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Russian CPEC decision keeps India on tentrehooks

Russia throws its weight behind China-Pakistan corridor, keeps India on tenterhooks
Sachin Parashar| TNN | Updated: Dec 18, 2016, 11.40 PM IST

Russia's nebulous public position on its growing ties with Pakistan continues to give sleepless nights to Indian policymakers who have sought to isolate Islamabad on the issue of terrorism.

After it officially denied reports that it had shown any interest in China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), Moscow has not just declared strong support for the China-funded project but also announced its intention to link its own Eurasian Economic Union project with CPEC.

CPEC, which will link Gwadar in Pakistan's restive Balochistan province to Xinjiang in China, remains a major bugbear for Indian foreign policy as it passes through the Gilgit-Baltistan region in Pakistan occupied Kashmir (Azad Kashmir) claimed by India. Beijing has shown scant regard for India's concerns despite PM Narendra Modi himself having taken up the issue of Chinese involvement in the disputed territory with President Xi Jinping.

Moscow last month emphatically denied Pakistan media reports that it was looking to involve itself in CPEC by acquiring access to the port built by China at Gwadar. Russia's ambassador to Pakistan Alexey Y Dedov has now been quoted as saying that Russia and Pakistan have held discussions to merge Moscow's Eurasian Economic Union project with the CPEC.

Dedov said Russia "strongly" supported CPEC as it was important for Pakistan's economy and also regional connectivity.

The mixed signals emanating from Moscow, as strategic affairs expert Brahma Chellaney said, are injecting uncertainty in the direction of the Russia-India relationship whose trajectory long epitomized constancy and stability.

"It is as if Moscow no longer sees India as a reliable friend or partner. Indeed, by seeking common cause with India's regional adversaries — including by supporting the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor through internationally disputed territory and engaging with the Pakistan-backed Taliban — Russia is challenging India's core interests," said Chellaney.

India continues to officially maintain that it doesn't see any "downward trend" in relations with Russia even as it works behind the scenes to convince Moscow that Pakistan remained the fountainhead of terrorism in the region. For India though, Russia further queered the situation in Afghanistan by declaring that it regarded Afghan Taliban as a national military-political movement. Russia is looking to engage the Taliban apparently to defeat IS but, as the MEA spokesperson warned last week, India wants any engagement with Taliban to respect the internationally recognized red lines, including giving up violence and severing ties with al-Qaida.

The comments made by Dedov are only the latest in a series of Russian doublespeak on Pakistan this year. As it officially conveyed to Moscow, India was disturbed by Russia's decision to hold its first ever joint military exercise with Pakistan days after Uri terror strike which left 19 Indian soldiers dead. The Russians justified it by saying that the exercise was meant to help Pakistan deal with terrorism.

At the Brics Goa summit in October, Russia chose not to help India publicly name Pakistan based terrorist outfits like Lashkar and Jaish in the official declaration in the face of Chinese resistance.

Russia continues to insist that its ties with Pakistan will not come at India's cost. Asked about the Russia-Pakistan military exercise though, at the recent Heart of Asia conference, Russia's presidential envoy to Pakistan Zamir Kabulov said Moscow didn't complain about India's close cooperation with the US and so India also shouldn't complain about "much low level" of cooperation between Russia and Pakistan. India may or may not complain, but it's certainly watching with eyes wide open.


Smile Indians, Pakistan's isolation continues. !!!
Since India adopt English as its official language, its strategic thinking is close to American/British.
Anyone knows right now connectivity is the key issue to develop economy, and any country needs development, so is Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Russia. The India/Pakistan rivalry should have its boundary. If co-existnce of India and Pakistan is inevitable, why not find some starting point to lower the tension, working on improving economy? CPEC can benefit India, if IPI pipeline can also be there, I am sure the cost on military spending will be much lower.
In this sense, the participation of Russia to CPEC will only benefit India because CPEC will be there anyway and Russia likes India. Plus, Russia can export a lot of expertise to CPEC-connected countries.
It is good for everyone!
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So what if Russia joins CPEC, in whatever capacity? Modi and friends need to just chill. They are conflating economic interests with strategic ones. Even India will be using CPEC to ship goods to and from China.

India needs to accept the fact that Russia is becoming like the United States, in that it will have separate relations with both India and Pakistan.
I don't think that a normal Indian would be against CPEC but Modi and this supporters are officially and overtly against it and doing everything to sabotage it whether it is constant violations on LOC and killing civilians, terrorism or attempt by INS submarine to enter Pakistan's maritime boundaries.
So what if Russia joins CPEC, in whatever capacity? Modi and friends need to just chill. They are conflating economic interests with strategic ones. Even India will be using CPEC to ship goods to and from China.

