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Russian Army to become a Muslim-Majority Army by 2015-2020.

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i think we need to take what ever daniel pipes says about mulsims and islam not with a grain of salt but with a 55 ton truck of salt. this guy will go out of his way to show that muslims in the world are evil and they want to destroy the world. i dont think that russia is going to become a muslim majority country in my life. so everybody here needs to take a breather and calm down this article was written to terrify people in the west of the bogey man of rising islam written by a man who is actually a huge islamophobe
Originally Posted by A1Kaid
When the Russian Army becomes a majority Muslim army, and Muslim Generals take hold of power in Russia, Inshallah this will bring a great boost to Muslim Military power back into the World. This means Muslims may once again achieve the Military superiority that we once had on Earth, several centuries ago.

Implications for India are very bad. An Islamic Russia will be hostile to India, an Islamic Russia will cut off Technological Aid, and Military support to India.

But an Islamic Russia will most likely share it's vastly high-tech Military technology and know-how with various so called "Muslim countries" like Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and perhaps Turkey.

When the Russian Army/Military becomes a Majority Muslim Military it will be the most advance "Muslim Army" in modern history!
sick ...realy absurd..hey can't u think anything except than the distruction of india and hindu's ..wats wrong ....i know mr u r muslim so u can just think for distruction of india and its people ..don u hav anything to think...it shows u live in grt fear and u r sick so u always think abt fight with india ....hey does islam jz teach that fight with india and all ..and it is the concern of u(ma frnds i know it is nowhere mentioned in history and in islam). dear look beyond ....don wait for growth of muslim population in russia..improve yr technology and pls stop smugging over chinese r&d and innovation lolz......and plss send yr children in normal school except sendin them in madarsa ....i m sayin because i know they r innocent and u will make them like u ..sick ....
ju87;254493]Muslim population is on the rise because they breed like rabbits. Check the average fertility rates and you'll find that Muslim countries have the highest, even though they do not have the economic resources to support such populations.
Right, Tallinn, Estonia. Read up on Estonia's history with Russia to see why they're raising this bogeyman of Islamic Russia.

I never said that Muslims in Russia were becoming more secular. In fact, the opposite is true since the Soviet atheism disappeared. But it does not and will not make Russia an Islamic country. More so because Russians themselves will never accept it - they are one of the most xenophobic nations in the world [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/4969296.stm].

What points do you want me to provide references for?

Agreed.Islam is spreading very fast in Russia and America , American present President is B. hussan Obama there is possiblity in future Rusian president also be muslim.

Muslim never believe in majority or power they always wanted help of God and wanted to be obidient soldier of God.

Muslims are chosen by God to rule the world and one day will again capture the area which was under muslim rule from oxus to indus and nile.
Unless for widespread genocide... Muslims are bound to become a majority in every country, including India. Just because India practices genocide to keep a check on Muslim population growth, doesn't mean Russia will too.

Every country? So you mean USA would be an islamic country if not for genocide? What about Finland, Brazil, Peru, China, Botswana and countless other countries.

Islam is the fastest growing religion because it is backed by arab money just like Christianity was fastest growing backed by colonial money in the last century. But know this, the oil money won't last forever And when that runs out you will be limited to creating mayhem in your own countries and leave the rest of us in peace!
Every country? So you mean USA would be an islamic country if not for genocide? What about Finland, Brazil, Peru, China, Botswana and countless other countries.

Islam is the fastest growing religion because it is backed by arab money just like Christianity was fastest growing backed by colonial money in the last century. But know this, the oil money won't last forever And when that runs out you will be limited to creating mayhem in your own countries and leave the rest of us in peace!

How does Oil money contribute to the growth of the religion?You are saying people are converting to Islam for money,right?:rofl::rofl:

Just tell me seriously,did you escape from Mental hospital?I think Agra has the largest one in the world,isn't it?
Russia Challenged by Coming Muslim Majority, Expert Says

March 06, 2006

(Washington, DC-- March 6, 2006) A Muslim majority will exist in Russia "within our lifetime," according to Russia expert Paul Goble, and the rise of this majority will have a profound effect on the country's foreign policy. Goble, Vice Dean of Social Sciences and Humanities at Concordia-Audentes University in Tallinn, Estonia told a RFE/RL audience last week that this reality is a "wake-up call" for the Russian Federation, one that may engender a desire by the Russian government to expand its borders towards Ukraine and other neighboring western countries, in an effort to increase its non-Muslim population.

