack and regretted the loss of lives.

Stop your BS mate. We all know the scores. Both your NS advisers have gone public to claim that Indian is conducting terror activities inside Pakistan through their pasties.
Read the UNSC res passed immediately after Pulwama. it calls on all nations to support India in its war against terror. Meanwhile almost every country is telling Pakistan it needs to do more against terror groups. In fact when Theresa May called Imran Khan to express appreciation about returning the pilot, she actually spent most of the call asking Pakistan to do more against terrorism. The us, France, Eu, Russia, Iran, Arab states, etc. have all expressed support for India's position in Kashmir. If you don't agree with me, show me a single important country condemning India for HR violations, and compare that with all the countries condemning Pakistan for hosting terrorist groups or all the countries moving to blacklist organizations and terrorists operating from your soil. In fact just today the Eu extradited a Kashmiri terrorist to India. The fact is for the first time in its history, India has global support in Kashmir, which means it can fight terrorism without the restraint it once had to show. The militants are already on their last legs, and now they are losing badly. Over two dozen killed in a month and almost no security forces killed. Meanwhile, I hope you have fun with FATF. Already, the Asia Pacific Group has expressed dissatisfaction with your "plan" to prevent money laundering. As a result of this month, the world now accepts india's narrative about Kashmir, and Pakistan is more isolated than it has ever been.
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Read the UNSC res passed immediately after Pulwama. it calls on all nations to support India in its war against terror. Meanwhile almost every country is telling Pakistan it needs to do more against terror groups. In fact when Theresa May called Imran Khan to express appreciation about returning the pilot, she actually spent most of the call asking Pakistan to do more against terrorism. The us, France, Eu, Russia, Iran, Arab states, etc. have all expressed support for India's position in Kashmir. If you don't agree with me, show me a single important country condemning India for HR violations, and compare that with all the countries condemning Pakistan for hosting terrorist groups or all the countries moving to blacklist organizations and terrorists operating from your soil. In fact just today the Eu extradited a Kashmiri terrorist to India. The fact is for the first time in its history, India has global support in Kashmir, which means it can fight terrorism without the restraint it once had to show. The militants are already on their last legs, and now they are losing badly. Over two dozen killed in a month and almost no security forces killed. Meanwhile, I hope you have fun with FATF. Already, the Asia Pacific Group has expressed dissatisfaction with your "plan" to prevent money laundering.

You are dreaming again!! Supporting India against terrorism is a different thing, even Pakistan condemned the attack. So!!! You first have to prove that it was carried out by Pakistan. For that you have no proofs and you have no way to convince anyone.
Remember, when RT lady had a go at ex-ambassador of India, he was saying why don't you just accept our narrative without asking questions. That was pathetic, like Indians are always pathetic.
As for do more part, I am sure you have an ear on IK and TM conversation, right!!
Get a life mate. When Trump try to say it now, he gets a straight answer from Pakistan. TM has no leverage, Pakistan doesn't even think twice about UK influence.
UK knows how much Pakistan help other countries fighting terror, UK has excellent intel sharing with Pakistan. But May can never dictate Pakistan.
Imran Khan even destroyed Trump narrative in two minutes, you think he is going to listen to May!! Grow up dude.
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