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Russia vetoes UNSC resolution on Crimea

Lets be realistic. NATO and the West is targeting China, not Russia. In Russia most of the Oligarchs and also Medwedew are pro western. We will simply join the new Order.

One Day Russia will be a Member of NATO and China will be surrounded from East and West by NATO countries.

USA fears the rapid growth of China and the only goal of their international policy is to destroy China. If they destroy china they will also erase their foreign debts. China holding many US government papers.

USA acting exact to its long term plans. They know who is their real opponent/enemy.
China set a strategic precedence in a very bad way and in future conflict with US, which is guaranteed to happen, Russia will do the same. Bottom line in future China will suffer from lack of strategic support when it needs it most.

Dont be naive!
Our foreign minister should have talked over our voting postion with his counterpart in Russia before the UN meeting.

Abstention is the most appropriate voting for China!

We are as good a veto-empowered member as Russia and the other 3 perm members

It will be be more like wheeling and dealing with country that China has active conflict. For example case of Japan and Vietnam.

We have the veto power!
Do you realise this?
Lets be realistic. NATO and the West is targeting China, not Russia. In Russia most of the Oligarchs and also Medwedew are pro western. We will simply join the new Order.

One Day Russia will be a Member of NATO and China will be surrounded from East and West by NATO countries.

USA fears the rapid growth of China and the only goal of their international policy is to destroy China. If they destroy china they will also erase their foreign debts. China holding many US government papers.

USA acting exact to its long term plans. They know who is their real opponent/enemy.
Not going to happen. Joining NATO is the equivalent of bowing your head and submit to US's dominance. Russia is a great power in its own right. It has enough destructive force to defer any Western expansion. Same with us. Great powers do not align together and kowtowing to other. Russia, China, USA are alpha male in this global environment.

No, we already plant a time bomb in this global economic integration. Killing us is killing themselves. Within 10 years if we fall, the world will go into a chaotic depression state.
Take our precious flag off, you such a fxxking pretender. What a fxxking japs.

How am I a pretender when it is you who is shrilling for mother china and russia over america . :P

Remember kosovo, iraq? Who supported the coup in kiev? It was so democratic, wasn't it?

It seems your knowledge of history is lacking. Nobody annexed Iraq and it was citizens and politicians of Ukraine who called for the protest.

I am sure you blame Indian politicians for calling for freedom from the British. even so the country was divided after -to setup east and west Pakistan.
Why do we need friends?

Russian has our emotional support. We will not intervene unless NATO jumps in militarily.
Hahaha emotionnal support

A real nightmare if Russia is parasited by the NWO
Lets be realistic. NATO and the West is targeting China, not Russia. In Russia most of the Oligarchs and also Medwedew are pro western. We will simply join the new Order.

One Day Russia will be a Member of NATO and China will be surrounded from East and West by NATO countries.

USA fears the rapid growth of China and the only goal of their international policy is to destroy China. If they destroy china they will also erase their foreign debts. China holding many US government papers.

USA acting exact to its long term plans. They know who is their real opponent/enemy.
How am I a pretender when it is you who is shrilling for mother china and russia over america . :P

It seems your knowledge of history is lacking. Nobody annexed Iraq and it was citizens and politicians of Ukraine who called for the protest.

I am sure you blame Indian politicians for calling for freedom from the British. even so the country was divided after -to setup east and west Pakistan.
Oh. So you will compare those only if a country was annexed.
After all these years you still can't prove your allegetions over iraq. You killed millions of people in your so called war on terrorism.

And you comparing independence of india, to a coup in ukraine shows your knowledgw of history.
Since when a public referendum on indepence is illegal and a coup by oppsition party to turn over a democratically elected government is legal?
Oh. So you will compare those only if a country was annexed.
After all these years you still can't prove your allegetions over iraq. You killed millions of people in your so called war on terrorism.

And you comparing independence of india, to a coup in ukraine shows your knowledgw of history.
Since when a public referendum on indepence is illegal and a coup by oppsition party to turn over a democratically elected government is legal?

yes I will compare apples to apples... I know the concept of doing so is foreign to you . But we are talking about a country annexing a part of another country. For the second time that too.

We have never killed million so people in the war on terrorism. Making up stuff is a sign of an immature mind...

There was no coup in Ukraine- There was no illegal actions, rather their President quit and ran off to Russia. His party along with the opposition party voted for several measures that president himself opposed. But they were voted on their parliament...

