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Russian envoy: US invasion of Afghanistan was aimed at spying on Pakistan, China, Russia

Balochistan is not disputed territory. It is legally part of Pakistan. So says Pakistani and International law. However, with Kashmir the situation is different. To try and draw a moral or legal equivalence between Balochistan and Kashmir is both morally disingenuous and legally repugnant. It wont work and I do understand the strategy that the Indians are trying to employ. It has not and will not work. You still needs hundreds of thousands of troops and Draconian laws to control the State of Kashmir. It is not working and never will.

Its none of Pakistan's concern if we put hundreds of thousands of soldiers in a place which was contention of last 4 wars and is suffering Pakistan initiated 3 decades of terrorism and where Pakistani sent its soldiers on several occasion as "Kashmiri Mujahideen".India is far too dumb to understand why so much @$$pain that Pakistanis are having for Kashmir and far too clever to land into their traps.We're no Afghanistan who can't pay back the same coin.

As I said,these topics are far too complicated for simpleton Pakistanis who can't even understand why UN refuses to meddle in Kashmir.Because they know Azad Kashmir,Baltistan and Aksai Chin is part of Kashmir and as it'll remain divided,there is no chance in Hell or heaven that this issue will get resolved.Plus,Simla Accord make UN or any third party intervention irrelevant.As I said,False Bravado.Bhutto torn the Peace treaty down in Un only to sign Simla Accord.Pakistanis may have forgot it,world didn't.
Russian envoy: US invasion of Afghanistan was aimed at spying on Pakistan, China, Russia
Dawood Rehman | January 3, 2017

KABUL – The United States, wary of Pakistan’s nuclear program, invaded Afghanistan to keep an eye on Pakistan, China and Russia, a senior Russian diplomat has said.

Zamir Kabulov, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s special envoy to Afghanistan and director of the Foreign Ministry’s Second Asian Department, said in an interview that the number of U.S military bases in Afghanistan and the United States’ continued presence was a matter of concern to Russia.


Speaking to Turkey’s Anadolu Agency, he said: “In Turkey, the U.S. has only one military base but, in Afghanistan, they have the right to use nine big military bases plus almost 10 more.” “Why?” he asked.

In response to his own question, he said this was a matter of concern for Russia adding that if Russia was to do the same in Mexico, “it would be disturbing for America.” “Why are they doing that after all this 15-year-old anti-terror rhetoric in Afghanistan? They stupidly try to say that “it is for training.”

“Come on! You are not talking to stupid or foolish people. We know the reasons [for the ongoing U.S. military presence in Afghanistan]. Russia will never tolerate this,” he said.

On October 7, 2001, the United States, supported by some NATO countries including the United Kingdom and Australia, as well as other allies, began an invasion of Afghanistan under Operation Enduring Freedom. The invasion was launched to capture Osama bin Laden, who was accused of the September 11, 2001 attacks.


Mr. Kabulov inferred that after being kicked out of Iran in 1979, the U.S needed a central Asian base, hence Afghanistan being an available option. Having bases in Afghanistan, the U.S was close to Russia, China, Iran and Pakistan among others, hence keeping an eye on the neighboring countries.

“Having this infrastructure as [a] basis, America will need two to four weeks to redeploy up to 100,000 soldiers on the same bases.

“Such a [move] would not be an invasion in terms of a U.S.-Afghanistan bilateral security agreement.

“We warned Afghans from the very beginning it [the bilateral agreement] may have implications for our bilateral relations if Americans use this infrastructure against our national interest. They said the Americans had promised. Well, we know the value of American promises” the Russian added.


On the subject of incoming US president Donald Trump, he said: “We expect that Donald Trump will tailor a new American approach to Afghanistan and he should address several issues which are a matter of concern not only to Russia, but important to regional actors, like China, Iran, Pakistan, and others.”


Speaking on past relations with Afghanistan, Kabulov said that destabilization in the country following the 1979 Soviet invasion might have led to the emergence of radical groups such as al-Qaeda and Daesh.

“One of the main slogans of support for Afghanistan [during the invasion] was that the Soviet Union came to eliminate Islam. So it was a good enough slogan,” said Kabulov.

Kabulov said such slogans encouraged many people to go to fight in Afghanistan and do their jihad there.

“Osama bin Laden, a Yemeni-origin Saudi citizen, and many others who were unhappy with things going on in the Muslim world wanted to meet the challenges, including the ones that they saw as a threat to Islam.”

“Afghanistan became a convenient place for like-minded people to meet,” he said, adding that those people “added even more destabilization” to the country.


About the Taliban today being a local entity or an internationally managed group, Kabulov said it is predominately a local force.