Goble said that the explosive growth of Islam in Russia coincided with the decline of the Soviet Union. Since 1989, Russia's Muslim population has increased by 40 percent to about 25 million self-identified Muslims. Furthermore, Goble said that between 2.5 and 3 million Muslims currently live in Moscow, most of whom migrated there from the North Caucasus region -- giving Moscow the largest Muslim population of any European city. Goble reviewed the history of Islam in the region, noting that the numbe of mosques in Russia has grown from 300 in 1991 to more than 8,000 today. In 1991, 40 people made the Hajj to Mecca, as compared to 13,500 in 2006. By the year 2010, Goble added, 40 percent of Russian military conscripts will be Muslims.

Goble identified three kinds of Islam in Russia: Although converted to Islam in the 8th century, Tatarstan by the 19th century had evolved a modernist tradition that was all but "destroyed by the Soviets;" Islamic fundamentalism that developed in the North Caucasus; and radical Islam, centered in Dagestan. Of the 13,500 Russian Muslims who traveled to Mecca on the Hajj this year, 9,000 came from Dagestan. The Dagestan region, according to Goble, is the most radical Islamic area in Russia, because the peoples of Dagestan were converted by Arab missionaries in 770 A.D. By contrast, the people of Chechnya converted to Islam only in the 19th century.

As a result of the growth of Russia's Muslim population, Goble said a "rising tide" of anti-Muslim prejudice has intensified, characterized by open "racism." The prejudice, he said, became pervasive when Muslims began to participate during the latter part of the Soviet Union as traders in open markets. Attacks on Muslims are rarely prosecuted, said Goble, and public opinion surveys reveal that "70 percent of ethnic Russians express such xenophobic attitudes as 'Russia for Russians'." Goble said there are voices in Russia that are willing to "embrace Islam" and recognize Russia as a "Eurasian country," but the predominant view in the Russian Orthodox Church is to "contain Islam" in much the same way as Czarist Russia or the Soviet Union did, through the creation of a clerical hierarchy controlled by state organs in Moscow. Goble cautioned that, if Russian officials decide to de-register Muslim groups in an effort to control their activities, the groups will "go underground" and "radicalize people who are not yet radicalized."

Source: Russia Challenged by Coming Muslim Majority, Expert Says - Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty 2009

For those who linger in doubt of this growing reality...
Two words- "Daniel Pipes". And the article goes to the trash can.

Sure, but despite Daniel Pipes opinions, why don't you analyze or read the other accounts, articles, and research done on this claim. Russian expert Paul Goble is a well acclaimed source, and I have quoted him and presented his research....
Russian Army will be a majority Muslim Army by 2020

The increase in number of Masques and Hajis shows that Russians are allowing Islam to spread which is good news and proves that it is not suppressing religions like China.

In this same forum somebody have started a thread against Russians killing Muslims. He should come and read it.
this is true because Muslims will be in the Mijority by the year 2015 it is fact it is the fastest growing religion in the world.

Just to clarify, it is the fastest growing population in the world.
there were so few mosques in russia in 1991 because religion was almost banned in the USSR. try looking up the number of churches in russia in the same period and you might get the idea of how fast russia in becoming a muslim country

The government concessions for the sake of national defense reinvigorated the Russian Orthodox Church. Thousands of churches reopened during the war. But the Khrushchev regime (1953-64) reversed the policy that had made such a revival possible, pursuing a violent six-year campaign against all forms of religious practice. Although the church retained its official sanction throughout that period, Khrushchev's campaign was continued less stringently by his successor, Leonid I. Brezhnev (in office 1964-82). By 1975 the number of operating Russian Orthodox churches had been reduced to about 7,000. Some of the most prominent members of the Russian Orthodox hierarchy and religious activists were jailed or forced to leave the church. Their place was taken by a docile clergy whose ranks were sometimes infiltrated by agents of the Committee for State Security (Komitet gosudarstvennoy bezopasnosti--KGB; see Glossary). Under these circumstances, the church espoused and propagated Soviet foreign policy and furthered the Russification of non-Russian believers, such as Orthodox Ukrainians and Belorussians.

Russia - The Russian Orthodox Church

the above does not say anything about muslim population. however it does indicate that religious practices were frowned upon and the number of mosques etc will be very small when the USSR broke up

so comparing number of churches in 1991 and 2009 will not be very enlightening
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