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Russian Ambassador "Pakistan is Russia's Key Regional & International Partner"

So in the sixties and seventies US was all roses over Pakistan, a way to keep away Soviet Communist interaction in anyway. And now the roles have swapped. Russia is as reliable as US. Besides, they're not the superpower or economic hub that matters anymore.

Either way, the development projects are good way to move forward in terms of economy and infrastructure. But it needs to stay just at that level: economy and infrastructure. Knowing both US and Russia, none of them are capable of that unless they see a political benefit in a nation.
1) There can be no bigger insult than openly rejecting a head of state visit invitation.
Fact is Pakistan is getting only C-list equipment like helicopter.
Not a single offensive equipment sold to Pakistan.

2)Your Ambassador Saofullah said PAD ACM was in Moscow & made you all guys jump, only to get later BTFOd by Russia who rejected the reports.

3)Russia openly said the reports of COEC talks are fake.

4)Last but not the least, Pakistani claims that Russia is prioritising relationship with them, it got debunked when Putin himself in his Russian parliament address mentioned India as a privileged strategic partner and totally ignored Pakistan.

See the terms you used in above post and then the definition so let me be very straight with you here, no more insults the way you are trying to say again & again which is not the fact that even during BRICS, Russia did not support the Indian Claim at all beside what China did, we all know (these are very recent events).

Either we have a strong relation or the normal one with Russia, it is still a change of policies by both countries that we are getting along. However, Pakistan-Russia growing relations are indeed a pain for India that use to enjoy more stronger relations since decades and couldn't influence this as use to claim. You can keep the rants aside and this is the fact.

BTW, what is that C-List Equipment?

BTFOd.... lol...

Do you know, currently PN is in Russia for exercises in Black Sea.

PAF ACM, CPEC & BTFO- blown the fellow out.
See the terms you used in above post and then the definition so let me be very straight with you here, no more insults the way you are trying to say again & again which is not the fact that even during BRICS, Russia did not support the Indian Claim at all beside what China did, we all know (these are very recent events).

Either we have a strong relation or the normal one with Russia, it is still a change of policies by both countries that we are getting along. However, Pakistan-Russia growing relations are indeed a pain for India that use to enjoy more stronger relations since decades and couldn't influence this as use to claim. You can keep the rants aside and this is the fact.

BTW, what is that C-List Equipment?

Do you know, currently PN is in Russia for exercises in Black Sea.
Indian government has no problem with Russia, doing business with Pakistan, China or any countries. May be some fan boys might have. But they are not important are they? Their foreign policies are decided by their government. The only issue India will have is exporting defense equipment. If Russia wants to export offensive equipments to Pakistan we can raise concern or pressure Russia to refrain from doing so. Then its up to them to decide.
I don't see any reason why Russia will be siding with imaginary China-Pakistan sphere.
May be some fan boys might have.

That's what the poster needs to understand.

why Russia will be siding with imaginary China-Pakistan sphere.

That is Indian prospective not Russian if Russia is willing to participate. The answer for the why is, in short to avoid derailing, Nations own interests and after all China is biggest supporter and close to Russia.
See the terms you used in above post and then the definition so let me be very straight with you here, no more insults the way you are trying to say again & again which is not the fact that even during BRICS, Russia did not support the Indian Claim at all beside what China did, we all know (these are very recent events).

Either we have a strong relation or the normal one with Russia, it is still a change of policies by both countries that we are getting along. However, Pakistan-Russia growing relations are indeed a pain for India that use to enjoy more stronger relations since decades and couldn't influence this as use to claim. You can keep the rants aside and this is the fact.

BTW, what is that C-List Equipment?

BTFOd.... lol...

Do you know, currently PN is in Russia for exercises in Black Sea.
Actually Russia supported Indian statement on Uri in BRICS by not blocking it.
Infact the worst part is that not even China came forward to defend Pakistani position on Kashmir.

All the equipment which Pakistan is talking for with Russia are C-list category in MTCR.

We regularly carry out naval exercises with Turkey and Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states. That doesn't mean they are our allies.
Also PNS Alamgir is a useless ship with no missiles.
That's what the poster needs to understand.

That is Indian prospective not Russian if Russia is willing to participate. The answer for the why is, in short to avoid derailing, Nations own interests and after all China is biggest supporter and close to Russia.
Come on buddy! the biggest friend of Russia (a.k.a China) didn't support Russia during the Crimea annexation. (some kind of a friend)
Russia even has issues with China which they are just putting aside since Russia wants China for its economical desires. That's why I said Russia won't side with you guys. They are likely remain neutral.
Again, its okay to conduct exercises. It really doesn't matter, even Russia has many agreements with their biggest foe USA. Which is unprecedented. Our concern will only be defense co-operation with Pakistan on large scale.
Actually Russia supported Indian statement on Uri in BRICS by not blocking it.
Infact the worst part is that not even China came forward to defend Pakistani position on Kashmir.

All the equipment which Pakistan is talking for with Russia are C-list category in MTCR.

We regularly carry out naval exercises with Turkey and Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states. That doesn't mean they are our allies.
Also PNS Alamgir is a useless ship with no missiles.

From now-on, you better be coming with something substantive for your claim. You are only speaking the grudge of your heart so better be productive. Everything has been discussed in detail which is enough to consider some sense if one can. We never opposed any exercise or any MOUs but it is always people like you loosing the mind over it. NaMO was expecting Russia's open favour like China openly did to Pakistan but all in vain in-fact, embarrassment that after BRICS has to again blame Pakistan in a rally for public consumption and cover the face while comparing the IA with IDF which is a disgrace due to its human rights violations.

Alamgir is still better than the one fully loaded ship that tipped in dockyard. No need to troll further and if you have anything to add or discuss may carry on otherwise no need to quote or propagate the fake diplomacy here.

That's why I said Russia won't side with you guys.

As I said, Nation's interest first so everyone as at liberty to do whatever deems fit for the benefit of the One Nation. The growing relations are not some sort of guarantee for siding or not but indeed building the bridges and breaking the ice that hurts India like in this thread (see the immature above).
As I said, Nation's interest first so everyone as at liberty to do whatever deems fit for the benefit of the One Nation. The growing relations are not some sort of guarantee for siding or not but indeed building the bridges and breaking the ice that hurts India like in this thread (see the immature above).
Yeah, I can agree to that. Ignore fan boys. You are too much concerned about them. Government of India has already made it clear when you conducted joint exercises with Russia that our government don't care. Unless it gives some sort of strategic advantage over India. So they didn't conduct any action in disputed territories. You can see Russia didn't do anything that derails Indo-Russian relations. Period!
US- Russian tension cool off and betterment of ties is in the horizon and Chinese strangle hold on Russia will reduce. Lets see how this will play out in a years time.
Let sum it up, We pay Russia for whatever we want & anybody can do that and get whatever from country like Russia. If someone is under impression that raising someone's flag or doing naarebaazi/massaging a country helps, USA is best eg. who hanged Saddam inverted in late 90's after being hugged up by her president in early 90's. International relations doesn't flow that way. We need technology and we are ready to pay for it. If Russia can't give it, USA will. Let me suggest a shortcut than wasting a decade, Pay $6 Billion and Russia will give you more s400s than India to counter su30 mki, all this hoopla is not of no use, as simple as that. Exercise here or there is just to ring bells for cash cow like India and we don't give 2 hoots if our interests are converging somewhere else.
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