“First of all, the Taliban is not homogenous. Within the Taliban, there are different wings with almost different ideological backgrounds.”

He said the Taliban was speaking “the same language that Daesh speaks today.”

“The same scenario, same ideology, different people,” he says, recalling seeing an “Islamic caliphate” map in Afghanistan which he said included Afghanistan, some countries in The Middle East, parts of India, Central Asia, and reached “almost up to our suburbs of Moscow.”

“Within today’s Taliban there are very influential groups whose ideology is more radical, closer to Daesh.”

Last month, Russia’s ambassador to Afghanistan, Alexander Mantyskiy, announced that the Russian government had made a diplomatic outreach to the Taliban’s leaders. In a press conference, Mantyskiy countered international criticism of Russia’s Taliban links by insisting that Moscow’s contacts with the extremist group were limited and aimed at ensuring the safety of Russian civilians.

In December, Russia also snubbed India, which poses as a regional bully after building closer ties with US-backed government in Afghanistan, during the ‘Heart of Asia’ conference in Amritsar.

Zamir Kabulov, in his address at the conference, said the allegations made against Pakistan by India and Afghanistan were totally baseless.

“Let it be known that the allegations’ game needs to be stopped and that criticizing Pakistan is wrong,” the Russian envoy said while terming Sartaj’s speech as constructive and friendly.

He also revealed that Russia is working on building cordial relationships with the countries within the region.

Source: Daily Pakistan,
Andolu Agency (Full Interview), Tolo News
Afghanistan(Pakistan, China, Iran.....)----- Iraq(Whole middle east and Persian Gulf) ----- Syria (Turkey, Russia and Mediterranean)----> Dont you see any relation Mr Kabulov? Its all about controlling trade routes, resources and governments. If you want your share just shake hands with 1.5 Billion muslims and Orthodox Christians.
70's and 80's are long gone , we have to turn a new chapter. Russia is a regional country and most people do open trade with nations close to geographical borders

It is just plain common sense to have good ties with your neighbours (other then that elephant in the room we all know about)

Every country in world tries to do business with countries close by it is a natural thing to do
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Yeah just for the sake of keeping an eye the US spent hundreds of billions of dollars and several thousands solider lives. Typical Russian mindset.

No but Taliban were such an important threat to the whole galaxy that they had to drop those billions worth of bombs and what not...
And still wanted to establish bases in the most lawless country in the world ...just to police them around?

Or maybe they were so inspired by the afghani culture and people that they really wanted their troops sitting in the middle of them ...and trying to eliminate all threats to the peace of Afghanistan ...just out of the goodness of their heart?
like broke the shimla agreement by trying to invade kargil ? Only to be defeated , retreat and sign the simla /Lahore agreement once again :disagree: this time with even less territory:lol:

Simla agreement was long dead in 80s when you lot had prepared for invasion and the threat of Zia delivered personally by him at Delhi airport made your then PM pull the armies back from the international border.

Don't try to be smart asses by quoting Kargil.

Read the Simla agreement fully and then look at the history for who breached it first.

UN resolution however is still alive and unresolved. And Kashmir will remain a disputed territory until the resolution is resolved one way or another.
Hey Mikey you redcoat just tell those guys whoever they are to stop listening and watching those anti-US propaganda its screwing their minds that is what I do before, now I just ignore them. I was even called "Indian" by one of those guys Mwahahahahahahaha!!!

Oh and why in the world would we want to attack or invade Pakistan!??!

Seriously why will the U.S attack/invade Islamabad/Pakistan? o_O never heard that before. Lol

China will intervene if U.S( we lol know it will never happen anywhere, since U.S has no reason to attack a longlasting ally like Pakistan) attack Pakistan? Seriously? If you really believe that then there's nothing much I can say.

Who cares what you think about me?Lol you can believe what you want to believe. That's the least of my concerns. :-).
The Russian envoy and others conveniently forget or pretend to forget one simple question.

What is the Taliban regime, accepted U.S request, arrested and handed over OBL and other top leadership of Al-Qaeda to them. Then will the U.S and NATO ever get an excuse to invade the country ?? NO

As far as I know Mr. Bush already told the same thing to "Taliban" and "Pakistan", Either you are with us or against us.

