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Russian Ambassador "Pakistan is Russia's Key Regional & International Partner"

Great for Pakistan and it's people specially with steel mill modernisation . It was Russia I believe who built this mill and now it's modernization would help us.. we need to have people who are honest and are professional.
What i don't get is why Indians cry so much if Pakistan is getting closer to Russia. India is getting closer to US but you don't see Pakistanis crying over it. When Russians came over for a military exercise, Indians and its media went berserk, but China in October had joint military exercise in India and on one in Pakistan whinged about it.

Its time for Indians to show some maturity and stop being so obsessive with anything related to Pakistan
What i don't get is why Indians cry so much if Pakistan is getting closer to Russia. India is getting closer to US but you don't see Pakistanis crying over it. When Russians came over for a military exercise, Indians and its media went berserk, but China in October had joint military exercise in India and on one in Pakistan whinged about it. .
They really behave like an angry jealous ex they cried at BD-China's friendship too.
It was bound to happen ultimately. The Geopolitics of the region is changing rapidly and India has already taken the shot by signing LEMOA, defence purchases from US/West especially Rafale and French Sub, which a sign of joining the opponent camp.

In-case of Pakistan, it always holds a key geographical place but needed a promising economy. CPEC, Gawadar, security getting better etc really helped boosting our energy and confidence that Pakistan is moving forward despite all the malafides is enemy.

Pakistan-Russia relationship will be going further and deeper than before for not just the betterment of two countries but the region as well.
That's gotta hurt ..

How long before Indians start Russia bashing?
Russian dont take side they do what they want to do..during cold war Pakistan could have struck an alliance with Russia..divided and solved the Afghan problem forever..and gave Russia access to Arabia sea..but due to failed forigen policies of Pakistan..we end up fighting a war which continues to burn our home today..

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