There was NO public referendum in Crimea, it was a lot of pre checked ballots stuffed and rampant fraud. Besides you cannot have a public referendum when only 1/10 of the public is allowed to vote. Public referendums are also not run by foreign countries who have taken over parts of the country,

I advice you to stick to easy small topics...
yes I will compare apples to apples... I know the concept of doing so is foreign to you . But we are talking about a country annexing a part of another country. For the second time that too.

We have never killed million so people in the war on terrorism. Making up stuff is a sign of an immature mind...

There was no coup in Ukraine- There was no illegal actions, rather their President quit and ran off to Russia. His party along with the opposition party voted for several measures that president himself opposed. But they were voted on their parliament...

There was NO public referendum in Crimea, it was a lot of pre checked ballots stuffed and rampant fraud. Besides you cannot have a public referendum when only 1/10 of the public is allowed to vote. Public referendums are also not run by foreign countries who have taken over parts of the country,

I advice you to stick to easy small topics...

I advise you to stop watching Yankee propaganda that has clearly brainwashed you.

Crimea is now a part of Russia.

Whether anyone recognises it is absolutely irrelevant.
yes I will compare apples to apples... I know the concept of doing so is foreign to you . But we are talking about a country annexing a part of another country. For the second time that too.

We have never killed million so people in the war on terrorism. Making up stuff is a sign of an immature mind...

There was no coup in Ukraine- There was no illegal actions, rather their President quit and ran off to Russia. His party along with the opposition party voted for several measures that president himself opposed. But they were voted on their parliament...

There was NO public referendum in Crimea, it was a lot of pre checked ballots stuffed and rampant fraud. Besides you cannot have a public referendum when only 1/10 of the public is allowed to vote. Public referendums are also not run by foreign countries who have taken over parts of the country,

I advice you to stick to easy small topics...
82% voting and only 1/10 th of the public is allowed to vote? Can you prove it? After banning russian language in ukraine, you think crimean people would've voted for staying in ukrain?
Here read this http://huffpost.com/us/entry/4102855/
And yeah, **** THE EU, rings some bells? And crimea was originally part of russia, it was krushchev's gift to ukraine. And now its again part of russia.
Russia took part in the conflict without firing a bullet, how many people were shot by snipers in kiev? And there is nothing that you can do to change that.

One more thing, stop advising others on what they should do.
I know how to compare apples to apples.
82% voting and only 1/10 th of the public is allowed to vote? Can you prove it? After banning russian language in ukraine, you think crimean people would've voted for staying in ukrain?
Here read this http://huffpost.com/us/entry/4102855/
And yeah, **** THE EU, rings some bells? And crimea was originally part of russia, it was krushchev's gift to ukraine. And now its again part of russia.
Russia took part in the conflict without firing a bullet, how many people were shot by snipers in kiev? And there is nothing that you can do to change that.

One more thing, stop advising others on what they should do.
I know how to compare apples to apples.

you should stick to simple minded topics because it is obvious you are lost here. The only referendum allowed by their constitution requires their entire country to vote , not one section. But I did not expect you to know that.

Not only do you think that the vote was carried out legally and without fraud, but per your logic. Kashmir should go to Pakistan and Pakistan has all the right to invade it and take it. Because they prefer to be Pakistanis, fly their flags...and feel a kinship towards pakistan.

BTW- colorful language used by some second level diplomatic asst on a private call only excites little kids and the immature mind. bah! Big deal she used that language, come on grow up- they all do.

AND NOW to address yet another theory of ' since it originally belonged to them it is theirs always'

- per this new logic , Pakistan was originally a part of India - so India has all the right to take it back.

Ukraine became free under Yeltsin after USSR collapsed in 1991 and not under Khrushchev- This why I have asked you to stick to simple topics. You don't jack about this stuff.
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Did I talk to you? I am talking to that shitty pretender fukuoka, or whatever its fxxking name is.

How am I a pretender when it is you who is shrilling for mother china and russia over america . :P

It seems your knowledge of history is lacking. Nobody annexed Iraq and it was citizens and politicians of Ukraine who called for the protest.

I am sure you blame Indian politicians for calling for freedom from the British. even so the country was divided after -to setup east and west Pakistan.

Who the heck is indian???

I think it just need one veto from the five permanent members to make the draft null.

He is Indian for the record living in USA
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