One behaved like an emotional fool and the other was logical enough to get rid of U.S warth. :p:

And Mr. Zamir Kabulov must also under the fact that not matter if the world is bipolar or multi-polar, all of them will have enough stake in India, so much so that no pole can undermine India. :)
The statement you made is not entirely true. I have heard the statements of the Afghan representative post 9/11. What he said was very logical and if only people had listened to what he was saying the invasion could have been avoided.
He said the following:
A. The Afghan Governement has no extradition agreement with the US. As such the US option could be to put up a case against OBL in an Afghan court and let the court of a SOVEREIGN NATION decide whether this was indicated. It is a simple case of innocent unless proven guilty.
B. The islamic ideology prevents a muslim being handed over to a non muslim governement and this was even more pertinent as OBL was not a US but Saudi citizen. The Afghan Government was happy to hand OBL to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as they are muslims and he is their citizen.
C. The Afghn Govenment was happy for the ICJ to conduct a trial of OBL in Afghanistan.
Most of these suggestions were blunderbusted by the US administration who wanted OBL to be handed over unconditionally to THEM.
It is important to understand that whether one agrees with the Taliban or not they were a Sovereign government and the response put forward was a reasonable one coming from a Government responsible for its residents.
To this date we have had no proof shown irrevocable evidence against OBL although I strongly feel that if he was involved in 9/11 he should have paid for it with his life. However this was never proven convincingly in a court of law and as such the requirements of justice were not met.
I think thhere is a lot more to this than has come out into the open. The Afghan incursion was never required and intermediation from the house of Saud would have resulted in an extadittion and subsequent arrest and trial of OBL. This was never done as the house of Saud as well as the Yemeni government abandoned OBL like a hot potato and refused to accept him. Does anyone here think that the US could not have cajoled the Saudis into extraditing OBL if it was just about one person? They torture enough of their own what difference would it havs made to them if they had committed one more misdemeanor.
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Oh and why in the world would we want to attack or invade Pakistan!??!

Care to explain then why You slapped sanctions after nuclear test was carried out? Are our nuclear weapons a threat to Uncle Sam that warranted sanctions?

US has imposed a 5th generation war on us. And you know what that means so don't try to act all surprised and naive.
The statement you made is not entirely true. I have heard the statements of the Afghan representative post 9/11. What he said was very logical and if only people had listened to what he was saying the invasion could have been avoided.
He said the following:
A. The Afghan Governement has no extradition agreement with the US. As such the US option could be to put up a case against OBL in an afghan court and let the court of a SOVEREIGN NATION decide whether this was indicated. It is a simple case of innocent unless proven guilty.
B. The islamic iddology prevents a muslim being handed over to a non muslim governement and this was even more pertinent as OBL was not a US but Saudi citizen. The Afghan Government is happy to hnd OBL to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as they are muslims and he is their citizen.
C. The Afghqn Govenment is happy for the ICJ to conduct a trial of OBL in Afghanistan.
Most of these suggestions were blunderbusted by the US administration who wanted OBL to be handed over unconditionally to them.
It is important to understand that whether one agrees with them or not they were a Sovereign agovernment and the response put forward was a reasonable one coming from a Government responsible for its residents.
To this date we have had no proof shown to the world of irrevocable evidence against OBL although I strongly feel that if he was involved in 9/11 he should have paid for it with his life. However this was never proven convincingly in a court of law and as such the requirements of justice were not met.
I think thhere is a lot more to this than has come out into the open. The Afghan incursion was never required and intermediation from the house of Saud would have resulted in an extadittion and subsequent arrest and trial of OBL. This was never done as the house of Saud abandoned OBL like hot potato and refused to accept him. Does anyone here think that the US could not have cajoled the Saudis into extraditing OBL if it was just about one person? They torture enough of their own what difference would it havs made to them if they had committed one more misdemeanor.

I think people should know some things and none of the following is classified.

I happened to be working outside a USAF airbase in 2001 and a few months after Bush was elected, starting in May (I believe), the nearby Army base as well as others around the country were locked down for training soldiers to fight and survive in a hostile environment.

My air force colleagues were told that it was very hush hush and maybe they were being trained to go back to Bosnia (probably seemed far-fetched to them also because of the ground reality in Serbia-Bosnia at that time).

Then after September 11, mobilization ensued quickly and Afghanistan was attacked. I was shocked by the 9/11 bombings and did not pay much heed to the timing of everything then.

Later, I thought maybe everything was pre-planned but quickly the US lost interest in Afghanistan and the case (which turned out to be false later) was made for getting rid of Saddam.

With Dick Cheney and Haliburton's pecadilloes that transpired later, I now believe that the plan in 2001 was for Bush's ego to be stoked to finish his "father's war" (whom I admire greatly specially his Second World War service, his trauma at seeing the blood spilt there, and his refusal in Desert Storm to allow the Army to push towards Baghdad because the war objectives had been met and only civilian and US casualties were likely to follow from that point on).

Karl Rove worked on the "Armageddon" angle and Cheney was happy Haliburton could fleece the American people and Bush probably pleased that his Texan (and Saudi?) oil friends could get a handle on the Middle Eastern oil supply and control things to their benefit.