India needs to accept the fact that Russia is becoming like the United States, in that it will have separate relations with both India and Pakistan.
So what if Russia joins CPEC, in whatever capacity? Modi and friends need to just chill. They are conflating economic interests with strategic ones. Even India will be using CPEC to ship goods to and from China.

India needs to accept the fact that Russia is becoming like the United States, in that it will have separate relations with both India and Pakistan.

india has no need to use CPEC. It's like asking German Nazis to use Israeli ports. india can use Chabahar. You have your own alternatives.
India will soon realize that inflated baloons eventually come back to original size.
CPEX has to be looked in the perspective of OBOR and Maritine Silk Road. CPEC is an important keg to all of this.
India can be given access only after they rescind their forced and farcical claim over all of Jammu and Kashmir. Jammu also belonged to Pakistan.
We should not much worry about Baluchistan and launching of terrorists from Afghanistan. Both problems will very soon melt away. Trump will recall US troops from Afghanistan and then Pakistan, China, Russia will stabilize Afghanistan and Indian involvement in Baluchistan and FATA will just die a natural death leaving India to wipe dirt off its face. IA.
Russia and its primary interest allign with Pakistan...It is not surprising. If Indian foreign policy makerrs are not prepared for this change, it the issue with our foreign policy establishment than Russia.

Again, that does not mean, things will drastically fall apart for India if Russia joins in CPEC...India's interest with Russia will be limited to Deference Deals and procurement with technology Transfer. As long as technology transfer will not be interupted, India and Russia will be each other partner. Of course, they will not be any more so called friend or partner in the context of Foreign policy of Indian establishment.
Mere signaling by Russia as India grows closer to America. This project has very little value for China itself. It's more like a jhunjhuna China has given the Pakistanis. It's actually a very smart move by the Chinese for themselves. They've bought the Pakistanis for much cheaper than the Americans ever did and possibly, for much longer. You can't get such a big nuclear armed army to do your bidding for any cheaper than this. China hasn't invested in CPEC, any kid with a peanut sized brain can see this thing has no value whatsoever, China has invested in buying an army for itself. Smart move for them.

india has no need to use CPEC. It's like asking German Nazis to use Israeli ports. india can use Chabahar. You have your own alternatives.

I disagree. If it's strictly about trade, China and India will use the quickest and/or fastest route. If CPEC offers this, then why not use it?
So what if Russia joins CPEC, in whatever capacity? Modi and friends need to just chill. They are conflating economic interests with strategic ones. Even India will be using CPEC to ship goods to and from China.

India needs to accept the fact that Russia is becoming like the United States, in that it will have separate relations with both India and Pakistan.

I would understand if in the future India uses CPEC to trade with CAS states but why would they use it for trade with China. India has a border with China, which as far as i know it is already using for trade
Russians are playing roulette here and they are damn good at it. Moscow is quick to give Indians all the assurances they need but keeps the backdoor open for diplomacy where Pakistan seems to be winning; defence deals, North-South pipeline, SCO membership, recognition of Taliban as a political entity by both China and Russia and most important of all, embarrassing the Indians during BRICS meet in Goa for Pakistan's benefit.

CPEC is too big and too important to be ignored by Russia, there is hard cash to earn, billions of it. China is laying the infrastructure in Pakistan and Afghanistan, even signed a $2 billion deal with the Taliban to mine copper just outside Kabul. All Russia has to do is work on connectivity, its almost virgin territory with a lots of natural resources.
But the indians are kings as they purchase billions in arms from them! thus the proprietor is at the helm of the customers wishes

you didn't finish your sentence! I mean the way moohdhi ji ran to China to oppose the project one didn't think this project was merely a jhunjhuna

And a very very expensive billion dollars jhunjhuna. Lol
Inddia investing post in iran is jhunjhuna also?
So situation is changing very fast in international relations
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So what if Russia joins CPEC, in whatever capacity? Modi and friends need to just chill. They are conflating economic interests with strategic ones. Even India will be using CPEC to ship goods to and from China.

India needs to accept the fact that Russia is becoming like the United States, in that it will have separate relations with both India and Pakistan.

Good and well balanced post. Makes perfect sense :enjoy:
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