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Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov point at US help for Indian A-SAT missile test.

This has nothing to do with pakisan, a country that can’t even produce its own satellite and everything to do with the new Space treaty discussions between US, Roos, and cheen happening currently. We got excluded from NPT but won’t this time around.
And what does India has to gain from the space treaty? you think this test was to put India in the members' club? It must be because of China's capabilities in space tech then..BTW Pakistan makes its own satellites and China launch them..
Wow. That is forthcoming like never before.

I suppose Pakistan can and should also approach China for similar cooperation.
This has nothing to do with pakisan, a country that can’t even produce its own satellite and everything to do with the new Space treaty discussions between US, Roos, and cheen happening currently. We got excluded from NPT but won’t this time around.
India should join the NUT first. Nations Using Toilets.
I suspect the Israelis provided key components for this missile.
Indian anti-satellite missile test ‘largely’ a result of US destroying arms control – Moscow
Published time: 28 Mar, 2019 18:00 Edited time: 28 Mar, 2019 18:02

  • 686
The destructive US policies towards a global arms control system, as well as the persistent desire to weaponize space, are largely to blame for India's test of an anti-satellite missile, the Russian Foreign Ministry has said.
The test of a satellite killer weapon, footage of which was released on Wednesday, has raised concerns in Moscow, with the Russian Foreign Ministry warning against an arms race in space.

“We have to note that this step is in many respects the result of the deteriorating situation in the field of arms control. Russia has repeatedly warned that the destructive actions of the United States to undermine the entire architecture of international security and strategic stability,” the ministry said in a statement on Thursday.

The “one-sided and unlimited expansion” of the US missile defense systems, as well as “Washington's reluctance to abandon plans for deploying weapons in space” prompt other states to flex muscles in the same fields, the ministry added. At the same time, Russian diplomats have acknowledged India's statements that the test was not a message to any particular country and that New Delhi opposes the weaponization of space.

Moscow, on its part, called on the international community to step up and adopt a legally-binding solution to keep space arms-free. The existing 1967 Outer Space Treaty bans construction of military installations and weapons of mass destruction from space.

The document, however, has certain loopholes in it, namely it does not prohibit deployment of conventional weapons in space. A joint Russian-Chinese draft for a new space treaty, tabled a few years ago, is a good base for a comprehensive solution on keeping space peaceful, the ministry concluded, urging India to join the efforts of Moscow and Beijing.

Yeah maybe..but where did India get that tech from?..I know that it was ready since 2012..
Secondly the test took place only now.. did Pakistan use some secret military satellite lately that no one knows about or what?

Our neighbours still cant convince themselves that India is this much technically advanced to do something like this

We can understand your disappointment .

But this is just a tip of iceberg .

By the 2020,IGMDP program will complete
in every sense .
After that our concentration would be Aircraft and other military segment .
this junk is harmful for international space station.a terrible missile test with no calculation of side effects.
this junk is harmful for international space station.a terrible missile test with no calculation of side effects.
THis test was done at an altitude where most of the debris would simply burn up of fall into the Indian ocean.

You know I a ma becoming curious. The Chinese tested its ASAT missile in 2007. The forum was running at that time. I wonder if any of the members here were as concerned with the space junk created by China? Anyone? @Joe Shearer @Nilgiri @Hellfire
THis test was done at an altitude where most of the debris would simply burn up of fall into the Indian ocean.

You know I a ma becoming curious. The Chinese tested its ASAT missile in 2007. The forum was running at that time. I wonder if any of the members here were as concerned with the space junk created by China? Anyone? @Joe Shearer @Nilgiri @Hellfire

nasa complained about space junk.i don't know,may be it pose danger to astronauts.
THis test was done at an altitude where most of the debris would simply burn up of fall into the Indian ocean.

You know I a ma becoming curious. The Chinese tested its ASAT missile in 2007. The forum was running at that time. I wonder if any of the members here were as concerned with the space junk created by China? Anyone? @Joe Shearer @Nilgiri @Hellfire

I dont care about what this forum said about that (and I wasnt around)....but lot of people in my university space science field were absolutely pissed at China for doing that and increasing permanent space junk in crucial orbit zone by several fold. It was a much higher up test so the debris will not burn up like the Indian one was specifically designed to.
u.s. gives india tech to shoot down Chinese satellites.
india shoots down its own satellite.
u.s. :hitwall:
Russia: :woot:
Pakistan: :enjoy:
China: :haha:
international space station: :blink:
india: :undecided:
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