The Osama confession video was such a bad case of video footage splice-in with awful costume and lighting, and bad Arabic that I lost any respect I might have had for the CIA's professionalism. The real parts of the video do not prove anything. Anyway, Osama or Bush or anybody being behind the 9/11 attacks is not my concern and I have no views on the matter.

What I do know is what I read in General Chuck Horner's excellent book "Every Man A Tiger" about the air war during Desert Shield/Desert Storm.

The general was out on F-16 training maneuvers when he was called to Washington exactly one month before Saddam's attack on Kuwait and he and the other chiefs were told to prepare plans for the exact scenario that would unfold later.

Seemed fishy to me at the time. Later, I learned about Saddam apprising the US ambassador to Iraq about his intentions at just about the same time as this calling of chiefs to the capital. The dear lady and her government are supposed to have not offered great protestations and dire warnings of reprisals by the US or NATO at that time. All that seems to have been left to a more opportune time.

All this is public knowledge and apart from a slight analysis, I offer no judgments since I do not really know what was in the hearts of all the actors in this Theater of The Absurd.

Apologies if any of this is inappropriate here.
So you are saying we want to invade you because you tested a Nuclear Weapon is that it? The average Joe here in the States doesnt even know where Pakistan is much more want to invade your country. So my friend, STOP LISTENING AND WATCHING ANTI US PROPAGANDA ITS SCREWING YOUR MIND!!! Yes I am surprise some nutjob thinks we want to invade his country.

Care to explain then why You slapped sanctions after nuclear test was carried out? Are our nuclear weapons a threat to Uncle Sam that warranted sanctions?

US has imposed a 5th generation war on us. And you know what that means so don't try to act all surprised and naive.
So you are saying we want to invade you because you tested a Nuclear Weapon is that it? The average Joe here in the States doesnt even know where Pakistan is much more want to invade your country. So my friend, STOP LISTENING AND WATCHING ANTI US PROPAGANDA ITS SCREWING YOUR MIND!!! Yes I am surprise some nutjob thinks we want to invade his country.

I said you want to destabilise and breakup Pakistan. USA will not wage a conventional war on a nuclear state, it only attacks countries that can't attack it back!

Iraq was an ally and most of the central American idiots didn't know about Saddam and Iraq either, and the invasion still happened.

Stop pretending to be stupid.
Invasion of Afghanistan had following key objectives

  1. Control and disarm Pakistani missile and nuclear program.
  2. Control Central Asian energy routes - hence the official backing of Washington for TAPI will sanctions on IPI...
  3. Keep a watchful eye on Mother Russia
  4. Preparation of future conflict with China..
Pakistani successfully responded by

  1. Keeping backdoor diplomacy with Afghan tribal and Taliban. Not letting collation achieve the target of stable foothold in Afghanistan. Improving nuclear security and global PR with regards to its nuclear capabilities...
  2. CPEC bring China, Russia and central asia into common economic block...hence limiting any excessive influence American can exert directly or by their proxy India..
  3. Signed defense co-op agreements with Russia..and enabled Russian investments in various projects..therefore enhancing Russian-Pak bilateral economic and security integration which is paramount to future strategic co-op.
  4. After CPEC, no further chance of Pakistan ever becoming a direct or indirect proxy in any American great game in Asia...
So OBL provided them an opportunity and pretext to invade Afg and achieve these objectives???

A covert war is not called an attack!!

So OBL provided them an opportunity and pretext to invade Afg and achieve these objectives???

A covert war is not called an attack!!
Last line was for another post, plz ignore

Is Kabulov Russian envoy to Afghanistan or Pakistan?
Many in Pakistan say that it was actually Pakistan which attacked and defeated Soviet Union in Afghanistan with the help of America.
who says? A covert war is not an attack!
War cost,time magazine..
The new CRS report says the war in Iraq ended up costing $814.6 billion. Afghanistan has cost $685.6 billion.
My side note, numbers for Afghan war lower bc mushi sold short.

Real costs spirals to trillions...
Hey Mikey you redcoat just tell those guys whoever they are to stop listening and watching those anti-US propaganda its screwing their minds that is what I do before, now I just ignore them. I was even called "Indian" by one of those guys Mwahahahahahahaha!!!

Oh and why in the world would we want to attack or invade Pakistan!??!
Seems anti-U.S/western propaganda is at an all time high for some people on here. Lol Some will believe anything as long as it's anti U.S/West. :lol:
Very Nice.
China, Russia Ok?
But Pakistan:D
When they got the wind of the whereabout of OBL ,they flooded Pak agency with CIA undercover agents .

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