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Huh, thought the su57 would have an internal weapons bay...
2 big internal and 2 small, in red.


I'm still skeptical about those fairings at the wing roots being weapon's bays, my good friend. I sincerely hope I'm wrong. They just seem too small and too shallow to include all the necessary door panel hinges and bracket mechanism/hydraulic actuators to open and close the door/panels and to house even an R-73.

We haven't even seen the main weapons bay doors open once yet since this beauty took first flight 8+ years ago. I hope we start seeing some of the weapons testing soon.

This is one of those instances where I wouldn't mind one bit being proven wrong!

Either way, this beauty is looking sweeter and sweeter by the day.

it is interesting that the Mig-21 was chosen as the carrier of this 'Kinzhal'

I like the look of this so called 31K Foxhound. Now anyone has dimensions of this Kinzhal? A drawing perhaps?

This Kinzhal will now replace the long serving kh-22.
Launch of Kh-59M2 from the Su-57 internal bays

Yaay, finally. :-) Supposedly this was in Syria?

I know some of us have been hard on the Su-57 and especially for not seeing any firing of missiles from the weapons bays, but deep down inside, I think it's safe to say that we all knew they've been running tests, they just haven't been showing us any until this tiny little glimpse. And a Kh-59M2 to boot! That's just a confirmation for all those who were taking pixel measurements of the bays and stating that the weapon's package the Su-57 would be a large variety of LARGE weapons (given the length of those doors, forward & rear) that did include some of the Kh-series which are not exactly small missiles or bombs, but rather large and potent cruise missiles. Can we say "advantage Su-57" over F-22 & F-35 in this case?

A closer look at the Kh-59MK2.

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